Moral Outrage (The Opprobrium)

This post is long overdue.

One doesn’t have to look far to find examples of moral outrage aimed towards theists in general and Christians in particular here at The Skeptical Zone.

Judgmentalism, oddly enough, is prevalent. A pungent odor of opprobrium frequently wafts its way forth from the atheist trenches, and it stinks.

Are we all moral realists after all? Do we all now agree on the existence of objective moral values? If so, what are they and what makes them objective?

As for you moral relativists, are there any of you left? Why ought anyone (including especially Erik, Gregory, myself, fifth, William) be subject to the vagaries of what you moral relativists think others ought to be doing or ought not be doing?

Such opprobrium. Based on what, exactly?

If you are going to claim that we have some moral obligation towards you, you really ought to support that claim or retract it.

After all, that’s the intellectually honest thing to do.

1,378 thoughts on “Moral Outrage (The Opprobrium)

  1. phoodoo:

    And it even affects how many people live thier lives.I suspect it would have affected Hitler, and Pol Pot and Mussolini, and Mao, and Kan, and a lot of people, if they thought what they were doing was actually, factually immoral, wrong, punishable, according to the force which created the world they live in.

    You didn’t understand what Lizzie said.

    Again. What does it matter whether you believe there exists an objective morality if you cannot objectively determine what that morality is? All you have is your fallible and subjective human mind.

  2. Rumraket said:

    Again. What does it matter whether you believe there exists an objective morality if you cannot objectively determine what that morality is? All you have is your fallible and subjective human mind.

    All we have is our fallible and subjective human mind when it comes to evaluating anything. You might as well ask what difference does it make if you believe in an objective train hurtling towards you. You cannot objectively determine anything at all because all you have to determine anything with is your own fallible and subjective mind. The apparent consensus of others is still interpreted and judged through your subjective and fallible mind. A perfect example of a self-refuting argument.

    To insist on the fallibility and subjectivity of the mind as warrant against an unwelcome idea is to saw off the very branch you are sitting on because your own fallibility and subjectiveness undercuts your argument, an argument which you make as if some other fallible and subjective mind should immediately recognize and accept it as true.

    As mung has pointed out, everyone here acts as if morality is an objective commodity with necessary consequences, even though they argue for the contrary. Their moral outrage, under the anti-theistic proxy of materialism/natuarlism), can be nothing more than personal dislike. So, they personally dislike some theists behavior; so what? They have no more claim for moral authority than any theist who calls homosexuality or extra-marital sex “immoral”. Under proxy atheism, it’s exactly the same thing: a string of physico-chemical accidents that ultimately produces a subjective dislike.

  3. They hate it so much in fact, when you call it a physio-chemical reaction, that it almost makes them want to write what they actually think it is.


  4. Under proxy-atheism, TSZ regulars find Barry Arrington’s behavior morally outrageous. This means they personally dislike it. So? Under the principle of proxy atheism, BA personally dislikes the behavior of those he bans. So? If it’s all a string of physico-chemical accidents, a haphazard chain of events determined (even if not predictable) by interactive regularities, WTF are TSZers bitching about? BA does what he does from exactly the same inescapable process of physical causes as the TSZers.

    The moral outrage of TSZers, under their own proxy-atheism, is much ado about nothing, just a bunch of people venting their personal dislikes as if those personal dislikes were something more.

  5. William J. Murray: just a bunch of people venting their personal dislikes as if those personal dislikes were something more.

    You see what you want to see William. You can’t understand.

  6. William J. Murray: BA does what he does from exactly the same inescapable process of physical causes as the TSZers.

    Whereas you, of course, have actual free will.

    Bravo! And look where that has got you, lol.

  7. Rumraket: That’s just great. So you basically admit to believe, on faith and zero understanding, the very foundation for what it means for something to be knowledge, or true.

    No that is not true at all,
    I understand how it works, God reveals it.
    You were asking how he reveals it and the answer is by revealing it.
    No blind “faith” involved at all. Just trust in the one who is faithful.

    I know you don’t understand this but that is simply because you reject a priori the very source of understanding.

    Rumraket: I just did. Nothing happens. How long should I wait for an answer before I can be confident that I didn’t get one? Should I wait my entire life?

    You would need to wait for eternity before you could be confident you did not get an answer. That’s how science it works. You can not ever prove a hypothesis is true you can only falsify it.

    Your hypothesis is that “the God who gives understanding does not exist.” All it takes is for you to understand one thing and your hypothesis is falsified.

    Eternity is a very long time.

    Rumraket: No, god not telling lies does not entail that you knowing something means it was from god. It simply does not follow. After all, it is logically possoble there could be other ways to get knowledge than speaking to god.

    i don’t think so, In order to know anything you need to know everything or have revelation from one who knows everything. Seems logical sound to me.

    If you disagree please present your case.
    and tell me how you know it’s true

    Rumraket: Prove it

    I just did

    Rumraket: I was asking “how do you know you’re not a brain in a vat?”

    Revelation 😉

    Rumraket: But how do you know, then, that it’s not another entity, a lying one, that is “revealing” falsehoods to you, with God merely abstaining from communication for the moment?

    What falsehoods is the lying entity supposedly “revealing”. Please be specific.
    Are you saying that the proposition that knowledge is possible is a falsehood?

    how do you know this


  8. fifthmonarchyman: What falsehoods is the lying entity supposedly “revealing”.

    For example, your claim that species are held in a 4-D grid in the mind of god. For all you know (and can verify) that was Satan whispering in your ear telling you that.

  9. Allan Miller: If you’re going to use big words you could try and spell them correctly.

    If proper spelling is a condition of knowledge I am undone 😉

    Allan Miller: I have demonstrated that they are different according to my perception of them. This is ‘different in my worldview’.

    Right different in your own subjective opinion. That is the point.

    Allan Miller: You have not articulated why moral outrage is more appropriate for things that (you think) God deprecates than for things that piss you personally off. Care to try?

    Because God’s moral opinions are objective by definition and mine are not.
    He is God after all
    This is not difficult.


  10. Elizabeth: Exactly. It doesn’t matter how “objectively real” God is, if there is no objective (i.e. in the normal scientific science of “can be independently verified by other observers”) way of determining whether a communication is from that God or not.

    By definition there is only one independent observer. wait for it……… God.
    Therefore only God can verify if a communication is from God ………and he does.

    Elizabeth: Given that there is no objective way of finding out what it entails in terms of our actual behaviour?

    This is the point you need to demonstrate.
    You need to show how revelation is impossible and then explain how you know this.


  11. fifthmonarchyman: Therefore only God can verify if a communication is from God ………and he does.

    How, specifically?

    Such a bold claim requires evidence, what have you got?

  12. OMagain: For example, your claim that species are held in a 4-D grid in the mind of god. For all you know (and can verify) that was Satan whispering in your ear telling you that.

    Sure, that particular idea could very possibly be false that is what science is for.

    On the other hand I know that Satan is not whispering in my ear telling me that knowledge is possible because God knows things.

    Do you see the difference?


  13. OMagain: How, specifically?

    Such a bold claim requires evidence, what have you got?

    revelation, God has revealed it.


  14. fifthmonarchyman: Sure, that particular idea could very possibly be false that is what science is for.

    And how to do you propose science goes about falsifying that particular idea?

    It’s your claim, so support it or withdraw it.

  15. fifthmonarchyman: revelation, God has revealed it.

    To you, perhaps, but to nobody else.

    Are you saying we should take it on trust that god is revealing things to you? If so, I think we should exclude you from the normal work of society and build a golden palace that you should sit in and await more revelations from god.

  16. OMagain: Why don’t you ask god if you should push 1 person to save 5 or what?

    Why would I possibly care about a hypothetical situation that I will almost certainly never encounter?


  17. fifthmonarchyman: Why would I possibly care about a hypothetical situation that I will almost certainly never encounter?

    Another dodge. Moral dilemmas are common. They are usually not so extreme as these, but nonetheless they exist.

    You are terrified to answer because you know that you might get it wrong. Or that other theists you respect might answer in a different way, illustrating the lack of an objective morality.

    Normal people have no problems answering. Yet you, who claims to have access to an objective morality where you’d simply “look up” the answer, you cannot answer!

  18. OMagain: To you, perhaps, but to nobody else.

    no he has revealed it to you as well

    OMagain: Are you saying we should take it on trust that god is revealing things to you?

    Oh not at all
    You should take it on trust that God can and has revealed things to you.
    You should do this because you know it to be the case


  19. OMagain: Yet you, who claims to have access to an objective morality where you’d simply “look up” the answer, you cannot answer!

    You haven’t given me enough relevant information to answer.

    OMagain: Normal people have no problems answering.

    You know this how?


  20. OMagain: And how to do you propose science goes about falsifying that particular idea?

    For one thing you could come up with a solution to the species problem that does not involve my hypothesis.


  21. fifthmonarchyman: For one thing you could come up with a solution to the species problem that does not involve my hypothesis.

    What “species” problem? I don’t think you understand how science works!

    Your idea has no use, it cannot be used, it cannot provide new information. This are all true statements. The only thing your idea has is you.

    And even if I came up with a solution to the species problem that does not involve your hypothesis that does not disprove your hypothesis! It stands completely separate.

    *You* have to propose something, which would demonstrate the truth of your hypothesis. It’s not other people’s job to disprove it! And say that until you do some other thing your idea is right is absurd.

  22. Neil Rickert: Translation into English (from the original religious gibberish):

    “I have a purely subjective opinion, with no supporting objective evidence.”

    How exactly do you know this? Be specific please

    Or is it just your “purely subjective opinion, with no supporting objective evidence”?


  23. fifthmonarchyman: You haven’t given me enough relevant information to answer.

    And I’ve also asked what further information you require to answer.

    fifthmonarchyman: You know this how?

    I know that normal people have no problem answering because they answer the dilemma. Ask your friends! Will they say the same as you? I doubt it.

    Here is a study that compares cultural influences on the answers given:

    The “trolley problem” is not new. And people manage to answer without perfect knowledge. But you can’t.

  24. fifthmonarchyman: Or is it just your “purely subjective opinion, with no supporting objective evidence”?

    I know it because you don’t and cannot provide objective supporting evidence for your claims unless “revelation” is considered to be such by you. And it probably is.

    For example, I ask you to support your claim regarding species and your response is to ask me to disprove your claim!


  25. OMagain: What “species” problem?

    OMagain: *You* have to propose something, which would demonstrate the truth of your hypothesis.

    What is the “something” that demonstrates the truth of the present approach tward cladistics? please be specific?

    By the same token how is solving the species problem not a demonstration of truth?


  26. fifthmonarchyman: What is the “something” that demonstrates the truth of the present approach tward cladistics? please be specific?

    It generates useful, new information. Your scheme cannot be used in that manner.

    fifthmonarchyman: By the same token how is solving the species problem not a demonstration of truth?

    It has solved nothing. If you think it has, get up to speed on some of the unsolved outstanding problems in classification and use your scheme to solve them. Then write all that up and get it published. If you do that, then that would be a demonstration of the truth of your claim.

    You may think you’ve solved “the species problem” but it takes more than opinion to demonstrate it.

  27. OMagain: And I’ve also asked what further information you require to answer.

    once again as I said before

    I need to know stuff like the worthiness/guilt of the individuals involved and how my actions would effect all the future state of all people in the universe.

    OMagain: And people manage to answer without perfect knowledge. But you can’t.

    if you answer with imperfect knowledge your answer is merely your own subjective opinion.

    You can’t ever get objective morality from subjective opinion
    that is the point


  28. fifthmonarchyman,

    Me: You have not articulated why moral outrage is more appropriate for things that (you think) God deprecates than for things that piss you personally off. Care to try?

    fmm: Because God’s moral opinions are objective by definition and mine are not.
    He is God after all
    This is not difficult.

    That doesn’t answer the question. Some entity out there (you reckon) knows exactly what is and isn’t moral. Why do you get outraged by acts that (you believe) go against his preferences? Suppose the Arbiter of Morals lived in a hut on Titan. Would you get outraged if you figured someone was doing something immoral by his standards? I suspect not. So what extra fuel to the fires of outrage does God bring?

  29. OMagain: How does your scheme help solve that problem? Please be specific, and use specific examples.


    My scheme helps to solve the problem by showing that our difficulties are merely an artifact of our limited knowledge and that the evolutionary process that give rise to species are indeed teleological in nature.

    for example the coy wolf is a species that arose
    specifically to fill a new niche that arose in the last 100 years or so.


  30. Allan Miller: Some entity out there (you reckon) knows exactly what is and isn’t moral.

    God, correct

    Allan Miller: Why do you get outraged by acts that (you believe) go against his preferences?

    Because he has wired me thusly and this is objectively the correct response

    Allan Miller: Suppose the Arbiter of Morals lived in a hut on Titan.

    You want me to assume God does not exist for the sake of argument. I can’t do that

    Allan Miller: Would you get outraged if you figured someone was doing something immoral by his standards?

    No because he is not God by and definition his moral opinions are not objective

    Allan Miller: So what extra fuel to the fires of outrage does God bring?

    see above


  31. fifthmonarchyman: My scheme helps to solve the problem by showing that our difficulties are merely an artifact of our limited knowledge and that the evolutionary process that give rise to species are indeed teleological in nature.

    That’s not a solution. That’s an opinion.

    fifthmonarchyman: for example the coy wolf is a species that arose
    specifically to fill a new niche that arose in the last 100 years or so.

    I’m sorry, what problem is that solving? Can you state the specific problem you think you are answering there?

    For example, a real solution would be an actual answer to the question “What is best criteria are for identifying new species?”

    Does your idea answer that question? Can we use you idea to identify when a new species has formed?

    No, we can’t. Unless of course your answer is “every living thing is a species as god’s mind is infinite”.

    On what basis has your scheme determine that the coy wolf is actually deserving of the label “new species”? Did you compare it to another similar entity?

  32. fifthmonarchyman: I need to know stuff like the worthiness/guilt of the individuals involved and how my actions would effect all the future state of all people in the universe.

    Yet you make decisions daily without such knowledge that will go on to have effects on all the people in the universe. Even if it’s something as trivial as “shall I pick up that bit of litter”.

    fifthmonarchyman: if you answer with imperfect knowledge your answer is merely your own subjective opinion.


    You *can’t* give an answer because you cannot tell me what the objectively right thing to do is. Your “objective morality” is silent on this issue, hence you cannot answer.

    It’s news to me that “objective morality” has to be provided with perfect knowledge about all the outcomes of any decision. Is that new then?

  33. fifthmonarchyman: I need to know stuff like the worthiness/guilt of the individuals involved and how my actions would effect all the future state of all people in the universe.

    Then lets add some detail.

    The 5 people on the tracks are abortion doctors. The person you would have to sacrifice is a good Christian who thinks abortion is immoral.

    Do you push the Christian onto the tracks to save the 5 abortion doctors?

  34. OMagain: I’m sorry, what problem is that solving? Can you state the specific problem you think you are answering there?

    Is the Coy wolf a species?
    if so when did it arise?

    The problem is the current reproach has no answers to these questions it can’t by definition.

    Why do I feel like I have to spoon feed you?

  35. OMagain: Do you push the Christian onto the tracks to save the 5 abortion doctors?

    You would need to provide more information. Like i said before


  36. fifthmonarchyman: Is the Coy wolf a species?

    You did not actually answer that question however! You said it was a new species that arose to fill a niche, but failed to mention how you knew it was a new species rather then just a variant (different color for example) on an existing species.

    fifthmonarchyman: if so when did it arise?

    You also did not answer that!

    fifthmonarchyman: The problem is the current reproach has no answers to these questions it can’t by definition.

    Well, no, that’s the point of cladistics, to answer these questions. That you don’t understand the answers does not mean they don’t exist.

    fifthmonarchyman: Why do I feel like I have to spoon feed you?

    When you are handing out baby-food that’s appropriate.

  37. fifthmonarchyman: You would need to provide more information. Like i said before

    You need to know the entire future course of the universe and how it would unfold in each situation? That’s some cop-out.

    Are you sure you are just not trying to obscure the fact that your source of objective morality has suddenly gone all quiet?

  38. fifthmonarchyman,

    Because he has wired me thusly and this is objectively the correct response

    Do you therefore think that everything you get morally upset by is a correct indication of God’s feelings on the matter? Could we use you as some kind of a lightning rod to find out God’s views?

  39. fifthmonarchyman: Because he has wired me thusly and this is objectively the correct response

    Yet you can’t say if 1 should die to save 5. Is god also this indecisive and scared to make a decision?

  40. OMagain: You *can’t* give an answer because you cannot tell me what the objectively right thing to do is. Your “objective morality” is silent on this issue, hence you cannot answer.

    No I am confident that I (or you) would be given enough information to make the correct decision if this indeed were an actual dilemma. That is what revelation is all about

    OMagain: It’s news to me that “objective morality” has to be provided with perfect knowledge about all the outcomes of any decision. Is that new then?

    No it’s pretty much the definition of objective morality.


  41. OMagain: Yet you can’t say if 1 should die to save 5. Is god also this indecisive and scared to make a decision?

    No God has sufficient knowledge I do not and you are unwilling to provide it for your little hypothetical


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