Chance and 500 coins: a challenge

My problem with the IDists’ 500 coins question (if you saw 500 coins lying heads up, would you reject the hypothesis that they were fair coins, and had been fairly tossed?)  is not that there is anything wrong with concluding that they were not.  Indeed, faced with just 50 coins lying heads up, I’d reject that hypothesis with a great deal of confidence.

It’s the inference from that answer of mine is that if, as a “Darwinist” I am prepared to accept that a pattern can be indicative of something other than “chance” (exemplified by a fairly tossed fair coin) then I must logically also sign on to the idea that an Intelligent Agent (as the alternative to “Chance”) must inferrable from such a pattern.

This, I suggest, is profoundly fallacious.

First of all, it assumes that “Chance” is the “null hypothesis” here.  It isn’t.  Sure, the null hypothesis (fair coins, fairly tossed) is rejected, and, sure, the hypothesized process (fair coins, fairly tossed) is a stochastic process – in other words, the result of any one toss is unknowable before hand (by definition, otherwise it wouldn’t be “fair”), and both the outcome sequence of 500 tosses and the proportion of heads in the outcome sequence is also unknown.  What we do know, however, because of the properties of the fair-coin-fairly-tossed process, is the probability distribution, not only of the proportions of heads that the outcome sequence will have, but also of the distribution of runs-of-heads (or tails, but to keep things simple, I’ll stick with heads).

And in fact, I simulated a series of 100,000 such runs (I didn’t go up to the canonical 2^500 runs, for obvious reasons), using MatLab, and here is the outcome:

Coins500simpleTossAs you can see from the top plot, the distribution is a beautiful bell curve, and in none of the 100,000 runs do I get anything near even as low as 40% Heads or higher than 60% Heads.

Moreover, I also plotted the average length of runs-of-heads – the average is just over 2.5, and the maximum is less than 10, and the frequency distribution is a lovely descending curve (lower plot).

If therefore, I were to be shown a sequence of 500 Heads and Tails, in which the proportion of Heads was:

  • less than, say 40%, OR
  • greater than, say 60%, OR
  • the average length runs-of-heads was a lot more than 2.5, OR
  • the distribution of the proportions was not a nice bell curve, OR
  • the distribution of the lengths of runs-of-heads was not a nice descending Poisson like the one in lower plot,

I would also reject the null hypothesis that the process that generated the sequence was “fair coins, fairly tossed”.  For example:

Coins500flatRunssThis was another simulation.  As you can see, the bell curve is pretty well identical to the first, and the proportions of heads are just as we’d expect from fair coins, fairly tossed – but can we conclude it was the result of “fair coins, fairly tossed”?  Well, no.  Because look at the lower plot – the mean length of runs of heads is 2.5, as before, but the distribution is very odd. There are no runs of heads longer than 5, and all lengths are of pretty well equal frequency.  Here is one of these runs, where 1 stands for Heads and 0 stands for tails:

1    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0

Would you detect, on looking at it, that it was not the result of “fair coins fairly tossed”?  I’d say at first glance, it all looks pretty reasonable.  Nor does it conform to any fancy number, like pi in binary.  I defy anyone to find a pattern in that run.  The reason I so defy you is that it was actually generated by a random process.  I had no idea what the sequence was going to be before it was generated, and I’d generated another 99,999 of them before the loop finished.  It is the result of a stochastic process, just as the first set were, but this time, the process was different.  For this series, instead of randomly choosing the next outcome from an equiprobable “Heads” or “Tails” I randomly selected the length the next run of each toss-type from the values 1 to 5, with an equal probability of each length.  So I might get 3 Heads, 2 Tails, 5 Heads, 1 Tail, etc.  This means that I got far more runs of 5 Heads than I did the first time, but far fewer (infinitely fewer in fact!) runs of 6 Heads! So ironically, the lack of very long runs of Heads is the very clue that tells you that this series is not the result of the process “fair coins, fairly coins”.

But it IS a “chance” process, in the sense that no intelligent agent is doing the selecting, although in intelligent agent is designing the process itself – but then that is also true of the coin toss.

Now, how about this one?


Prizes for spotting the stochastic process that generated the series!

The serious point here is that by rejecting a the null of a specific stochastic process (fair coins, fairly tossed) we are a) NOT rejecting “chance” (because there are a vast number of possible stochastic processes).  “Chance” is not the null; “fair coins, fairly tossed” is.

However, the second fallacy in the “500 coins” story, is that not only are we not rejecting “chance” when we reject “fair coins, fairly tossed”) but nor are we rejecting the only alternative to “Intelligently designed”.  We are simply rejecting one specific stochastic process.  Many natural processes are stochastic, and the outcomes of some have bell-curve probability distributions, and of others poisson distributions, but still others, neither.  For example many natural stochastic processes are homeostatic – the more extreme some parameter becomes, the more likely is the next state to be closer to the mean.

The third fallacy is that there is something magical about “500 bits”.  There isn’t.  Sure if a p value for data under some null is less than 2^-500 we can reject that null, but if physicists are happy with 5 sigma, so am I, and 5 sigma is only about 2^-23 IIRC (it’s too small for my computer to calculate).

And fourthly, the 500 bits is a phantom anyway.  Seth Lloyd computed it as the information capacity of the observable universe, which isn’t the same as the number of possible times you can toss a coin, and in any case, why limit what can happen to the “observable universe”?  Do IDers really think that we just happen to be at the dead centre of all that exists?  Are they covert geocentrists?

Lastly, I repeat: chance is not a cause. Sure we can use the word informally as in “it was just one of those chance things….” or even “we retained the null, and so can attribute the observed apparent effects to chance…” but only informally, and in those circumstances, “chance” is a stand-in for “things we could not know and did not plan”.  If we actually want to falsify some null hypothesis, we need to be far more specific – if we are proposing some stochastic process, we need to put specific parameters on that process, and even then, chance is not the bit that is doing the causing – chance is the part we don’t know, just as I didn’t know when I ran my MatLab script what the outcome of any run would be.  The part I DID know was the probability distribution – because I specified the process. When a coin is tossed, it does not fall Heads because of “chance”, but because the toss in question was one that led, by a process of Newtonian mechanics, to the outcome “Heads”.  What was “chance” about it is that the tosser didn’t know which, of all possible toss-types, she’d picked.  So the selection process was blind, just as mine is in all the above examples.

In other words it was non-intentional. That doesn’t mean it was not designed by an intelligent agent, but nor does it mean that it was.

And if I now choose one of those “chance” coin-toss sequences my script generated, and copy-paste it below, then it isn’t a “chance” sequence any more, is it? Not unless Microsoft has messed up (Heads=”true”, Tails=”false”):

true    false    true    false    false    false    false    true    true    false    true    true    false    true    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    false    true    false    false    false    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    false    false    false    true    true    false    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    false    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    true    false    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    true    false    true    true    true    false    true    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    true    false    false    true    false    true    true    true    false    true    true    true    false    true    true    false    false    true    true    true    true    true    false    true    false    true    false    false    true    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    false    false    true    false    false    true    false    false    true    true    false    true    true    true    true    false    false    true    false    false    false    false    true    false    false    true    true    false    false    true    false    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    false    true    false    false    true    false    false    false    true    false    false    true    true    true    false    false    true    true    true    false    true    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    true    false    false    true    false    true    false    true    true    false    true    false    true    false    true    false    false    true    true    true    false    true    true    false    false    false    false    true    false    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    false    true    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    true    true    false    true    false    true    false    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    false    true    false    false    false    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    false    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    false    true    true    false    false    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    false    false    false    true    true    true    false    false    false    true    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    true    true    true    false    false    true    false    true    false    false    true    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    false    false    true    true    true    false    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    false    false    false    true    false    false    true    true    true    true    false    false    true    false    false    true    true    true    true    false    true    false    false    true    false    true    true    false    false    true    true    false    false    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    false    false    false    false    false    false    false    true    false    true    true    false    false    false    true    true    true    false    false    false    true    false    true    false    false    false    true    true    false    true    false    true    true    true    true    false    true    false    false    false    true    false    true    true    true    false    false    false    false    true    false    true    true    false    true    true    true    false    true    true    false    true    false    false    true    false    true    false    true    true    false    false    true    false    true    false    true    false    false    true    true    false    false

I specified it.  But you can’t tell that by looking. You have to ask me.

ETA: if you double click on the images you get a clear version.


ETA2: Here’s another one – any guesses as to the process (again entirely stochastic)?  Would you reject the null of “fair coins, fairly tossed”?

Coins500FB Here’s a sample run:

0    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    1    0    1    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    0    1    0    0    0    1    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    1    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    1    0    1    0    1    0    1    1    0    1    0    1    1    0    0    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    1    1    1    0    1    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    1    1    0    1

Barry? Sal? William?

ETA3: And here’s another version:



The top plot is the distribution of proportions of Heads.

The second plot is the distribution of runs of Heads

The bottom two plots represent two runs; blue bars represent Heads.

What is the algorithm?  Again, it’s completely stochastic.


And one final one:


Coins500FB3which I think is pretty awesome!  Check out that bimodality!

Homochirality here we come!!!

601 thoughts on “Chance and 500 coins: a challenge

  1. William J. Murray: You’d have to ask him. It’s his argument.

    OK, you don’t understand the argument and are just blindly regurgitating what you read with no idea if it’s correct.

    The particular point I’m making here is that one can find basic logical flaws in technical arguments even if one is not well-educated in that particular field.

    Being not well-educated in a particular field can also make the ignorant one falsely think he has found a logic flaw when actually it’s just his own ignorance speaking.

  2. William J. Murray,

    So I say again, how do you determine that the argument presented (in, for example, the paper I linked) is possible but implausible?

    You have hardly had time to read it in the time between my posting it and your responding. If the onus is upon the ‘Darwinist’ to present a ‘plausibility’ argument, you could at least give it a goddamned hearing! Put some effort in.

  3. Allan Miller:
    William J. Murray,

    So I say again, how do you determine that the argument presented (in, for example, the paper I linked) is possible but implausible?

    You have hardly had time to read it in the time between my posting it and your responding. If the onus is upon the ‘Darwinist’ to present a ‘plausibility’ argument, you could at least give it a goddamned hearing! Put some effort in.

    WJM knows implausibility when he see it just like WJM knows design when he sees it. No science or evidence necessary, it’s his special gift.

  4. Allan Miller:
    William J. Murray,

    So I say again, how do you determine that the argument presented (in, for example, the paper I linked) is possible but implausible?

    You have hardly had time to read it in the time between my posting it and your responding. If the onus is upon the ‘Darwinist’ to present a ‘plausibility’ argument, you could at least give it a goddamned hearing! Put some effort in.

    I didn’t bother to look at your paper because you gave me no reason to. I don’t run check links thrown into a debate as if they might have something in it related to the debate, then spend my time reading god knows how much material trying to figure out how that person thinks the paper services the argument I’m making.

    The onus is on you to link, quote from the link and make your case accordingly. If you think that paper addresses, or has in it information that addresses, my argument or something I’ve actually claimed, make your case. Quote me. Quote it. Make your case.

    Otherwise, you’re bluffing.

  5. So I say again, how do you determine that the argument presented (in, for example, the paper I linked) is possible but implausible?

    You have yet to show me where I claimed something was possible but not plausible. What I have claimed is that showing that something is possible is not the same as showing it is plausible – not that I have “determined” it to actually be implausible.

    Please quote to me something significant from the paper you linked to that makes a case distinguishing between the possibility that it occurred as described, and the scientific plausibility that it occurred as described.

  6. William J. Murray:
    I agree that it is possible for darwinian processes in theory to construct a functional bacterial flagellum; I’m not familiar with any arguments that it is plausible.

    One plausible path for the evolution of flagella goes through the following basic stages:

    Even with such a skewed dataset, a general argument for the plausibility of a primitive type III export system can be constructed on the basis of analogy. Each of the six secretion systems described above has been coopted to serve diverse functions by prokaryotes (Table 4). The thoroughness of some of the observed convergences is remarkable – notably, all of the systems have been adapted for eukaryotic virulence, five secrete surface structures, at least four are used for adhesion, three or four form pili, and two perform motility-related functions.

    One way that the kinds of pili described above could get their start is by simple polymerization of a surface adhesin. The adhesin would have inherited from its ancestor the ability to bind with the outer membrane channel and with the extracellular substrate; all that would have to be added is self-binding capability. The plausibility of this step is attested by several facts: first, structures made up of multiple copies of the same subunit are biochemically ubiquitous, and the evolution of large multimeric complexes has in many instances been traced back to simpler ancestors, e.g., AAA ATPases (Mocz and Gibbons, 2001). Second, polymerization into a filament or tubule via mutation is a quite common event: sickle-cell hemoglobin, derived by only a single substitution from regular hemoglobin, forms not only self-assembling polymers but dynamic polymers (Mitchison, 1995). In fact, Mitchison (1995) argues that evolution can start with just about any protein fold and produce a self-assembling polymer.

    …and so on and so forth…

  7. William J. Murray,

    To summarise, the paper indicates from sequence phylogeny of flagellar core proteins that the flagellum arose from, initially, a single gene deep in the ancestry of bacteria that has been repeatedly duplicated and modified to give rise to the modern ensemble. Its current order of assembly recapitulates its evolutionary phylogeny, further supporting a process of incremental accretion of parts.

    It backs up my earlier, previously unsupported statement that an ATPase rotating a short protein could provide primitive locomotion, enhanced by subsequent amendments into a differentiated structure. Unusually, but rather satisfyingly, the flagellar proteins coalesce quite neatly upon the same tree, with little incursion from the rest of the bacterial genome.

    The justification of this conclusion is lengthy, hence I linked the entire paper for your perusal. Is there something you find implausible about this scenario?

  8. William J. Murray: I didn’t bother to look at your paper because you gave me no reason to. I don’t run check links thrown into a debate as if they might have something in it related to the debate, then spend my time reading god knows how much material trying to figure out how that person thinks the paper services the argument I’m making.

    Another of WJM’s amazing psychic skills – he can tell what’s in a scientific paper before he reads it. This is after WJM specifically asked for information to supposedly enlighten his ignorance.

    This skill isn’t that special though. WJM shares it with Behe and most of the other ID pushers with science-paper-phobia.

  9. I didn’t bother to look at your paper because you gave me no reason to.

    It’s a six or seven page paper that directly addresses your implausibility claim. Lizzie’s rules here are to assume that participants are acting in good faith. That means one can expect that one’s interlocutors are genuinely interested in the truth of their claims and do not need to be spoon fed information.

  10. William J. Murray: You have yet to show me where I claimed something was possible but not plausible. What I have claimed is that showing that something is possible is not the same as showing it is plausible – not that I have “determined” it to actually be implausible.

    Please quote to me something significant from the paper you linked to that makes a case distinguishing between the possibility that it occurred as described, and the scientific plausibility that it occurred as described.

    Wow. Will you be rolling out “where you there?” next, mindpowers?

  11. Robin,

    Thanks! At least you’ve found some references that actually use the word “plausibility”! Perhaps that was all you were shooting for?

    1) In the first link, can you tell me how the paper establishes the criteria for a finding of “plausibility”, as opposed to merely “possible”, in any scientific sense? Or is it just “plausible” in the author’s personal opinion?

    2. As per the second link, do you think that a “general argument” based on “analogy” is a valid means of establishing the scientific plausibility of an specific biological assertion?

  12. Here WJM, another article on the topic that you will refuse to read. This one’s only a page so you won’t lose much time not reading it.

    Evolution myths: The bacterial flagellum is irreducibly complex

    WJM’s demand to be spoon fed reminds me a bit of uber-YEC “AFDave” Hawkins. Once during a discussion of how dendrochronology is used in C14 calibration he was shown high resolution photos of the specific tree rings being discussed. That wasn’t good enough for AFD, no sir. He demanded actual samples be delivered to his house so he could personally examine them.

  13. I read Matzke’s pile of matter of fact wholesale changes in successive steps of a secretion system in a bacteria. Its basically just another version of Dawkins-cum Nilsson & Pelger’s eye evolution “computer model” (which was never even a computer model, but hey, they did IMAGINE a computer model, so almost).

    It basically says, this secretion system turned into this one, then got better. Skip a few steps, skip a few more steps, then do it all again:

    “Numerous improvements follow the origin of the crudely functioning flagellum. Notably, many of the different axial proteins (rod, hook, linkers, filament, caps) originate by duplication and subfunctionalization of pilins or the primitive flagellar axial structure. These proteins end up forming the axial protein family. ”

    See, see, you just take a few proteins, duplicate them, then turn them into some caps, some rods, throw a little nitrous injection here, a few filaments there, bingo. Who can argue with this logic anyway.

    Just take an engine that’s already completed, and start listing some of the parts, like say a housing gets co-opted to be an oil filter, a hole gets filled up with a sticky protein that becomes a crude piston, a few improvements along the way, and you add a small port for a spark plug. Other bacteria already have ports for other functions, so imaging a little opening for a spark plug housing is not such a stretch, and on and on we go with our after the fact reconstruction.

    Does Matzke ever give a mathematical number of mutations necessary? Of course not. Does he give a time frame of how long it takes (I mean why not, just copy Nilsson and Pilsner and make up a number, since its a fairy tale anyway, ) Nope. Are any of his duplications and subfunctionalizations deleterious, of course not, why make it hard.

    And if you have convergent evolution of similar structures that took entirely different pathways, all the better, randomess fairytales can abound-just look at placental and marsupial wolves, makes perfect sense!

    And you know what the best part is. We have trillions and trillions of bacteria sitting in petri dishes that we are watching everyday, and we never have to worry about them contradicting this story, because they never do anything! That is a relief! Evidence of absence is not absence of evidence! Non-linear, chaos math theory in reverse!

  14. Patrick: It’s a six or seven page paper that directly addresses your implausibility claim.Lizzie’s rules here are to assume that participants are acting in good faith.That means one can expect that one’s interlocutors are genuinely interested in the truth of their claims and do not need to be spoon fed information.

    One has to wonder why it is that IDists (and Willie-boy) very rarely bother to get up to speed with the literature before parping off about things which are usually PRATTs

    The whole idea of IC in complex biological structures has been pretty comprehensively refuted. Science has moved on; creationism and its cheap-tuxedo-clad fellows cannot

    Oh well, at least a few antievolutionists admit they don’t have the knowledge or expertise to carry a scientific argument – not that it stops them trying

  15. William J. Murray
    1) In the first link, can you tell me how the paper establishes the criteria for a finding of“plausibility”, as opposed to merely “possible”, in any scientific sense? Or is it just “plausible” in the author’s personal opinion?

    WJM you’ve been provided with several scientific references on the evolution of bacteria flagellum.

    Please give us the equal courtesy of providing a few scientific references showing how your Intelligent Designer brought the flagella into existence. Don’t forget the evidence that your creation event is plausible and not just possible.

  16. William J. Murray,

    You have yet to show me where I claimed something was possible but not plausible.

    You have stated that showing that something is possible is not the same as showing that it is plausible. Which, while true, is at least suggestive that you consider the case on plausibility to remain unmade. So just so I’m straight on the matter, do you consider the evolution of the bacterial flagellum by stepwise duplication and modification of existing genes to be scientifically plausible, and not merely ‘possible’? I’m not asking for your opinion as an expert, obviously. No more am I. But if you harbour doubts, I’d be interested to know what they are.

  17. Patrick: It’s a six or seven page paper that directly addresses your implausibility claim.Lizzie’s rules here are to assume that participants are acting in good faith.That means one can expect that one’s interlocutors are genuinely interested in the truth of their claims and do not need to be spoon fed information.

    I have no reason to consider a bare link to be of any merit whatsoever or to even be remotely related to anything I have said unless there are pertinent quotes offered and some kind of case is made for its relevance.

    It’s not my job to parse links and try to reconstruct how someone else thinks it is relevant. That’s their responsibility. I’m not doing their job for them.

  18. Blas: Then what “drives” evolution? The only answer you have is chance.

    But “chance” is not a single answer! There are many ways in which “chance” (if by “chance” you mean “non-intentional”, or even simply non-deterministic) processes could lead to the patterns IDists claim are the signature of design. That’s the point. It’s the point of my OP – to show how many non-deterministic blind processes can produce outcomes which would be rejected as the outcome of “fair coin, fairly tossed” but are nonetheless non-determined and blind!

    My OP simply falsifies the whole “500 heads” thing as some kind of shibboleth for ID.

  19. phoodoo:

    (snip the latest Joe G style rant)

    How many details of the flagella “Intelligent Creation” can you provide?

    Did you read the Liu and Ochman paper that Allan Miller provided on the stepwise formation of the bacterial flagellar system? How do you explain their phylogenetic data?

    You guys are great at throwing rocks from the sidelines but never ever ever produce any support of your own position.

  20. William J. Murray: I have no reason to consider a bare link to be of any merit whatsoever or to even be remotely related to anything I have said unless there are pertinent quotes offered and some kind of case is made for its relevance.

    It’s not my job to parse links and try to reconstruct how someone else thinks it is relevant. That’s their responsibility.I’m not doing their job for them.

    You can lead a Creationist to the data but you can’t make him think.

  21. phoodoo,

    I sympathise with your irritation. Nonetheless, flagellar proteins show substantial sequence homology, and a phylogenetic sequence that mirrors the sequence of construction of the modern full complex. There is also strong evidence of common ancestry with the Type lll Secretory System. All of this contradicts Behe’s fundamental ‘IC’ claim, which is based purely upon the interaction of the parts of the modern system, a fact that can be readily explained by coevolution. What are we to do with such evidence? Bury it in a deep hole?

  22. Lizzie: But “chance” is not a single answer!There are many ways in which “chance” (if by “chance” you mean “non-intentional”, or even simply non-deterministic) processes could lead to the patterns IDists claim are the signature of design.That’s the point.It’s the point of my OP – to show how many non-deterministic blind processes can produce outcomes which would be rejected as the outcome of “fair coin, fairly tossed” but are nonetheless non-determined and blind!

    My OP simply falsifies the whole “500 heads” thing as some kind of shibboleth for ID.

    Ok, you falsified the ID claim. But doing it admitted that “chance” or non deterministic process are what drives evolution. Chance as a cause.

  23. William J. Murray: I have no reason to consider a bare link to be of any merit whatsoever or to even be remotely related to anything I have said unless there are pertinent quotes offered and some kind of case is made for its relevance.

    It’s not my job to parse links and try to reconstruct how someone else thinks it is relevant. That’s their responsibility.I’m not doing their job for them.

    With respect, William, you are attempting to have your cake and eat it here. Your claim was that an IC structure cannot have a “plausible” Darwinian pathway, and you cited the bacterial flagellum. That link is to a paper that directly refutes your claim. If you want to understand how, you will have to read it. It is simply self-contradictory to say that you can reject a claim because you can see its logical flaws, yet simultaneously claim that you don’t have the expertise to evaluate the claim – and, then to pile Pelion on Ossa, refuse to read the refutation!

    IC is simply not an adequate criterion for rejecting non-design. IC structures are perfectly accessible via Darwinian pathways, via co-option, and even via non-Darwinian steps, via drift.

    We can show this with the unforgiving logic of a computer program, and Lenski did.

  24. William J. Murray,

    It’s not my job to parse links and try to reconstruct how someone else thinks it is relevant. That’s their responsibility. I’m not doing their job for them.

    Cool. I have summarised the paper and explained the relevance. Do you have any response to that?

  25. Blas: Ok, you falsified the ID claim. But doing it admitted that “chance” or non deterministic process are what drives evolution. Chance as a cause.

    Well, I don’t think “chance” is anything like specific enough to be a “cause”. You might as well cite “shit happens” as a cause.

    The question is “which particular shit?”

    But yes, of course, evolution in practice driven by non-deterministic processes, not least because at least some mutations are probably the result of quantum level events (although it also works perfectly well in deterministic simulations). But again, that tells us very little.

    I’d say what drives evolution is a chaotic system with “attractor basins” representing locally optimal configurations for reproductive success.

    And if that sounds too confusing, I suggest you read something on non-linear systems, because that is what evolution is.

  26. Lizzie

    I’d say what drives evolution is a chaotic system with “attractor basins” representing locally optimal configurations for reproductive success.

    And if that sounds too confusing, I suggest you read something on non-linear systems, because that is what evolution is.

    I think that’s a huge part of the problem. Most ID-Creationists have no clue what a feedback system even is, let alone how one works.

  27. I have no reason to consider a bare link to be of any merit whatsoever

    If you follow the site rules to assume other participants are acting in good faith, you have a reason to consider that Allan posted a pertinent link.

    Since you nonetheless insist on quotations, here’s the abstract from the link that Allan posted:

    Elucidating the origins of complex biological structures has been one of the major challenges of evolutionary studies. The bacterial flagellum is a primary example of a complex apparatus whose origins and evolutionary history have proven difficult to reconstruct. The gene clusters encoding the components of the flagellum can include >50 genes, but these clusters vary greatly in their numbers and contents among bacterial phyla. To investigate how this diversity arose, we identified all homologs of all flagellar proteins encoded in the complete genome sequences of 41 flagellated species from 11 bacterial phyla. Based on the phylogenetic occurrence and histories of each of these proteins, we could distinguish an ancient core set of 24 structural genes that were present in the common ancestor to all Bacteria. Within a genome, many of these core genes show sequence similarity only to other flagellar core genes, indicating that they were derived from one another, and the relationships among these genes suggest the probable order in which the structural components of the bacterial flagellum arose. These results show that core components of the bacterial flagellum originated through the successive duplication and modification of a few, or perhaps even a single, precursor gene.

    This paper directly addresses the plausibility of the flagellum being the product of known evolutionary mechanisms. If you are interested in that topic, you should read it.

  28. phoodoo:
    I read Matzke’s pile of matter of fact wholesale changes in successive steps of a secretion system in a bacteria.Its basically just another version of Dawkins-cumNilsson & Pelger’s eye evolution “computer model” (which was never even a computer model, but hey, they did IMAGINE a computer model, so almost).

    It basically says, this secretion system turned into this one, then got better.Skip a few steps, skip a few more steps, then do it all again:

    “Numerous improvements follow the origin of the crudely functioning flagellum. Notably, many of the different axial proteins (rod, hook, linkers, filament, caps) originate by duplication and subfunctionalization of pilins or the primitive flagellar axial structure. These proteins end up forming the axial protein family. ”

    See, see, you just take a few proteins, duplicate them, then turn them into some caps, some rods, throw a little nitrous injection here, a few filaments there, bingo.Who can argue with this logic anyway.

    Just take an engine that’s already completed, and start listing some of the parts, like say a housing gets co-opted to be an oil filter, a hole gets filled up with a sticky protein that becomes a crude piston, a few improvements along the way, and you add a small port for a spark plug.Other bacteria already have ports for other functions, so imaging a little opening for a spark plug housing is not such a stretch, and on and on we go with our after the fact reconstruction.

    Does Matzke ever give a mathematical number of mutations necessary?Of course not.Does he give a time frame of how long it takes (I mean why not, just copy Nilsson and Pilsner and make up a number, since its a fairy tale anyway, ) Nope.Are any of his duplications and subfunctionalizations deleterious, of course not, why make it hard.

    And if you have convergent evolution of similar structures that took entirely different pathways, all the better, randomess fairytales can abound-just look at placental and marsupial wolves, makes perfect sense!

    And you know what the best part is.We have trillions and trillions of bacteria sitting in petri dishes that we are watching everyday, and we never have to worry about them contradicting this story, because they never do anything!That is a relief!Evidence of absence is not absence of evidence! Non-linear, chaos math theory in reverse!

    Phoodoo, this post absolutely does not address the issue. The principle of IC was supposed to be that if a feature could not function without any one of its parts, there can have been no advantageous precursor stage that Darwinian processes would have “selected”.

    This principle is logically refuted by the possibility that precursor stages could have conferred a reproductive benefit different from that conferred by the IC structure itself. The Pallen and Matzke paper pointed out a number of precursor features that would have done so, thus showing that this is not only true in principle, but is also plausible in practice.

    It is extremely unlikely that the Pallen and Matzke paper is an actual reconstruction of the actual evolutionary history of the flagellum, but just as you can refute the claim that a mountain is unclimbable by showing a route by which it could be climbed, even it if were not the route actually taken by the person who claimed to climb it, so you can refute the claim that a feature is unevolvable by advantageous precursor steps by showing that advantageous precursor steps are possible.

    And that is before we even consider the absolute refutation of the principle given by Lenski et al in their AVIDA paper, which showed that IC is simply no bar to evolution, even when many neutral, and even severely disadvantageous steps, are required to attain reach an IC feature.

    And really, if you don’t understand chaos theory and non-linear systems (which isn’t difficult math) read James Gleick’s book, which is written for a non-specialist readership. It is absolutely relevant to this whole subject, and if only ID proponents would take the time to familiarise themselves with it, a lot of this argy bargy would be over, and maybe they could concentrate on doing some actual research.

    ID is potentially an interesting project. I wish someone would have a go at it.

  29. thorton: I think that’s a huge part of the problem.Most ID-Creationists have no clue what a feedback system even is, let alone how one works.

    Exactly. Dembski and Ewart do, but they seem to be rather sidelined these days.

    And they sideline it.

  30. It is extremely unlikely that the Pallen and Matzke paper is an actual reconstruction of the actual evolutionary history of the flagellum, but just as you can refute the claim that a mountain is unclimbable by showing a route by which it could be climbed, even it if were not the route actually taken by the person who claimed to climb it, so you can refute the claim that a feature is unevolvable by advantageous precursor steps by showing that advantageous precursor steps are possible.

    In addition, the authors concluded with discussing lines of further investigation to test their conclusions and possibly identify specific evolutionary pathways.

    Has any paper by any intelligent design creationist ever suggested specific tests of their claims?

  31. Allan Miller:

    I sympathise with your irritation. Nonetheless, flagellar proteins show substantial sequence homology, and a phylogenetic sequence that mirrors the sequence of construction of the modern full complex. There is also strong evidence of common ancestry with the Type lll Secretory System. All of this contradicts Behe’s fundamental ‘IC’ claim, which is based purely upon the interaction of the parts of the modern system, a fact that can be readily explained by coevolution. What are we to do with such evidence? Bury it in a deep hole?

    Why in the world would you think that displaying similar phylogenetic sequences with secretory systems was anymore evidence for Darwinian evolution than it would be for an intelligently designed system?

    Furthermore, the very existence of convergent evolution systems is exactly contradictory to a randomly mutated tree line of evolution, but the discovered evidences for such convergences throughout the animal kingdom has forced evolutions to just come up with ex post facto rationalizations for these discoveries which they had not only not predicted, but rather had proclaimed, ala Gould et al, would be unlikely to ever happen.

  32. phoodoo: Of course not all of her examples are completely stochastic processes.If you randomly roll a pair of dice, and use a computer to delete every result of the dice except when you roll a six and a four, and then say, these rolled dice only always end up with a sum total of 10, that is not a stochastic process, no matter how badly you want to butcher the meaning of words.

    But that doesn’t happen in any of the examples Lizzie posted. I would describe them like this:

    1: flips of a fair coin

    2: rolls of a fair 5-sided die

    3: rolls of a weighted 10-sided die

    4 through 6: These are essentially time series where the next data point depends stochastically on the previous several data points. There’s nothing wrong with that; if you record at fixed intervals the position of a particle moving due to Brownian motion, its next position can depend on its previous few positions. You wouldn’t describe Brownian motion as a deterministic process, would you? Edit: Let’s assume that the only information we have is the position of a single particle bouncing around due to Brownian motion, and we don’t know anything about the properties of the surrounding medium.

    If you disagree, point out exactly where Lizzie “butchered” the meanings of words in one or more the examples she actually posted.

  33. Patrick: The gene clusters encoding the components of the flagellum can include >50 genes, but these clusters vary greatly in their numbers and contents among bacterial phyla. To investigate how this diversity arose, we identified all homologs of all flagellar proteins encoded in the complete genome sequences of 41 flagellated species from 11 bacterial phyla. Based on the phylogenetic occurrence and histories of each of these proteins, we could distinguish an ancient core set of 24 structural genes that were present in the common ancestor to all Bacteria. Within a genome, many of these core genes show sequence similarity only to other flagellar core genes, indicating that they were derived from one another, and the relationships among these genes suggest the probable order in which the structural components of the bacterial flagellum arose. These results show that core components of the bacterial flagellum originated through the successive duplication and modification of a few, or perhaps even a single, precursor gene.

    Sounds EXACTLY like one would expect from a teleological formation of a novel feature in multiple organisms, almost as if they all were able to strive towards an optimum flagellum for each organisms particular niche.

    Sounds nothing like one would expect from random, fortuitous forward progression down totally different paths trajectories, all ending with the same result.

  34. William J. Murray: At UD, WJM asked:
    If you came upon the crop circle I linked to in #28, and it was the first crop circle ever seen, would you infer that it was a naturally-occurring phenomena, or that it was intelligently designed?
    Alan Fox responded:
    I would absolutely think it was a natural phenomenon. I would suspect it was intelligently designed.
    WJM asked:
    (1) Why are these not contradictory statements?
    (2) Why would you suspect that it was intelligently designed?

    Alan Fox responded:
    What a strange question! Phenomena are real or imaginary. Crop circles are real phenomena. There is no doubt in my mind they exist and are the result of real processes. The doubt is to how real a phenomenon intelligence is and whether it can be reliably measured. So, for example, there is no doubt that people can and do make crop circles. The question remains as to how intelligent these people might be.
    BTW I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that rare meteorological events, whirlwinds striking a field of corn at the right moment might produce a simple round depression but recorded observation would clinch that speculation.

    As I pointed out there, your response was a sequence of non-sequiturs. Real vs Imagined? We don’t know if intelligence is real? Crop circles are made by people but we don’t know how intelligent they are? A fluke whirlwind might cause a “round depression” in a field?

    Yes, your answers there were utterly consistent; but writing what they were utterly consistent with would no doubt land this post in guano.

    I think you misunderstood my reply that you quote. I used the phrase intelligently designed without scare quotes and uncapitalised. When I do that, I am using the words in their generally understood sense and not in the sense that they have been co opted in the “argument from Intelligent Design” I use real and imaginary to avoid creating semantic confusion with natural and artificial. So crop circles are real, overwhelmingly the result of human endeavour, artificial, if you like, made by people who may or may not be described as intelligent.

    Which is why I appreciated your remarkably straightforward answer above. But, perhaps you could clear something up from me: why did you add the caveat

    “I’d agree, so long as “some kind of intelligent agency” does not include imaginary beings with assumed abilities that transcend the laws of physics.”?

    Do you think imaginary beings can generate configurations of matter?

    No. Examples of imaginary beings would be fairies, goblins, unicorns, bug-eyed space aliens and so forth. I don’t think they exist so the possibility of them being able to do things like generate anything doesn’t arise.

    Or, perhaps you mean to use the term “hypothetical” instead of “imaginary”?

    Well, no. A goblin is an imaginary creature; not possible to build a goblin without being able to step outside the laws of the universe. We might hypothesize about some multicellular organism that might have evolved given the right opportunity and the right niche.

    Regarding guano, attacking ideas is fine. It is insulting commenters that is discouraged.

    If so, rest assured, I’m making no case for who or what created any particular configuration of matter, other than that they were an intelligent designer.

    I’d just like to be clear on what you mean when you say “intelligent designer”. I would distinguish between real agents, where the causal effect is observable, and imaginary agents, where no causal effect is offered.

    Indeed, one of the issues I’m hopefully putting to rest here (among others) is the notion that any information at all about the designer is necessary, at least in some cases, to know to a high degree of certainty that a particular configuration of matter is the result of (categorical) intelligent design.

    Well, unfortunately you are not succeeding. A “result of intelligent design” is pretty meaningless as a statement.

    If we can agree (as Liz has, in the alien intelligences on the moon scenario described upthread) that we can expect alien intelligences to recognize the lunar rovers, etc., as intelligently designed objects, and that regardless of the who or what or how of crop circles, stonehenge, etc. we can have a high degree of certainty they were intelligently designed, and even if we found the Liz message in ancient ant DNA with no viable explanation as to what, who or how, we would still know to a high degree of certainty the message was intelligently designed. No formal null testing required.

    I agree with what Lizzie said about hypothetical artefacts. For me the interesting point is between real natural phenomena and real artificial phenomena and how much we could actually say about the constructor of some apparently alien artificial object. I think this (and crop circles) is a complete red herring regarding “the argument from Intelligent Design”.

    At that point we can agree (at least for the sake of argument!) that there exists some kind of actual commodity that can be configured into a material medium only by an intelligent agent (plausibly speaking) that is fairly easily recognized by other intelligent agents as the work of another intelligent agency, even if the only thing they have to go on is that particular configuration of matter.

    I’m happy to agree for the sake of argument. Remember what I said about normal usage, capitalisation and scare quotes.

    The pertinent questions become (and should be), when dusted off from all the anti-ID blocking and bluffing, what is that commodity? Can it be formally quantified? Why is it recognizable? Why would we expect non-human intelligences to be able to recognize it, and why would we expect to be able to recognize non-human configurations that employ that commodity?

    I’m seriously sceptical! The examples so far proposed suggest not.

    Of course, not all intelligent designs deploy that particular commodity, or deploy it in sufficient (quantity? quality?) to be easily recognizable. But some designs certainly have it to the degree that denying the thing is intelligently designed becomes an implausible absurdity.

    What is that quality/characteristic?

    If I could give you a good answer I would be an ID proponent! 🙂 Do you have a meaningful answer? You need to flesh out what you mean when you talk of a “commodity”. Would it be observable?

  35. phoodoo: Why in the world would you think that displaying similar phylogenetic sequences with secretory systems was anymore evidence for Darwinian evolution than it would be for an intelligently designed system?

    It isn’t. Nobody claims it is. Anything at all could be evidence for an intelligently designed system, as long as we allow that the designer had some weird ideas.

    You are completely missing the point. Behe claimed that the bacterial flagellum was unevolvable, because it was “Irreducibly Complex” i.e. wouldn’t work minus any one part, and so you’d need the stupendous coincidence of all parts just happening to appear together before it would confer any advantage.

    But he forgot, apparently, that the parts could perfectly well confer some other benefit, even if not the benefit of the flagellum, when not all were present. And the Pallen and Matzke paper showed actual examples of homologous features of the flagellum, but without its other parts, but which perform a beneficial function for their bearers.

    So Behe’s argument simply falls apart.

    It may still be the case that the flagellum was designed. But the point is that we cannot conclude that it must have been. We cannot, in other words, reject the null hypothesis that it was not designed.

    Furthermore, the very existence of convergent evolution systems is exactly contradictory to a randomly mutated tree line of evolution, but the discovered evidences for such convergences throughout the animal kingdom has forced evolutions to just come up with ex post facto rationalizations for these discoveries which they had notonly not predicted, but rather had proclaimed, ala Gould et al, would be unlikely to ever happen.

  36. phoodoo: Why in the world would you think that displaying similar phylogenetic sequences with secretory systems was anymore evidence for Darwinian evolution than it would be for an intelligently designed system?

    Because there are a huge number of ways the sequences could line up if an Intelligent Designer had done things but only one way – a branching tree structure – if common descent is true. The data shows the branching tree structure. That’s positive evidence for common descent.

    Furthermore, the very existence of convergent evolution systems is exactly contradictory to a randomly mutated tree line of evolution,

    Wrong. Convergence is both expected and predicted with natural selection involved. There are only a finite number of solutions to the physics problems animals face so it’s not surprising that different lineages sometimes discover the same ones. Sharks and dolphins both evolved stream-lining because that shape moves most efficiently through water. Cetaceans and some bats evolved the same mutation in echolocation because that particular gene is an excellent receptor of high frequency sounds.

  37. You have stated that showing that something is possible is not the same as showing that it is plausible. Which, while true, is at least suggestive that you consider the case on plausibility to remain unmade.

    I haven’t seen any case made establishing the scientific plausibility of the Darwinian construction of the bacterial flagellum.

    So just so I’m straight on the matter, do you consider the evolution of the bacterial flagellum by stepwise duplication and modification of existing genes to be scientifically plausible, and not merely ‘possible’? I’m not asking for your opinion as an expert, obviously. No more am I. But if you harbour doubts, I’d be interested to know what they are.

    I consider the “evolution” of such structures to be trivial. I accept that it is possible for Darwinian processes to create a bacterial flagelllum. What I find problematic and unsupported (as far as I know) in any rigorous way is the claim that Darwinian (not the same as “evolutionary”) processes can plausibly account for the evolution (change over time) of such significant functional structures. I don’t know enough about the science of molecules to make an assessment on whether or not it is scientifically implausible, but it **seems**, IMO, to be implausible. I’m open to information that would change that perspective.

  38. William J. Murray I’m open to information that would change that perspective.

    Apparently not since you’ve steadfastly refused to read any of the scientific evidence that’s been offered to you.

  39. This paper directly addresses the plausibility of the flagellum being the product of known evolutionary mechanisms. If you are interested in that topic, you should read it.

    Please post from that paper where it defines the metric used to scientifically evaluate the probability of the mutations, co-options, refinements, etc. in relationship to at-the-tme environmental pressures and availabililty of genetic material individually, and then taken as a whole to the modern flagellum, so that a meaningful distinction can be made between “possible” and “plausible”.

    Because one researcher personally finds a particular, speculative pathway (that cannot be demonstrated as viable in the real world, but only assumed to be viable in the distant past) “plausible” is not the same thing as scientifically establishing the plausibility of such a pathway. I’m not asking for some scientists “opinion” that it is plausible – we have plenty of scientists here that will offer up that view; I’m asking for a substantive metric that scientifically demonstrates it as more than a mere possibility – which all that is necessary for some to find it “plausible”.

  40. Lizzie: Phoodoo, this post absolutely does not address the issue. The principle of IC was supposed to be that if a feature could not function without any one of its parts, there can have been no advantageous precursor stage that Darwinian processes would have “selected”.

    This principle is logically refuted by the possibility that precursor stages could have conferred a reproductive benefit different from that conferred by the IC structure itself. The Pallen and Matzke paper pointed out a number of precursor features that would have done so, thus showing that this is not only true in principle, but is also plausible in practice.

    First off Lizzie, its is complete nonsense to argue that I don’t understand non linear systems and chaos theory. It is you that created this phrasing, when it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the principles of chaos referenced in Darwinian evolutionary theory. Its as if you think because both have something to do with science, they must be related. Chaos theory is a math problem, chaos in evolution is a logic problem. Two absolutely different meanings. You are playing humpty dumpty again, just like you do with the word fair, whilst blaming Barry for his multiple uses of the word chance.

    Secondly, you are misstating (surprise surprise) what the problem of IC is. Of course part of the issue is that you have a complex system, which relies on multiple parts all working in cohesion with each other. It may well be possible to remove one or two parts without destroying the whole system, Behe NEVER refutes this. What he says, at it is so obviously true, is that the more parts you remove, the less likely it is that the system can function properly. Furthermore, you have to not just show how a few parts could theoretically hold some other use, like Millers silly mousetrap tie clip analogy, you have to make a reasonable estimation of how ALL the parts could have come from some other function.

    Its just like I explained with reconstructing the use configuration of a car engine. Just being simplistic and saying, well, we can scrap together this old housing which we don’t need anymore, and make it into an oil filter, even if it fits badly, we can improve it later. And if we take this old plug, and turn it into a piston, all we need in some other cylinder walls to mutate over this way a bit, and although not ideal, could make a crude compression chamber. Like William said, taking all these old parts from other systems, and figuring out a way to gerry rig them into a new system, just because you can create a fairytale which surmises this, will end up with an extremely poorly engineered hunk of junk that would never start. Its like saying, lets take a watermelon, and a bicycle pump and a feather pillow, plus a broken mr potato head and an extension cord, and make a perfectly performing air conditioner. Don’t worry, some further mutations will improve its functioning over time.

    And conveniently for you, virtually every system we see today works flawlessly, so its always something in the past, as if evolution has stopped, and only good systems exist now.

  41. Lizzie:

    And if that sounds too confusing, I suggest you read something on non-linear systems, because that is what evolution is.

    To me will be enough if you admit that when you said this:

    “So can we please jettison this canard that “Darwinists” propose chance either as as an explanation for the complexity of life”

    You were wrong and BA right.

  42. William J. Murray: Please post from that paper where it defines the metric used to scientifically evaluate the probability of the mutations, co-options, refinements, etc. in relationship to at-the-tme environmental pressures and availabililty of genetic material individually, and then taken as a whole to the modern flagellum, so that a meaningful distinction can be made between “possible” and “plausible”.

    Because one researcher personally finds a particular, speculative pathway (that cannot be demonstrated as viable in the real world, but only assumed to be viable in the distant past) “plausible” is not the same thing as scientifically establishing the plausibility of such a pathway.I’m not asking for some scientists “opinion” that it is plausible– we have plenty of scientists here that will offer up that view; I’m asking for a substantive metric that scientifically demonstrates it as more than a mere possibility – which all that is necessary for some to find it “plausible”.

    There is no end to the possibilities one can come up with to explain something, once it is already done. Its exactly what Dawkins tries to do with eye evolution.

    Well, we know we are going to need a hole, so let’s start with a small hole and just let it get bigger and bigger with each generation. Let’s try to ignore the reality that we don’t see random holes popping up all over the place in random organisms. And we need a lens, so any old liquid film can make a lens. Where do we see random heritable mutations of liquid films in various parts of an organisms body sprouting today? We don’t, but we are reconstructing, so just keep watching the movie, and don’t ask questions.

    We are going to need a few rods and cones, so any crude little sensors for color should do for now. Do we ever get random mutations for little color sensors popping up on the bottom of our feet on occasion (which we should expect if the random pop up, then see if its useful theory is true)? Well, someone got lucky once.

    And on and on it goes.

  43. phoodoo: And conveniently for you, virtually every system we see today works flawlessly, so its always something in the past, as if evolution has stopped, and only good systems exist now.

    What, you mean like the human spine? Or knees? You’d described those as working perfectly would you?

  44. William J. Murray:

    I’m asking for a substantive metric that scientifically demonstrates it as more than a mere possibility – which all that is necessary for some to find it “plausible”.

    Yet you don’t apply the same to ID, yet believe it anyway. Telling.

  45. phoodoo: First off Lizzie, its is complete nonsense to argue that I don’t understand non linear systems and chaos theory. It is you that created this phrasing, when it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the principles of chaos referenced in Darwinian evolutionary theory. Its as if you think because both have something to do with science, they must be related. Chaos theory is a math problem, chaos in evolution is a logic problem.

    This passage indicates that you don’t understand chaos theory, phoodoo. Lizzie did mean the chaos theory in application to evolution. The term attractor would clue in anyone familiar with chaos theory. “Chaos as a logic problem” is something you have just made up.

  46. olegt: This passage indicates that you don’t understand chaos theory, phoodoo. Lizzie did mean the chaos theory in application to evolution. The term attractor would clue in anyone familiar with chaos theory. “Chaos as a logic problem” is something you have just made up.

    If they understand everything, and can show there are problems with our current understanding of evolution, they why the hell are they here when they could be earning money/recognition/praise for simply writing down their revelations and publishing?

    Kinda makes you wonder. Even if phoodoo/William convinces everybody here of their argument then so what? Nothing will change.

    Get this stuff out to a wider audience phoodoo/William, check this out:

    They are waiting!

  47. OMagain: What, you mean like the human spine? Or knees? You’d described those as working perfectly would you?

    You mean you believe the human spine functions sort of like an old box of parts, which were borrowed from a beak from a bird, then a fish scale and also a few fingernail parts which slowly migrated backwards on then up?

    You don’t find it amazing that they line up perfectly for balance, and that each has the exact shape to allow them to stack up, whilst surrounding a series of cables more finely attuned than a bunch of fiber optic lines, that also allow you to sit, stand, do a somersault, and climb a tree, and play basketball?

  48. William J. Murray: Please post from that paper where it defines the metric used to scientifically evaluate the probability of the mutations, co-options, refinements, etc. in relationship to at-the-tme environmental pressures and availabililty of genetic material individually, and then taken as a whole to the modern flagellum, so that a meaningful distinction can be made between “possible” and “plausible”.

    Because one researcher personally finds a particular, speculative pathway (that cannot be demonstrated as viable in the real world, but only assumed to be viable in the distant past) “plausible” is not the same thing as scientifically establishing the plausibility of such a pathway.I’m not asking for some scientists “opinion” that it is plausible– we have plenty of scientists here that will offer up that view; I’m asking for a substantive metric that scientifically demonstrates it as more than a mere possibility – which all that is necessary for some to find it “plausible”.

    Let’s just refresh everyone’s memory of how the ID hero Dembski behaves in a situation similar to the one Willie has put himself in here:

    As for your example, I’m not going to take the bait. You’re asking me to play a game: “Provide as much detail in terms of possible causal mechanisms for your ID position as I do for my Darwinian position.” ID is not a mechanistic theory, and it’s not ID’s task to match your pathetic level of detail in telling mechanistic stories. If ID is correct and an intelligence is responsible and indispensable for certain structures, then it makes no sense to try to ape your method of connecting the dots.

    So, Willie, when we provide the pathetic level of detail you insist upon, when we connect the dots between flagellar precursors and the first active flagellum – with some calculated amount of “plausibility” – then what? Then you’re still going to insist that you have the right to continue to believe in ID without your providing one single detail in support of it? Well, of course you have the right but it will make you look like an idiot. Just as it made Dembski look like an idiot. And I don’t mean “IDiot”, I mean idiot.

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