The 2020 US Presidential Election

Of course this should normally be a domestic affair for the people of the United States of America. But this year seems so extraordinary in many ways. I’m following events with interest, hope and alarm (not necessarily in that order). In 2016, I posted my thoughts on the imminent election, never for one moment thinking that the US would elect Donald Trump as president. Boy, was I wrong. Can I be wrong again? What do others think? Not that we have long to wait.

Vote early and vote often!

474 thoughts on “The 2020 US Presidential Election

  1. phoodoo: I don’t think you know what defunding the police means.

    What does it mean? As someone who lives in a police state I’m interested in your opinions on this.

    Heh, joke. I know your opinion will be whatever they pay you to say.

  2. phoodoo: The program was designed to identify and destroy the Viet Cong (VC) via infiltration, torture, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination.[1][2][3][4] The CIA described it as “a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong”.

    What astounds me the most about phoodoo’s responses to my pointing out the genocide he’s complicit in is the fact he does not seem to be able to differentiate between the past and the present.

    I can do nothing about what happened in Vietnam, happening as it did many decades ago. Nobody can. It’s done and dusted.

    Yet the imprisonment and mistreatment of selected ethnic groups in China is ongoing. That is happening now. That is happening in the future. And so it’s something we can actually do something about.

    Now, granted there’s not much that can be done by the likes of me, except that is call out traitors to the human race when I see them.

    Whereas others can do much more. Like, for example, not taking their money and working for them and supporting the regime. phoodoo.

  3. OMagain,

    No the US is still kidnapping and torturing the Vietnamese. They kill around ten to twenty thousand per day. That doesn’t count the ones they dismember but don’t actually kill of course. And there really are no stats for how many teens they waterboard. The numbers are just too high. In fact they actually use babies as food for the mercenaries. It is said that they love the taste of three year old beating hearts (you can probably relate). I heard it from Alex Jones I think. Or maybe it was in the national review. Or Honeybooboo once mentioned it. Or Lori Daybell. Anyway, it is sort of the same places you get your news from.

  4. Tom English,

    I am sympathetic to the conundrum.

    I guess in America they are at least ten to twelve lost states, where one can’t even hope to get decent candidates to win. Try explaining this to other people in the rest of the world. They are just dumbfounded by it.

  5. phoodoo: Anyway, it is sort of the same places you get your news from.

    That’ll be the same place the Pope gets it from then.

    phoodoo: No the US is still kidnapping and torturing the Vietnamese. They kill around ten to twenty thousand per day.

    Are they?

    Do you have any references for that?

    As you can see from that link, organ trafficking is a global problem. However as far as I’m aware only one government supports it directly as policy. The government you take money from.

    So it’s not just me that has these concerns.

    phoodoo: I heard it from Alex Jones I think. Or maybe it was in the national review. Or Honeybooboo once mentioned it. Or Lori Daybell.

    Or, indeed the BBC. It’s the BBC on that last link.

    So your claim that the things I am saying about China are at an Alex Jones level are shown to be false. Major reputable news organisations and even the Pope are speaking out over China’s treatment of their own citizens in ‘re-education’ camps and the theft of organs.

    That you keep pretending it’s fake news says volumes about what you are willing to sell for money.

    What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?.

  6. phoodoo: Police Officer Fatally Shoots Two Black Teens

    Government shoot pro-democracy protestor.

    Two people are in a critical condition in Hong Kong after another day of protests and violent clashes between anti-government protesters and police that left more than 60 people injured.

    A police officer shot an unarmed 21-year-old male university student in the stomach as demonstrators attempted to disrupt the Monday morning rush hour as part of a day of planned protests and strikes.

  7. phoodoo: Yo yea, the police aren’t the problem. Right, right.

    Police Officer Fatally Shoots Two Black Teens

    What’s interesting about this situation is that it can be remedied by the voters. Voters can decide how they want their local police forces to operate.

    Bit different in a one party state I’d imagine huh?

    phoodoo: I don’t think you know what defunding the police means.

    Do you?

    It means not using the police as first responders for everything. That’s all. What do you pretend that it means?

  8. phoodoo: Now, how did the dogs know when their owners were coming home, its on film? Oh, but they didn’t bend a spoon the way Petrushka says they should, so look, its been proved once again its fake!

    Do you know the Mexican government hired Uri Geller to spy on enemies, and to use his mind to analyze suspected targets against the government?

    How much effort should someone go to, to convince you? What is the payoff exactly, to get you to say, Oh, now I believe?

    phoodoo: I heard it from Alex Jones I think. Or maybe it was in the national review. Or Honeybooboo once mentioned it. Or Lori Daybell. Anyway, it is sort of the same places you get your news from.

    Interesting how phoodoo believes that dogs have PSI powers, that Uri Geller was hired by Mexico to spy presumably using PSI powers, and can bend spoons using his mind.

    But if the BBC and a dozen other reputable news outfits, including the pope, dare to report on how China is treating it’s own citizens it’s all fake news from Alex Jones.

  9. It is an own goal in two different ways.
    Firstly, the accusation that we might think of Alex Jones or (extremely revealingly) Epoch Times as reputable sources of information is an own goal because it highlights the reason why we don’t: we have access to alternative sources of information, thanks to the whole “free press” concept. [By the same token, his linking to articles about, and videos of, police brutality are GSW’s to the foot: such information is not being suppressed.]
    The second aspect is slightly ‘meta’: the fact that he thinks he making a solid argument reveals that he is deeply ignorant of the flow of information in Western societies.
    Anyhooo, I’ll discuss the many short-comings of various democratic systems and the various countries that implement them with pretty much anybody, but phoodoo’s combination of determined ignorance, random petulance and conducting apologetics on behalf of a genocidal totalitarian regime is, as they say in the land of my birth, “a bit much”.

  10. DNA_Jock: Firstly, the accusation that we might think of Alex Jones or (extremely revealingly) Epoch Times

    Yes, I’d never heard of it and had to look it up.

    The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in the United States. The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television. The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China.


    So yeah, phoodoo, keep digging. Keep digging….

  11. phoodoo:

    Yo yea, the police aren’t the problem.Right, right.

    Police Officer Fatally Shoots Two Black Teens

    I tried to be clear, but cannot communicate with someone who WILL not understand. The police are not the problem. The police are a very visible symptom of the problem. Even wholesale police force reform would treat symptoms that will soon return. US social structure is geared to keep minorities down. It’s systemic. Now, what should a second-class citizen do? Wait to become first class? After 150 years of waiting, it seems that’s a poor strategy. So protest? Peaceful marches do nothing, and are hard to keep peaceful. Riot? That only convinces those complicit in the system that they’ve been right all along. Demand (temporary) favorable treatment as compensation? This generates resentment and puts minority individuals into positions they’re not qualified to handle (their school system has always been terrible).

    If schools for minorities are kept poor, if the rare individual qualified for a decent job can’t get hired (many studies indicate this) showing that even a good education isn’t helpful, if avenues to economic success face barricades (hard to get bank loans, hard to find decent properties the sellers aren’t willing to sell to minorities, etc. etc.), what should be done?

    Why, blame the police. Clearly they’re responsible for hiring barriers, banking barriers, education barriers, home-buying barriers. They’re bad people. Defund them!

  12. Flint,

    I try to be clear, but if you just aren’t going to understand…

    The police ARE the problem. A big problem. Didn’t I make that clear? What part don’t you understand? I am trying to teach you but you just don’t seem to want to learn!

  13. phoodoo: The police ARE the problem. A big problem. Didn’t I make that clear?

    Your switch from “the problem” to “a big problem” in consecutive sentences suggests you have a problem in explaining your point.

  14. phoodoo:

    I try to be clear, but if you just aren’t going to understand…

    The police ARE the problem.A big problem.Didn’t I make that clear?What part don’t you understand?I am trying to teach you but you just don’t seem to want to learn!

    You are neither teaching nor explaining. You are simply declaring.

    All I can do is repeat: the police are a symptom of a large problem. The large problem is society-wide, institutional, traditional, sometimes legal, pervasive discrimination. The police treat blacks and whites very differently, and blacks much more violently and aggressively. But blacks are treated very differently in thousands of other ways besides unequal policing. Do you think it was the police who decided to remove polling places from black neighborhoods? Was it the police who decided to delay mail services in black-majority cities? Do you blame the police for inadequately funded school systems, or for hiring discrimination by companies able to pay well? Are the police responsible for banks not lending to blacks? I point out these things, and you simply ignore them.

    So sure, the police are A problem, but they are not THE problem. When it comes to policing, both the blacks and the police fear and distrust one another. So every encounter starts with both sides expecting the worst, and reacting to small (or even imagined) problems all out of proportion to the offense (or, too often, the lack of any offense beyond the simple assumption by the police that if you are black, you are inherently violent, armed, and doing something criminal — matched by the assumption by blacks that if you are a cop, you are looking for any excuse to injure or kill because juries never convict cops).

  15. Tom English: However, it is clear now that the United States will not take the action required to prevent global warming from reaching extremes.

    If the extremes prophecied for global worming are anything like the extremes prophecied for covid, there’s no reason for anyone to panic.

  16. Tom English: I am strongly opposed to the Republican Party, as a national institution, but recognize that there are huge differences among Republicans.

    If only you were equally opposed to the Democrat party and were willing to recognize that there are huge differences among Democrats.

  17. phoodoo: So I still stand by my contention that their is nothing good about republican platforms

    They are priobably frowned upon in China.

  18. Tom English: How do you suppose I would feel now if I’d actually helped Trump win nomination?

    You did help Trump win. You should soak yourself in gasoline and strike a match.

  19. DNA_Jock: …but phoodoo’s combination of determined ignorance, random petulance and conducting apologetics on behalf of a genocidal totalitarian regime is, as they say in the land of my birth, “a bit much”.

    Not if you’re a Democrat!

  20. phoodoo: The police ARE the problem. A big problem

    But not in China. There are no police in China. And if there are police in China they are not a problem. There are no criminals in China. There is no need for police in China. Free speech is completely unfettered in China, just look at Hong Kong! Chinese doctors who dared speak out about Covid? They don’t exist.

  21. Mung: If the extremes prophecied for global worming are anything like the extremes prophecied for covid, there’s no reason for anyone to panic.

    This is what turned out to be “just around the corner”

    “ COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States topping heart disease, according to The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine.

    IHME says COVID-19 was the cause of nearly 12,000 deaths last week, putting it ahead of ischemic heart disease and lung cancer.”

    Stupid extremists.

  22. Geraldo Rivera:

    “I don’t mean to be petty or partisan,” he said. “I just want you to know that as [Trump’s] friend — even if he may not be speaking to me right now because of my position on the election being over — but I think, I insist that we have to recognize the role he played, the 45th president, in defeating a pandemic that has been so devastating to America and the world.”

    Was he trying to tell some kind of weird joke? What the fuck? The role the idiot played in defeating the pandemic? Does he mean similar to the role Hitler had in resolving religious differences?

    Every time I think Americans can’t be more stupid…

  23. phoodoo: Does he mean similar to the role Hitler had in resolving religious differences?

    Did I hear that Covid-related deaths in the US exceed deaths attributed to World War II?

  24. Alan Fox:
    Supreme Court rejects suit from Texas. Can I look forward to the fat lady dining now?

    No. Now that all legal means of contesting the election have been exhausted, the extra-legal means are just getting started.

  25. Alan Fox,

    Yea, next up they are hoping to surpass the civil war.

    We had three recent cases in my province. One was a girl who visited a number of bars and restaurants in the two days before she knew she had it. There was immediate action throughout the province. Over 100,000 tests per day, app tracing for everyone who possibly could have contacted those individuals. Masks immediately required throughout the city. All 81 million people in the province knew the news and reacted diligently to prevent more spread. Monitoring was stepped up everywhere you went. After three days it seems to have been handled.

    Meanwhile Geraldo Rivero is saying let’s give the orange idiot credit for ending the pandemic in the US. How does one characterize such stupidity? The movie Idiocracy has come true.

  26. Look what just happened in the senate runoffs! The orange pig just lost the senate for the GOP. Could it be the beginning of the end of trumpism? I certainly hope so.

    I’m ecstatic!

  27. dazz: I’m ecstatic!

    I’m wondering whether I can begin to allow myself to feel a little optimistic.

  28. Alan Fox: I’m wondering whether I can begin to allow myself to feel a little optimistic.

    I think I am. A hard Brexit was avoided, Trump lost, and then there’s the vaccines. We’ll see, but at least today I’m going to allow myself to feel pumped up with the news.

  29. Alan Fox:

    I see Ossoff is 17,000 votes ahead with 98% counted. Not in the bag yet.

    That’s a larger lead than Biden got in November. Only a bunch of outstanding
    absentee ballots from heavily leaning democrat counties are left to be counted.
    It’s all but over

  30. Alan Fox: Don’t get me started…

    May I, though? 😅
    Brexit is terrible, but a hard Brexit would have been catastrophic, right?

  31. dazz: Brexit is terrible, but a hard Brexit would have been catastrophic, right?

    That is about right. I’m of the opinion that seeing how bad it is will eventually bring England back into the EU. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a re-united Ireland emerge from the mess. Scotland seems set for leaving the UK too, judging by the latest opinion polls.

  32. Alan Fox:
    Looking forward to the Electoral College count shenanigans soon to start.

    Jesus Christ on a bike! It’s mayhem. Trump-led mayhem.

  33. dazz: May I, though?
    Brexit is terrible, but a hard Brexit would have been catastrophic, right?

    There are many of a Remain persuasion that would have favoured a hard Brexit, for maximum ‘told you so!’ points! As it is, it will be the death of a thousand cuts, each individually dismissible.

  34. Alan Fox:
    Looking forward to the Electoral College count shenanigans soon to start.

    A Brit friend posted enthusiastically about Biden, and an American mutual acquaintance popped up with all sorts of dark mutterings. ‘The generals’ will stop Biden being sworn in; there is ‘massive evidence’ of voter fraud … but apparently it’s all beyond the comprehension of mere Brits, whose media is almost as bad as the Yanks’. I’ve met the guy; you’d never know he was that way!

  35. Allan Miller: A Brit friend posted enthusiastically about Biden, and an American mutual acquaintance popped up with all sorts of dark mutterings. ‘The generals’ will stop Biden being sworn in; there is ‘massive evidence’ of voter fraud … but apparently it’s all beyond the comprehension of mere Brits, whose media is almost as bad as the Yanks’. I’ve met the guy; you’d never know he was that way!

    It’s a virus that eats people’s brains. We may expect Bad Things from the nearly 30% of the U.S. population that thinks this way. Of course they think it is the other side that is deranged. One of these views is correct.

    It is not a calming prospect. And it is not just people in the U.S. See: Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Brazil, India, Russia, and the Philipines for governments that want their people to think this way, as well as substantial political minorities in many European countries. The situation is different in detail from the 1930s, but the dramatic and frightening memoirs of that period no longer seem as irrelevant to us as they used to.

  36. Yeah, that went South fast.
    I was busy working in the dining room (my home office) and I hear the wife yelling at the TV.
    I made some wisecrack about “kabuki theatre”, assuming she’s watching a continuation of the “reading of the votes” that I saw the opening 15 minutes of over lunch.
    Her response “it’s not theater, it’s fucking nuts!” drew me into the living room.

  37. Trump seriously need to be held responsible and prosecuted for inciting this national disgrace.

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