Guano (3)

Dirty penguin

Comments that seem to me to be in violation of the game rules will be moved here, and closed to further comment. Do not regard having your post moved here as a reprimand, merely as a referee’s whistle. 🙂

Feel free to comment on them at any other peanut gallery of your choice.

[New page as links no longer work properly on Guano (2)]

Post n° 56711

498 thoughts on “Guano (3)

  1. Entropy:

    You’re asking a guy who thinks that the moon and a virus are indistinguishable from each other.

    Are you questioning his intellect?

  2. Alan Fox: I don’t think anyone here considers what Corneel writes equivalent to what you write. 😅

    You’re illogically jumping from genetics to “evolution”. I’m not.

    You’re persistent in your wrongness, aren’t you? Genetics is the beating heart of evolutionary biology.

    Are you questioning his intelligence?

  3. Alan Fox: I’m still struggling to see the particular connection between me getting a vaccination and “an Israeli soldier taking potshots at Palestinian toddlers!”

    Because you are dumb. Very dumb. Not that this is an insult. Some people may take it as a compliment. But that’s why.

  4. Corneel,

    That’s your explanation?

    Let me ask you a serious question. Are you as much of a scumbag as Jock? Because Jock knows full well he is wrong, but his ego is so pathetic that he will say virtually anything to avoid admitting it. He just can’t do it. So he is making shit up over and over. I have proven he is wrong. I have shown you the quotes. His own graph-as fake as it is-shows he is wrong. But in life he doesn’t care about how he deals with people. He is probably the same in his work. Protecting his ego comes before anything-so he just can’t stomach being honest. He is profoundly wrong. Exactly what I said is true is true. He has been weaseling since day one. You just aren’t sharp enough to notice.

    So are you the same as Jock? I have shown you the wikipedia page that shows he is wrong (and when I wrote this post I didn’t even know a wikipedia page existed. But I still knew I was right. I just got lucky that Wikipedia confirmed it for me? That’s your contention?). I have shown you in the video where the person in the video says he is wrong! Oh, but, but, but, he can make graphs. Wow! Aren’t you impressed?

    So, are you the same character as Jock?

  5. Corneel,

    So just so you know how wrong you are, and what a gutless person Jock is, let me just remind you how and why he is wrong. If we were to believe Jocks little fake graphs, I should be able to turn the rubber band into a loop right? An Ant starts at the north pole of this loop (it doesn’t need to be a sphere, a loop will do just fine). What Jock is claiming is that no matter the expansion, as long as the ant keeps walking in one direction he can always make it back to the other end of the circle. Now put that in your mind. Think that over, and then tell me if you believe this? Because if you think this over, and you STILL don’t get it-maybe its not that you are the same scumbag as Jock-maybe you just don’t get it. THIS is why the paradox relies on securing one end, and stretching the ant “forward” on the other.

    Still lost Corneel? Or is it an ego thing?

  6. Since everyone by now must know, other than DNA-jerk, that the gene altering injections called vaccines against covid-19, were never, ever tested for transmission, and it is a relief to know that the dead viruses are not as deadly as the Spanish Flu…
    The point:
    The EU commissioner must have known that the gene therapies will be useless against covid-19 since she ordered 10 doses per head in EU. Can you believe her luck of prediction?

  7. Thanks for this, Erik. Recently, I got caught in the crossfire in another venue. It did have the benefit of my rethinking my attitude to the issue. I don’t have direct third-person experience of trans issues, never in my seven+ decades have I knowingly had contact with a trans person. How hard then for me to understand this from a first- person perspective. I will have more to say.

    I found this article insightful:

  8. I don’t have time currently but I disagree very strongly with several of your points.

  9. Alan Fox: I don’t have direct third-person experience of trans issues, never in my seven+ decades have I knowingly had contact with a trans person.

    Yup, they are so few that it is hardly even possible to form a good empirical-based opinion about them. Which should lead to the question: Should we work towards increasing their numbers in order to gather more empirical data and only then try to arrive at an informed opinion?

    I think that this is one of those topics where metaphysics, logic, and prior empirical knowledge do all the sufficient work of yielding a competent conclusion. You do not need to castrate the population to empirically support the conclusion that castration is bad for society. Okay for some individual self-castrations by mature people who should know better, but certainly not good in any larger scale.

  10. Erik,

    So Erik, have you any third person experience? My encounter elsewhere made me realise how ill-equipped I was to offer any useful input. And reading your OP again confirms my opinion that you are equally if not more ill-informed.

  11. Alan Fox:

    So Erik, have you any third person experience?

    Yes. But here’s the thing: In pretty much all other topics, the correct move is to address the argument, not the person making the argument. But somehow in the gay-and-trans debate the common move is to address the person and invariably suspect he is ill-informed. Sorry, but I am way over-informed on this topic, and if the discussion continues, you will see it proven. Or not, considering that you are self-admittedly ill-informed.

    To keep it cool, I will refrain from typing (much) longer answers than the questions are.

  12. Due to views expressed in this OP and the abhorrence to them expressed by our site owner, I’m closing comments for now.

  13. Alan Fox,

    Yes, I DO know who owns this blog site and I think it’s good for people here to know what a nasty person she has become, lying about a good, hard working, save-the-earth, help-the-homeless kind of a guy like me. It’s shameful, especially considering the exalted position she holds in British society — a university professor.

  14. And by the way, I’m back here because Raven over at TR banned me for a week because supposedly I was cheering on the bombing destruction of Ukrainian cities by Russia (LOL what a load of crap!)

    raven scape
    Sat, May 6, 7:33 PM (8 hours ago)
    to me

    You’ve been banned for a week for cheering on the bombing destruction of Ukrainian cities by Russia.

    If the admin consensus is to disagree with this action, you’ll be reinstated earlier than 7 days and I’ll email you with that info.

    The women running TR — especially Raven and Meepmeep — have become so fascist in their thinking that there was no discussion with me at all about this … no Admins saying “Hey Dave, this post looks like you are cheering the destruction of Ukrainian cities … WTF? … that’s a bad look … is that what you really meant?” And of course the answer would have been “No, that’s NOT what I meant … WTF?” … (and I cannot even see the offending post now) … so I can only guess that they were offended by a tweet I posted that claimed that the (literal) Nazis in Eastern Ukraine had been pretty much eradicated, thanks to a recent push by the Russian military. I have no idea if any cities were destroyed — I doubt it — the MSM lies all the time. The truth is Raven doesn’t like me and neither does Meepmeep but they don’t have the honesty to just say “Hey Dave, we don’t like you, we’re banning you” … instead they had to come up with some BS reason. Pingu doesn’t like me anymore either but she and Borealis — the other two women running TR — are not quite as fascist as Raven and Meep, apparently. I doubt I’ll be reinstated because it seems to me that these women want TR to be an Echo Chamber of Pro-Biden Administration / pro-Dem thought. Again, fine if that’s what they want, but they would garner more respect if they would be honest and just say that plainly. Anyway, I’m looking for a new place to post … in contrast to many folks my age in the USA, my two businesses are growing instead of shrinking which means I am earning more each year, not less, so that means I have more time available not less to devote to humanitarian causes.

    My most interesting humanitarian cause these days is what I call “The Stewardship First” approach to housing homeless people which is similar to Alan Graham’s “Community First” approach, but with some key differences … (1) my village is situated in the middle of an Earth Restorative Holistically Managed Sheep Farm — currently 110 ewes that are having their lambs this month and (2) much lower cost dwelling units that feature local-county-approved human sanitation systems that are much more earth friendly than typical engineered systems.

    I began providing housing for my first homeless person resident about 3 months ago and it’s going well. Last week I learned that an entire family with 5 kids (who have spent Sukkot week here two years in a row) is coming to live at my village while they regroup / redirect their lives, and they will be a big help in moving this project forward. One thing we will be doing is building “Straw Bale House 2.0” for which I already have county approval and they will live in it perhaps for as much as one year. Straw Bale House Construction is excellent for my area and I learned a lot on my first one, but this new one will incorporate many new features. Probably the best way to follow my work if you’re interested is via my Facebook page … dave.hawkins.50 … I also have a blog … and I post on Twitter … @Permieguy.

  15. CHMGuy,

    Dave, I doubt anyone else here is aware of or interested in your online adventures at Talkrational as there is no overlap of membership between the two sites. I find your use of the word “fascist” repellent, by the way, so suggest you find another. There have been too many words wasted in arguing moderation policy here so I doubt you will find many sympathetic ears for your one-week suspension at a forum few now here have heard of.

    If you want to promote your ideas on sheep farming or on your housing project for the homeless of Missouri, I guess you could try an OP.

  16. Ok … Rules for Dave … (1) Don’t discuss TR … how about UD? Is that ok? 2) Don’t use the word “fascist” … what term are you more comfortable with?

    Anyway, one reason for my post was to see if anyone here might point me to a good forum that I would fit into (not looking for an “RWNJ” forum) … [the forum that shall not be named] used to be interesting but they seem to have gotten a collective mind virus or something.

    I actually don’t much like it here … people are fine but I don’t like the format (you are probably relieved)

  17. HMGuy: Don’t use the word “fascist” … what term are you more comfortable with?

    I accept the use of the word “fascist” to describe fascists. Using the word to insult people (who are plainly not fascist by any sensible definition) with whom you have issues is unacceptable.

  18. 1. I did not use the term “fascist” to insult anyone. It is simply my opinion that this describes those people’s mindset reasonably well. Just as it is your opinion that it describes “MAGA people” … we have different opinions. I for one have no problem disagreeing with people agreeably on many topics and I would never censor or ban you for posting opinions I don’t like. In fact I find it boring to discuss things in echo chambers.

    2. Pingu I have not ever — and will not ever — post anti-Semitic propaganda anywhere. You’ve been told that this is a lie and I’ve asked you repeatedly to stop lying about me. I of all people am the last person that anyone would think is a “Jew hater. I love Jews and all things Jewish going even so far as to celebrate Sukkot and Passover each year in the most authentic traditional Jewish way possible.

    But if you are going to ban me here too at least be honest and say “Dave I don’t like you. I’m banning you.”

  19. I repeat: if you post the same kind of antisemitic Nazi-apologetics propaganda here that you have posted at TR, you will be banned. I will not allow this site to host neo-Nazi propaganda.

  20. Again — I repeat — please stop the public slander of me immediately. You have whipped yourself into a frenzy over one post that I innocently posted because I had never before heard two (modern) Jewish rabbis scold their own people over their behavior in Germany. I had been aware of the Jewish prophets of old who did this, but not modern Jewish rabbis. That was new to me and I still find it interesting and puzzling. I didn’t even know who the people were doing the interview but apparently one of them is one of your bogeymen. Sorry, but I can’t keep track of all your bogeymen. and I refuse to let you manipulate me into an apology when I did nothing wrong. Again, ban me from here if you like (even though you told me many times at TR … Oh Dave relax, no one is trying to ban you … right right)

    But if you ban here from here, do me two favors please … (1) be honest about the reason — you simply don’t like me, which of course is fine … (2) suggest another (non-snowflake, non-echo chamber) forum for me to discuss things at.

    If you don’t suggest one I’ll find one anyway and I will continue telling this shocking story of how TR treated me and if you’re ok with that then great!

  21. From the “About this site” link at this blog ….

    About this site….
    My name is Elizabeth Liddle, and I started this site to be a place where people could discuss controversial positions about life, the universe and everything with minimal tribal rancour …

    Do you really mean this?

  22. HMGuy:
    From the “About this site” link at this blog ….

    Do you really mean this?

    As far as I have been able to tell, yes. There are some simple rules here, and being likable is not one of them. Do not spam with ads, do not post porn, do not attack people rather than attacking their ideas. It seems Elizabeth has interpreted something you’ve posted elsewhere as being neo-nazi propaganda, and this is also against the rules here. You may consider this a misinterpretation of your intent, but she is not unreasonable or unduly sensitive.

    I would find some of your claims offensive if they were realistic, but I don’t think they are. Many of us here are interested in politics, but I would say the bulk of your political claims are so loony they aren’t even wrong. They strike me as being put into words by someone who has been steeped in lunacy for long enough that the buzz phrases current where you hang out are no longer relatable to anything in our experience. If you feel that the US State Department is “fascist” (or any one of a number of such statements) you will have to make that case slowly and in detail, step by step. Define your terms, give examples, confine yourself to earth 1 where words have commonly understood meanings.

    For example, “fascist US / NATO Global Empire.. the (now fascist) US Gov’t” is meaningless as it stands. My best guess is, a “fascist” is anyone you dislike for unstated reasons. If you want to discuss the degree to which “the consent of the governed” is a naive approximation in a gerrymandered nation, make the case. I think you can make a strong case. But do not rant – doing so undermines any case you are trying to make. Do not start with your conclusions. Start with specific incidents, specific laws, specific policies. Do not generalize excessively – the cultures, histories, economies, political systems, government and administration of every nation is different, and all are dynamic.

    People here will listen and respond if you treat them like people.

  23. HMGuy:
    From the “About this site” link at this blog ….

    Do you really mean this?

    My name is Elizabeth Liddle, and I started this site to be a place where people could discuss controversial positions about life, the universe and everything with minimal tribal rancour …


    The site format is a group blog, open to comments. Any member is invited to write articles about things they are interested in discussing, as you did here.

    However, it was not set up to be a site for political debate. If people want to discuss politics here, then we need some ground rules. I will not allow this site to be a platform for fascist, propaganda. And by fascist I mean broadly as fascism is broadly defined by Merriam-Webster:

    a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

    Since this blog started, social media like facebook and twitter have exploded, and, with them, the capacity for the viral spread of fascist propaganda. This site is not for sharing such material, and if we have to make this explicit in the rules, then we will.

    It is not “fascist” to refuse to publish fascist propaganda. There are, in any case, all too many opportunities for you to do that elsewhere.

    You will not be banned because I don’t like you. But you, and anyone else, may be banned if they post fascist propaganda here. And if you aren’t capable of figuring out whether something you’ve read is fascist propaganda or not, don’t post it.

  24. I just made two comments … one to Lizzie first, then one to Flint … only the second is showing up

  25. OK, I’m going to respond to Elizabeth’s post first because (a) it seems that if we find some common ground on what “fascism” even is in the first place (NOW we have this), then this will solve the original problem that caused this giant “Dave kerfuffle” which happened at TR. (b) it’s her blog and I think she has done well by starting it and trying to avoid “tribal rancor” … at TR there is far too much laxity in allowing people to “shit up threads” … if I were in on that moderation discussion, I would suggest almost never ban people permanently … I would simply “suspend” for one day … and this “one post per day rule” would continue until they became more interesting, more constructive, more thoughtful. Another thing I would do is only have 1 or 2 people as boss — like here. Break Lizzie’s rules here and you’re gone … she doesn’t have to spend 3 months going back and forth with a bureaucratic governing council. A “benevolent dictatorship” — if you will — can work well if the “dictator” — in this case Lizzie — is usually a reasonable, fair minded person. It’s obvious that Lizzie at least has fairness as one of her goals in life which is good.

    As for the definition of “fascism”, I have never had a problem with ANY definitions anyone wants to use as long as they state clearly what the definition IS in the eyes of the one making the rules. HERE — now — it’s clear. Lizzie owns the site. Lizzie has just given her definition of “fascism”. So that’s the definition I will use in posting here. Her blog. Her rules. End of discussion. If over at TR someone with authority (who even IS the highest authority there? Raven?) had stepped in and said “Dave, here’s your rules — post only in ARSE and here’s a list of people WE consider to be neo-Nazi … don’t post their shit” or “no more than 5 tweets per day” or whatever rules they wanted, I would have complied. But they would never get specific … all I ever got was “you’re a Nazi / fash … you’re on thin ice … blah blah blah” … no specific new rules except for “stay in ARSE now” which I began doing, but then I got banned even from ARSE bc I was supposedly cheering the bombing of cities. (WTF?) As I have said, I didn’t even know that this guy who’s video I posted was one of your bogeymen … I did not know until someone at TR identified him as such. But now that I know that you HAVE bogeymen like this that are “verboten” fine … give me a list of who they are and I won’t post their stuff. Prior to this kerfuffle, I was under the impression that ANY topic can be discussed at TR … nothing’s off limits … and I still think that’s best, which is Elon Musk’s policy … but hey, TR is not my forum … I don’t pay for it … I do no mod work, so I’m willing to play by others’ rules. Believe me, I will NEVER post that guy’s tweets again with this crowd. Not because I agree with you that he is neo-Nazi, but because I’m not the site boss — you are and it’s your rules.

    So to summarize … “Dave don’t post neo-Nazi crap” isn’t specific enough for me because I don’t know who you consider to be neo-Nazi (except for this one guy now). My eyes have recently been opened that “neo-Nazi / fash” has been hiding in plain sight ever since the creation of NATO in 1949 (74 years ago) and the reason I haven’t recognized it all these years is because the founders were far trickier at propaganda than Goebbels ever dreamed of being. I’ve known there is something wrong with “The West” for decades now, but I could never put my finger on it until this year, thanks to Prof. Hudson. Now it has become clear and if anyone is interested, I can go into detail and it appears that Flint is at least intrigued so next I will attempt to “treat Flint like a person” (I freely admit that I can be an asshole at times) and answer his questions and see where this goes.

  26. HMGuy:
    Alan Fox,
    Ok thx … you can delete the dup

    One copy has ended up in the pending folder, if it is a duplicate (looks so), I’ll bin it.

    @Flint, a comment of yours was also in spam. It’s also in pending now. I can restore it if you wish and haven’t already posted a duplicate.

  27. Hint to HMguy: if they are blaming “Jewish Cultural Marxists” “driven out by Hitler” for bringing “transgender stuff” to the US, and blaming “the problems facing America today” on that “transgender stuff”, characterising Hirschfeld’s Institute for research into the biology of sexual orientation and gender identity as “filth” and “pornography” that Hitler was right to burn, blaming Jews for the moral and economic collapse of inter-war Germany, and splicing in footage of apocolyptic rabbis saying that Hitler was right about Jews in Mein Kampf, then that’s fascist (specifically Nazi / neo-Nazi) propaganda.

    Fascism is a horseshoe, and whatever the faults of liberal democracies, liberal democracy remains the best bulwark against both left-wing and right-wing fascism.

    You don’t need to know that the person saying this stuff is a known neo-Nazi (I didn’t). You just need to pay attention to what they are saying.

    And if you can’t, you aren’t in a position to be able to evaluate whether anything Hudson is saying is fascist propaganda either. Or the people cheering on the incendiary bombing of Bakhmut (“cooking off” the “Ukies”).

  28. HMGuy: “Dave don’t post neo-Nazi crap” isn’t specific enough for me because I don’t know who you consider to be neo-Nazi

    You are unable to recognize Nazi propaganda, unless it is pointed out to you?

    Here is a helpful tip: you should worry about yourself. A LOT!

  29. I sure hope HMGuy is capable of recognizing porn without help. Otherwise this thread might become very embarrassing.

  30. To me the essence of “fash” is attacking / marginalizing / censoring / banning ANY minority that you don’t like (and even imprisoning and exterminating) … this includes Hitler against the Jews, African slaves, Irish slaves, Native Americans, countless groups targeted by the CIA over the past 50+ years, LGBTQ people … AND … Creationists like me! All of those first 4 things happened to me at TR so to me, TR is a great example of “fash” right now. And of course if a person like this Nick dude that everyone lost their minds about has shown a pattern of these behaviors against any group, Jews or others, then yes, I would call him “fash”. I’m not aware of him ever doing any of this … seem to me that he was just discussing those Jewish rabbis … but hey, if someone had said to me “Dave, don’t post Nick stuff here at TR” I would have said OK. (I didn’t anyway) But noooooo … they had to make a federal case out of it and carry on for months and finally act in a “fash” way themselves by attacking me, censoring, marginalizing me and finally banning me. Quite fash and Lizzie can deny it all she likes, won’t change the facts. But if Lizzie tells me don’t post this or that guy’s stuff … fine, I won’t.

    Which prompts me to ask … does Lizzie think Putin is “fash”? I do not, but maybe she does.

  31. “I’m not going to give you a list of fascists, HMguy.”

    Yes, I know because you like to be vague. What if the city refused to put up speed limit signs? “Comrades, just use your best judgment … you should know how fast to go (but if we think you’re going too fast, we’ll fine you!)”

    LOL … the Lizzie Speed Limit System! Maybe you could try that out in your city!

  32. HMGuy,

    “I’m not going to give you a list of fascists, HMguy.”

    Yes, I know because you like to be vague. What if the city refused to put up speed limit signs?“Comrades, just use your best judgment … you should know how fast to go (but if we think you’re going too fast, we’ll fine you!)”

    LOL … the Lizzie Speed Limit System!Maybe you could try that out in your city!


    This is not a “city” with laws. It is a virtual meeting place in which to have conversations. This site does not, and will not, have a set of detailed “laws”. There are rules (which you should read), but they are principles, rather than “laws”. That is not “being vague”. It is treating members as adults, not children.

    If you need to be treated as a toddler, then you probably should find a different site.

    What I said (to quote my post in full, which you did not) was:

    I’m not going to give you a list of fascists, HMguy. The way you identify a fascist is by whether they are promoting fascism, not by referring to some pre-chewed blacklist.

    YOU need to evaluate your sources and decide whether they are fascist propaganda sources. It isn’t difficult.

    In other words, you need to behave like an adult. Take responsibility YOURSELF for checking that your sources are not fascist propaganda. It is not my job to tell you who the fascists are in the world or what propaganda is.

    It is yours.

  33. And here is the “hint” I posted earlier, HMguy

    Hint to HMguy: if they are blaming “Jewish Cultural Marxists” “driven out by Hitler” for bringing “transgender stuff” to the US, and blaming “the problems facing America today” on that “transgender stuff”, characterising Hirschfeld’s Institute for research into the biology of sexual orientation and gender identity as “filth” and “pornography” that Hitler was right to burn, blaming Jews for the moral and economic collapse of inter-war Germany, and splicing in footage of apocolyptic rabbis saying that Hitler was right about Jews in Mein Kampf, then that’s fascist (specifically Nazi / neo-Nazi) propaganda.

    Fascism is a horseshoe, and whatever the faults of liberal democracies, liberal democracy remains the best bulwark against both left-wing and right-wing fascism.

    You don’t need to know that the person saying this stuff is a known neo-Nazi (I didn’t). You just need to pay attention to what they are saying.

    And if you can’t, you aren’t in a position to be able to evaluate whether anything Hudson is saying is fascist propaganda either. Or the people cheering on the incendiary bombing of Bakhmut(“cooking off” the “Ukies”).

    I also provided you with at least one dictionary definition of fascism.

  34. Lizzie I read it the first time. No need to repost. I have no interest in continuing the flame war that you and others started over at TR. I want to actually talk unmolested about these important topics.

  35. You’re welcome to join this discussion in a constructive way, but please stop harassing me. Thank you.

  36. HMGuy:
    You’re welcome to join this discussion in a constructive way, but please stop harassing me.Thank you.

    HMguy: I am not “harassing you”. You have posted several extremely long and, indeed, “harassing” comments about your TR “flamewar” IN THIS THREAD, including some specifically “harassing” requests to me to clarify what the rules are HERE.

    One of your “harassing” comments about me was even moved to Guano by an admin.

    I am NOT going to engage in discussion of your TR issues here, and have not. I have simply CLARIFIED the issues that YOU RAISED as to what is permitted HERE.

    For goodness sake, look in the mirror.

  37. Corneel: Speaking as someone who actually analyses high throughput sequencing data for a living I can confidently say:

    Just curious, are you a ward of the state too? Or does your trade have any practical applications? You know, anything that a person or corporation would have a need for and would be willing to purchase even if not mandated by the state.

  38. Alan,

    If you actually cared about accusations of dishonesty, you would have berated Flint by now for things such as accusing me of dishonestly moving the goalposts or of not arguing in good faith. There hasn’t been a peep out of you on those occasions. Your double standard is a dead giveaway that this isn’t about the rules. It’s about you and your personal grudge.

    Flint’s accusations are false and easily refuted. I’m perfectly capable of defending myself against them, and I don’t need your help. If Flint is actually being honest — and I don’t think you truly believe that — then he should be able to back up his claims, just as I can back up mine.

Comments are closed.