6 thoughts on “Misunderstood genius proves that π = 4 when motion is involved

  1. Clearly, some posters at TSZ are going to need to up their game if they want to make the big leagues for people who are smarter than everyone else when it comes to math or physics or biology or …

  2. The folks at the Journal of Irreproducible Results need to include a sub-journal of non-obvious errors.

  3. The money quote from the article:

    Some will say this is just doing the calculus wrong, but I claim that history has done the calculus wrong, not me.

  4. Doesn’t this guy post on Uncommon Descent? Somebody posted a few months ago on some serious mistakes in how we do calculus. Made quite an impression on the UD intelligentzia.

  5. davemullenix,

    Doesn’t this guy post on Uncommon Descent? Somebody posted a few months ago on some serious mistakes in how we do calculus. Made quite an impression on the UD intelligentzia.

    You’re probably thinking of johnnyb. He doesn’t actually think we do calculus wrong; he just argues that we should change the notation for second derivatives. I doubt that his proposed notation will catch on, but it’s not crackpot stuff IMO.

    Judging from my past interactions with him, johnnyb would see right through the “pi = 4 for motion” crap. Definitely not the same guy. The “pi = 4” guy is named Miles Mathis.

    ETA: Who is apparently known as Miles “Pantload” Mathis to one of his critics:


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