Special Update!!!
It turns out that professor Larry Moran of the University of Toronto agrees with Craig Venter. Thanks to Allan Miller, I discovered a blog on a similar theme at sandawalk link here
This is what professor Moran says about the video (his video is 42 min long):
” Everything that Ventor says is correct. He didn’t need to quibble about the universality of the genetic code but it’s true that there are variants.”
“I’m pretty sure that Dawkins doesn’t agree (in reference to video) with those who question whether there’s a tree of life. One of the most profound implications of the net of life is that it’s consistent with several independent origins of life that preceded the rise of a modern genetic code and contributed to existing species. In other words, there may not be a single LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor). Dawkins does not like that. It’s not what he says on the lecture circuit.” (my emphasis)
There is probably no one in the world of biology today as respected as Craig Venter.
Well, his achievements are indeed great including being involved with sequencing the human genome and assembled the first team to transfect a cell with a synthetic chromosome, which some even went as far as calling the creation of artificial life…
Now apparently, he is involved in the anti-aging research…no surprise here…he is 70 and would like reach immortality like the jellyfish…Who can blame him…He is an atheist…
However, his also known for what some would call radical statements such as denying the common descent which is the very foundation of evolutionary theory…
“Common descent describes how, in evolutionary biology, a group of organisms share a most recent common ancestor. Common ancestry between organisms of different species apparently arises during speciation, in which new species are established from a single ancestral population. Organisms which share a more recent common ancestor are apparently closely related.” –Wiki
The apparent common descent of all organisms on earth doesn’t agree with Craig Venter’s research…
Here is what he says on the theme:
While some may object that this is an old and recycled subject, I would argue that to claim that, one would have to present the evidence that Venter’s claims have been refuted since…
I have noticed that the tree of life is being used on many threads, including miraculous insertions of genes into the tree of life that many, like Venter and others had already buried…
However, in view of my recent OPs The Mystery of Evolution # 6 especially, it doesn’t look like the issue of common ancestry has been resolved at all…The genes are still not accounted for and the proposed mechanism for the endosymbiosis seems sketchy… if not miraculous…
If anything, the supposed common ancestry got more complicated on the much deeper and deeper level in the history of life and no wonder that Venter claims that:
Venter: “…I’m not so sanguine as some of my colleagues here,” he said, “that there’s only one life form on this planet. We have a lot of different types of metabolism, different organisms. I wouldn’t call you [Venter said, turning to physicist Paul Davies, on his right] the same life form as the one we have that lives in pH 12 base, that would dissolve your skin if we dropped you in it.”
What does he mean by this? Is there more then one form life on earth?
Davies “Well, I’ve got the same genetic code, “We’ll have a common ancestor.”
Venter: “You don’t have the same genetic code,” replied Venter. “In fact, the Mycoplasmas [a group of bacteria Venter and his team have used to engineer synthetic chromosomes] use a different genetic code that would not work in your cells. So there are a lot of variations on the theme…”
Davies: “But you’re not saying it [i.e., Mycoplasma] belongs to a different tree of life from me, are you?”
Venter: There Isn’t a Tree of Life
“The tree of life is an artifact of some early scientific studies that aren’t really holding up…So there is not a tree of life.”
What Venter was talking about” is as good, if not better today, and it will look even better in the not that distant future…I can assure you of that… 🙂
More on the theme:
“The tree of life is being politely buried..”- Evolution: Charles Darwin was wrong about the tree of life
Is the Bush of Life the answer? Venter says “…there may be a bush of life…”
Or is there a forest or orchard of life with many independent roots?
Has the base of the bush or orchard of life been a single root?
I note also that J-Mac has discovered a rather touching fondness for the work of Larry Moran, since he sides with Venter in the opening post at Sandwalk, prompting J-Mac to line him up in his own. Again, to save composing posts to order, here is the estimable Miller responding to Witton, who had tried to over-egg the significance of variant codes:
Larry Moran seems to be a fan of the ‘progenote’ ideas of Carl Woese. I’m not. But I don’t know why he doesn’t emphasise the above, instead giving a gift to the more clueless in his audience, as we can see above.
So now I have said ‘Venter is wrong’ and ‘he didn’t say anything incorrect’. Knowing the audience as I do, let me be clear: he is wrong in concluding that the evidence points against a single origin of life.
One part in a million, of course! (10^6)
I wonder if any equivalent brief exchange has been subject to as much scrutiny as this one between Dawkins and Venter!
I saw one version of this vid. Dawkins makes the reasonable point “the DNA code of all creatures that have ever been looked at is all but identical. Surely that means that they are all related … doesn’t it?”. Venter laughs, the screen goes black and up pops the commentary:
“Craig Venter never responded (but laughs at Dawkins). Ever since this video came out, Darwinian fundamentalists have gone loco doing damage control – even going as far as lying about Venter! These evolutionary wackos just can’t bring it to themselves to accept facts even when it’s right in front of them”.
The facts being that Venter-said-this and Dawkins-said-that.
From the prestigious journal nature we find a peer reviewed publication from a team of highly respected PhD researchers (*bleaurgh*):
Anja Spang, Jimmy H. Saw, Steffen L. Jørgensen, Katarzyna Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, Joran Martijn, Anders E. Lind, Roel van Eijk, Christa Schleper, Lionel Guy & Thijs J. G. Ettema.
Complex archaea that bridge the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Nature. 2015 May 14;521(7551):173-179. doi: 10.1038/nature14447. Epub 2015 May 6.
Oh, oh… there’s more:
From highly regarded NCBI (NIH), esteemed Senior Investigator Dr. Eugene V. Koonin there is an article from the very prestigious journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society:
Eugene V. Koonin
Origin of eukaryotes from within archaea, archaeal eukaryome and bursts of gene gain: eukaryogenesis just made easier?
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2015 Sep 26; 370(1678): 20140333.
doi: /10.1098/rstb.2014.0333
Yes, good catch. Corrected now thank you.
There’s another video of Venter on youtube giving a pretty substantial endorsment of evolution and scolding creationists for their ignorance, I’ll have to dig it up.
Anything can be quote mined. And anything that can be, will be.
True, although Moran really did side with Venter and against Dawkins on this. I think he misinterpreted Dawkins’s point, which wasn’t about the ‘greater tree’ at all, but about Venter’s peculiar Mycoplasma contentions.
Forgive the extensive self-quoting, but it saves me fingers …
Larry Moran:
Allan Miller:
*** Ach. That didn’t come out well. I meant ‘true coalescent’.
While on the topic of Craig Venter vs Dawkins and self-quoting, I distinctly remember having argued about that before, around here, and then I found this:
Here’s what amuses me, J-Mac: in your OP Mystery#6, which is all about endosymbiosis, you quote-mine statements by W. Ford Doolittle on the fact that HGT was prevalent in early evolution, such that the base of the tree of life is rather network-like.
You are impressed with Doolittle, because you think he is agreeing with you. (He isn’t, but that’s not important right now. 😉 )
But, irony of ironies, Doolittle is one of the original researchers who showed that chloroplasts were the result of an endosymbiotic event!
Hence my question:
Thank you for your (inadvertent) honesty.
Sometimes one arrow is enough.
I don’t get it. Doesn’t the Bible clearly say there is only one tree of life?
Like people who claim that ID can’t be falsified, or ID is not science. 🙂
Smack in the middle of the ape clade.
That’s off by at least an entire order of magnitude.
Clearly, this is not one of those times.
Did all this HGT happen before or after the emergence of spliceosomal introns in Eukaryotes.
I would presume the mainstream theory agues for before, right?
Are you asking because you think an eukaryote can’t transcribe a gene without introns in it?
Probably after, actually. IIRC there are introns in Archaea – though they may not be ancient.
I’m surprised no-one has mentioned the different genetic codes in mitochondria, plastids and nuclei yet. “It’s impossible! They’re a different life form, right? You can’t put the genes from one in the other!”. Chortle. 🙂
Allan Miller,
No-one? Oh, come on! This could not be more germane to this OP and #6 if it came with a Certificate of Germaneness from the Germane Institute.
There are more differences between our mitochondrial and our nuclear codes (4) than there are between Mycoplasma and our nuclei (1). One of the differences between our mitochondrial and nuclear codes is actually the same as the one difference between Mycoplasma and our nuclei: UGA is Tryptophan instead of STOP. So, Mycoplasma is closer to both our nuclear codes (63/64) and our mitochondrial codes (61/64) than either is to the other (60/64). Interestingly, UGA is sometimes not STOP even in nuclei, but selenocysteine. And, STOPs are often position-dependent, being ‘read through’ if they are some distance away from the poly-A tail.
But how … ?
So mitochondria have their own ribosomes and their own tRNA? What about chloroplasts?
Yes. Like mitochondria, they contain much (though not all) of the protein synthesis machinery plus numerous organelle-specific proteins – though again, by no means all.
I wrote two lengthy comments in the ‘Prediction Tested’ thread about gene migration, including the question of what remains, and why. The second isn’t relevant to that question, but shame to let it go to waste!
(eta – just testing the links, they miss their target a little. The first is Sep 2nd at 7:52 pm, the second Sep 3rd 8:53 am.)