Sometimes very active discussions about peripheral issues overwhelm a thread, so this is a permanent home for those conversations.
I’ve opened a new “Sandbox” thread as a post as the new “ignore commenter” plug-in only works on threads started as posts.
Are you glad you took the fake gene therapy that was rebranded as a “vaccine’? If you are truly happy I will e-transfer you $50 but you need to sell your soul why…
Living with Covid
J-Mac writes to me, “People who injected themselves and their children and loved ones who should have known better will pay in the end a big price working for DoD or not…
You? What are you going to do if it gets through your thick scull you have been lied to?”
First, to be pedantic, it’s “skull.” Second, I’ve had most of the covid boosters, and I don’t think I’ve been lied to. In general, vaccines work. Of course not everything we thought at any point A in the pandemic turned out o be perfectly true at point B, because there was much to learn as time went by, and only so much data to turn to. That is entirely different than “lied to”.
I have no idea why you are so obsessed with your conspiracy theories that are so out of sync with so much consensus in the medical and scientific world (and also no idea why I am bothering to write today), but my considered opinion is that you are a crackpot.
This is not an unreasonable assessment, J-Mac
I’ve read that this is symptomatic of the religious mind. It might be right or might be wrong, but it is NEVER in doubt. The facts can’t make any difference, because convictions not based on facts cannot be altered by facts.
The CDC recently made the claim that at least 75% of the US population has contracted covid at least once (the statistics are hazy because with each mutation to evade vaccines, the probability of an asymptomatic case increases, and such cases escape any record keeping). My wife and I, despite being in the high risk categories (over 75, somewhat compromised immune system) have never had it to our knowledge. By pure coincidence, we have kept up to date on our vaccinations and we still wear masks in pubiic.
My wife and I are in the same age group. We both had the original series of three. I’m certain, for a number of reasons, I had omicron when it first came out. There were no tests available. Earliest appointment was a week away. I was in bed one day, with no symptoms other than extreme fatigue. My wife had recently completed the series and had no symptoms.
Every spring we get debilitating allergies. Both of us have had episodes of temporary loss of taste, but none of the other classic covid symptoms. We do out go out much. Maybe shopping twice a week. We do not wear masks.
There hasn’t been a reported covid death in our state in a year. It was a very high vaccination state.
For context, Florida, Texas, and California are still reporting double digit daily deaths. In fact, they account for about a third of the world’s reported deaths.
Perhaps reporting has collapsed.
Reporting has collapsed. We just don’t have the data we used to. Monitoring wastewater and hospitalizations are our two best sources of data, but they are not consistent. My spouse and I haven’t had covid because we have been very cautious, and intend to stay that way. The possible consequences to people of our age and health status outweigh the inconvenience of our precautions, even though the exact nature of the efficacy of each precaution is not known.
Before I will attempt to explain what DoD_joke can’t or is now allowed, why would the Dependent of Defence be involved in a viral pandemic, I absolutely must to explain first how DoD experts suggest how to fake a pandemic:
Step 1: Poison a few people in a few geographic locations with a drugs or chemical toxin or bio-toxin) that causes “highly morbid” central nervous system effects…easy
Step 2: Pretend it was “a bug, a virus modified with in a lab or
I recommend watching the whole video before we get to the actual documents how DoD order covid-19 “vaccines” as prototypes or “demos” and not medical products…
Alan Fox,
Did you know DNA_jock was working for DoD in the pandemic scheme?
Did he tell you Fauci was not really in charge of the so-called covid-19 pandemic operations?
Or, maybe even DNA-jock didn’t know who was running the covid-19 show…
Do you follow population genetics on the theme of viruses, Alan? Do you still believe in mutations? Please review the principles of population genetics when it comes to mutations and fitness…
Where DNA-Jock has or hasn’t worked is for him to decide to disclose. My memory isn’t what it was and I can’t recall if he has ever done so.
Dr Andrew Fauci was an advisor to successive US administrations from 1984 to 2022.
I fail to see the relevance of your loaded questions.
Mutations happen. Not a question of belief, just a matter of fact.
Do you have some recommended reading?
Other than Joe Felsenstein of course, who is perhaps the World expert. I’d always start with his publications.
J-Mac writes, “Do you still believe in mutations?”
J-Mac, do you not “believe in” mutations? If so, what do you mean? What do you call it when when DNA changes, and why do you think that happens?
I can think of several things he might mean. Like, mutations do not happen (because if they did, evolution would happen), or mutations happen but they are always neutral, or maybe any mutation that makes a virus more harmful (or enables it to jump to a new species) is so unlikely to happen naturally that it must have been engineered to do that.
My money is on that last possibility, because it leads to a congenial conspiracy theory. Part of the general worldview that bad things do not happen by accident.
Not entirely sure where J-Mac got the idea that I “was working for the DoD in the pandemic scheme.”
I’ve never worked for the DoD. But, being a Brit, I worked for the MoD. On the other hand, I only got to meet my wife because she worked for the DoD: researching Q fever agents for USAMRIID, to be precise; that is DoD, and germ warfare research, even. Yup, she can kill you and get rid of the body.
All true statements, and all deeply misleading.
J-Mac keeps claiming that he has evidence that the pandemic response was orchestrated by the DoD. This may be why he thinks I worked for the DoD, and I either cannot admit it or I am such a dupe that I don’t even realise. He has documents, even. Cool story, bro.
What is clear is that he has been consuming a steady diet of The Epoch Times greatest hits, courtesy of 2ndsmartestguyintheworld. So, with Jello-Mac, it is never about data or evidence or even logical thought, it is always about “what makes an emotionally satisfying narrative” (Kahneman’s System 1).
All we will ever get out of him is ellipses. Although I do enjoy the vague threats that, when the revolution comes, I’ll be joining the Marketing Department of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.
I mostly write stuff, read it back to myself, and choose not to post it.
Was there some kind of a pandemic in your county within the last 4.5 years?
In Canada, where I live most of my time, there was not pandemic. The “novel virus” just could not cross the Canada/US border because it is well guarded by a few brave man and some women…
I wanted to show you the stats that there was no pandemic in Canada, but Statista got banned for some reason…
Those who would really would like to understand WHO was in charge of covid-19 panicdemic, please read the substack of a former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova:
Those who would really would like to understand WHO was in charge of covid-19 panicdemic, please read the substack of a former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latypova:
Yeah, by your favourite authors:
How old are you, Pietruszka?
How old are you?100 plus? The next seps is DNA_joke denial he works for DoD…
You have never heard of Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig?
My age is irrelevant. Do you want to answer my question, Jmac?
A previous post said
“J-Mac on August 9, 2024 at 1:11 am said:
aleta: J-Mac writes, “Do you still believe in mutations?”
J-Mac, do you not “believe in” mutations? If so, what do you mean? What do you call it when when DNA changes, and why do you think that happens?
How old are you?100 plus? The next seps is DNA_joke denial he works for DoD…”
My age is irrelevant, and neither is anything about your other sentence.
My question is, J-Mac, “What do you call it when when DNA changes, and why do you think that happens?” Are those not “mutations”?
I see we can no longer edit posts – true?
Many plug-ins are AWOL.
Comment edit plugin was disabled. Posting this to see if it is back up
ETA not by me
I see I get an edit button and 60 minutes time window
There’s a new pandemic now. Time to spin conspiracies around that now.
WHO declares mpox virus a public health emergency of international concern
As soon as you it is available, make sure you inject yourself right in the brain because, what other choice do you have?
Wait for ???
You didn’t research copulation (population) genetics? They are very good at explaining how evolution works when it comes to the dead particles called viruses, like Shit-CoV-2
I’d suggest you get another “rooster shot”… that may or may not prevent you from visiting a hospital or a clinic when your have a flu-lie-symptoms…
J-Mac, you are an expert at (purposely, I think) not answering questions.
Have you ever watched the movie called “Matchstick Men”? If not one of the quotes from that movie stuck in my mind: “When you are conning someone make sure you are not being conned…”
Do you know what happened during the so called pandemic caused by the novel virus that refused to cross not only the national borders, like the US and Canada? It didn’t spread to another county 100 feet around the corner from another county hospital. Do you get the magnitude of this scam?
Another example.
MoneyPox is just around the corner…. I’ve heard there my be some mandatory injections right in the brain… You have nothing to worry about though…
You know, J-Mac, I’ve never participated in the discussion about vaccines, so you are just flailing at a windmill when you address me like this.
I’m curious why you dodge this question though:
“You wrote to me, ““Do you still believe in mutations?”
I wrote, “J-Mac, do you not “believe in” mutations? If so, what do you mean? What do you call it when when DNA changes, and why do you think that happens.”
Care to answer?
Sorry for intruding here, but I was wondering what exactly you were trying to get out of this exchange. As far as I can judge, you will not be learning anything useful, J-Mac isn’t listening to you so neither will he and J-Mac stopped being funny when he was sucked into conspiracy limbo.
Just curious 🙂
You’re right, Corneel, all the way around. I get sucked in to fruitlessly engaging intransigent people, but I’ll quit now. Thanks for the push.
Most of us have engaged with intransigent (what a lovely word) people here and usually there is some reward, if only to learn about differing opinions and people’s motivations. Sadly, I don’t think that applied here.
I’ve challenged the people I don’t know, Greet Vanden Bossche and Robert Malone, you probably have never heard of them, because many conspiracy theories just hate them…
I had asked them to explain clearly how a dead particle called a virus infects, subdues and convinces the host cell to corporate to make the replicas of it…
I’m a simple guy with simple questions…
I don’t need more money and I don’t need more fame…
Tell me, J-Mac, when were you ever famous?
You are good, you!
You made me laugh… Thanks.
It is one of my favourite scenes… I can watch that movie once in a while lol
What? What vaccines? Are you referring to mRNA injections as vaccines? Well, those who do, like DNA-jack should do their explaining first, don’t you think?
Í’d like to make petition here agains DNA_jock. He makes fun of people who got injured by the mRNA treatments he promotes as vaccines…
Why is he allowed to make comments here after his admission that the mRNA products he had promoted failed 100%? Should he be allowed to have any privileges in the society we all are part of? He sold us all… to the big pharmaceutical industry..
One day, not long from now, justice will prevail.. and I will be there to witness it…
I have question: Should people who promoted the covid-19 DNA/mRNA products as vaccines knowingly they are not going to prevent transmission and infection be brought to justice in the court of some law?
Interesting how loaded this question is, but ignoring the inaccurate assumption the answer is no.
Why don’t you ask professor dna-jock about the details of the vaccines that were not even designed as vaccines; to prevent infection or transmission.
If there is a new definition of a vaccine you are the last one who has heard of it. Don’t worry! DNA-joke was either fooled or he knew it about all along… I suspect the first
I’m very excited about the 9th or 11th boosters campaign of the vaccines that was claimed to be 100% effective. DNA_joke must explain this sh.. as far as I’m concerned… Why would he jabbed himself with sh.. that he knew it was sh..?