…the noyau, an animal society held together by mutual animosity rather than co-operation
Robert Ardrey, The Territorial Imperative.
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…the noyau, an animal society held together by mutual animosity rather than co-operation
Robert Ardrey, The Territorial Imperative.
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Alan Fox thinks that being a belligerent asshole is a way to refute facts and evidence
Alan Fox thinks Frankie/Joe/Virgil is not the best and brightest ID asset. ID is a lost cause, Joe. I’d get a new hobby, if I were you.
LoL! I could easily kick your ass in an open debate, ID vs evolutionism, Alan. And I am definitely smarter than you will ever be
As Richard Dawkins remarked about debating with William Lane Craig. “That would look great on your CV, not so good on mine.”
LoL! Kicking your ass in a debate is meaningless as you are an incompetent dolt and most people already know that. But thanks for your cowardly response
Do you want to meet up in a carpark, Chubs?
You are too chickenshit to meet me, Alan. And a lard-ass such as yourself has no business calling me “chubs”. What a clueless loser you are
I’m not going to make a special trans-Atlantic trip, that’s for sure. Do you venture far from your home-turf? Seriously though, why on Earth would I consider entering into some kind of formal on-line debate with you? I doubt you would stick to any protocol that might be agreed in advance.
LoL! Alan you won’t enter into a debate with me because you would get your ass kicked. You would be exposed as a belligerent ignoramus- well that has already happened…
I see from AtBC that Virgil Cain has shown his true colors in a UD discussion. I’m glad that pathetic misogynist doesn’t participate here.
LoL! Patrick is just upset because his willful ignorance wrt CSI has been exposed.
Does anyone else feel a draft in here? It seems to waft in a foul odor every now and again. Hardly worth discussing and eminently ignorable, of course.
No, Patrick, your fly is open and you have shit yourself, again. And it is really difficult to ignore your raw spewage but easy to refute. 😛
Well, it might give you something more to do than spam this blog. I’m not going to have it take place here though. I’ve opened a thread here if you want to discuss the arrangements.
Joe seems to be winning already. 😉
All part of my cunning plan! 😉
Only if you define “winning” as blindly regurgitating the same IDiot PRATT claims. By that definition you win a lot too Mungy.
Alan Fox,
So correcting the blatant misrepresentations and educating you is now spamming this blog? I can see why you would think so… 😛
Joe seems to be falling for it. 😀
It’s obvious you only encourage Joe because he makes you look like a charming and witty intelligent design apologist in comparison.
We both make you look like an ignoramus on an agenda
I have seen numerous comments from you (and Joe) along these lines, but never any actual refutations. Maybe you should turn the dial on your osciloscope all the way to eleven.
You need an agenda to get out of bed in the morning, remove your diaper and have a shower.
So close! He needs a HELPER to do those things.
There can’t be enough money in the toaster repair business to pay for a HELPER that would put up with Joke.
Yes, Richie’s mom tongues my ass clean while Acartia’s mom works the scrotum and taint.
See, this site is moderated by two-faced losers.
There’s a level of obscenity in a couple of comments that is beyond the pale even for noyau. Please stop.
It is to be expected when getting attacked by a couple of ignorant cowards. Tell your dogs to cool it. They are the problem here
Meet up in the parking lot! 😛
You wouldn’t show, Richie. You only act out from a long distance. You are a coward’s coward
Oh chubbers. You are as cringeworthy as you are large. Go back and read what happened. You shat your pants.
Richie is a lying shit-eater. That is what he is. That is all he is.
Calm down, Joe. A man of your girth shouldn’t be stressing his heart.
A cowardly ignoramus like Richie shouldn’t post. All he does is provoke people, spew his ignorance and then provoke some more. He doesn’t understand science and he could never support the alleged theory of evolution if his life depended on it.
He is a loser’s loser and a coward’s coward
Tell us how we need stars to stop the planets falling into each other again, science master. Or maybe some more H2O2 or pyramid power.
There are no rules limiting the “level of obscenity” in Noyau or demarcating what is “beyond the pale”.
Lizzie has been quite clear that apart from the sitewide rules regarding spam, porn, outing, etc., there are no rules here:
It’s her site, not yours, Alan.
And Joke wonders why women hate him.
His daughters will be proud when they find this.
I wonder if that has ever occurred to him.
I imagine they’re already more mature than him. He can’t help it – he does it when he gets flustered
My cat, clownfish and starfish are more mature than he is. And I am pretty sure that the mold in my bathroom is as well.
My son and daughters think you should be tracked down and culled from the population. I told them that would be a waste of time as there are too many shit-eating evoTARDs and no one will notice the absence of a few of the lowest.
I love how shit-eating, immature infants talk about maturity as if they know what it is.
Do they read what you write here, Joe?
Yes, cupcake and thankfully they see what you assholes write. And thanks to you they see that this alleged theory of evolution is total bullshit accepted by gullible ignoramuses.
I don’t know if they would fully understand how vacuous and sterile your position is without your ignorant spewage. Thank you
And yes, my kids have an extensive cussing vocabulary. They are street-ready. The youngest came home the other day talking about ass-hat people.
You must be so proud.
‘Extensive cussing vocabulary’ = ‘street ready’. The next generation of toaster repairmen.