Moderation Issues (6)

Please use this thread for (and only for) alerting admins to moderation issues and for raising complaints arising from particular decisions. We remind participants that TSZ is a benign dictatorship, the property of Dr. Elizabeth Liddle. All decisions regarding policy and implementation are hers alone.

2,711 thoughts on “Moderation Issues (6)

  1. It might have been “boneheaded”, but I don’t see what beating this horse adds any more value to here. Get over it & calm yourself, directing anger & frustration energy to more peaceful & productive pursuits. Mung is a big boy and can fend for himself.

  2. keiths: In other words, you act unilaterally and notify the other admins. Mung did exactly that and you ousted him. Why haven’t you ousted yourself, Alan?

    Well, it seems that Mung acted unilaterally, with the expectation that the other admins would object — he was deliberately provoking.
    So there’s that.

  3. Alan Fox: I’ve reviewed Swamidass’s comments (all 129 of them) at TSZ and he addresses or refers to you as Greg rather than Gregory five times over a period of a year

    So have you moved all those to guano?

  4. Alan Fox: . If a problem occurs in future it will be dealt with then.

    Or maybe you will just claim you never saw it:

    TSZ’s scientifically illiterate idiot!

    I think it’s great the way you don’t mind making yourself look like such a fool every day poohdoo. Playing the screaming Creationist moron suits you to a tee. Even better than your childish tantrums over moderation

    Adapa: I wonder what psychological issue gives phoodoo cause to demonstrate what a clueless idiot he is on such a regular basis? Coronavirus attacking his brain?


    Phoodoo is still making his moronic Creationist demands.

    J-Mac is still playing the clown to hide his ignorance

    Mung is still acting as their shit-stirring enabler.

    Some things never change.

  5. phoodoo: Or maybe you will just claim you never saw it:

    LOL! Another childish tantrum over moderation. 😀

    Go phoodoo go!

    ETA: I wonder who is holding a gun to phoodoo’s head and makes him post here? After all, he’s treated so badly and is such a victim he couldn’t be doing all this on his own just to troll. Or could he? Hmmmm….

  6. Admins: I just made a post in Sandbox and one of the links is out of control. I’m not sure how to fix it without breaking the link. If it could be corrected and even a ‘how to do it’ that would be appreciated.

  7. Neil Rickert,

    Neil, these posts were right in the middle of a conversation you were involved in. What’s your excuse for doing nothing? They don’t violate the rules?

    TSZ’s scientifically illiterate idiot!

    I think it’s great the way you don’t mind making yourself look like such a fool every day poohdoo. Playing the screaming Creationist moron suits you to a tee. Even better than your childish tantrums over moderation

    Adapa: I wonder what psychological issue gives phoodoo cause to demonstrate what a clueless idiot he is on such a regular basis? Coronavirus attacking his brain?


    Phoodoo is still making his moronic Creationist demands.

    J-Mac is still playing the clown to hide his ignorance

    Mung is still acting as their shit-stirring enabler.

    Some things never change.

    Why do we have moderation again?

  8. Mods:

    If this post is allowed, I am going to start calling it names I prefer to call it. It is clearly an attempt at racism, inspired by the orange infant:

    March 20, 2020 at 4:34 am said:
    dazz: Congrats

    Thanks. Hope you are well. It’s kind of scary here in the USA with the Wuhan virus invading us.

  9. “Racism” for calling it “Wuhan virus”? Isn’t that the current MSM narrative?

    Things might even get weirder if someone were to post a “conspiracy” theory that covid-19 didn’t actually “originate” first in Wuhan seafood market. Would that be Guano-worthy in itself? Is there no truck for conspiracies at TSZ?

    Oops, Science published an article in January stating exactly that:

  10. So Alan has time to guano this:

    Alan Fox,
    You apparently have time to post. Maybe you can attend to the moderation thread.

    But you have a moderation thread right here, asking you to address issues and you can’t be bothered. You aren’t even ashamed of yourself for your lack of integrity Alan.

  11. phoodoo,

    That would be an over-reaction. The official name of the virus is a bit of a mouthful (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) and I don’t see it as racist to refer to it as Wuhan virus. “Chinese virus” is not acceptable.

  12. Alan Fox,

    Are you completely out of your fucking mind? Are you completely unaware of the US politician using this to attack China? You are unaware of the race baiting happening in the Republican party right now over this? Are you unaware that Chinese people have been attacked and beaten over racist anger relating to this.

    What an absolute piece of shit you are Alan. People are actually being harmed, and your reaction is, its fine.

    Fuck you Alan.

  13. phoodoo: Are you completely out of your fucking mind? Are you completely unaware of the US politician using this to attack China? You are unaware of the race baiting happening in the Republican party right now over this? Are you unaware that Chinese people have been attacked and beaten over racist anger relating to this.

    What an absolute piece of shit you are Alan. People are actually being harmed, and your reaction is, its fine.

    No, I wasn’t aware. That’s pretty alarming especially with Trump enabling it. I’m at a loss to see how that connects to using the descriptive Wuhan virus? Chinese virus, no argument.

  14. A STUDENT from Singapore was battered in the street in London by racist thugs yelling: “I don’t want your coronavirus in my country”.

    Jonathan Mok, who has an English dad and Chinese mum, was targeted by the gang of yobs as he walked through Oxford Street.

    Britain’s Chinese community have seen a spike in racist attacks fuelled by the coronavirus outbreak.

    Last week, a woman was knocked unconscious while defending her Chinese friend from a ‘coronavirus rage’ attack in Birmingham.

    You must be so proud of yourself Alan. You get to play your little part in furthering the rascism.

  15. Phoodoo
    Your link is to reports of a racist attack in London, UK. Racist violence was rife in the UK prior to the current epidemic.

  16. Alan Fox,

    First off you fucking idiot, it is not even clear where the virus started.

    Secondly, do you really think people say that because it is too hard to say Coronoavirus?

    But ok, some people think the Jews started it, so I guess Jew germ should be fine.

    Be proud Alan.

  17. phoodoo: Britain’s Chinese community have seen a spike in racist attacks fuelled by the coronavirus outbreak.

    As I said, racist thugs in the UK don’t need excuses to target minorities. It’s been a constant element in the UK since I was a kid (and probably longer).


    British-Chinese filmmaker Lucy Sheen tweeted in February that she was told to go back to China and to take her “filth” back with her.

    A Chinese student in Adelaide, Australia, was attacked simply because he was speaking a different language while walking down the street.

    It was around the time fears of novel coronavirus were spreading, but Karinda thought nothing of it. Then he noticed, while his son waddled around and babbled about, a man was staring at his child.

    “Then he basically said, in German … ‘He looks a little bit corona,

    In New York City, on the subway, a man sprayed an Asian passenger with Febreze and verbally abused him. Last week, a Vietnamese curator, An Nguyen, posted an e-mail from a gallerist preparing to exhibit at London’s Affordable Art Fair. The gallerist asked Nguyen not to come assist with the booth. “The coronavirus is causing much anxiety everywhere, and fairly or not, Asians are being seen as carriers of the virus,” the e-mail read. “Your presence on the stand would unfortunately create hesitation on the part of the audience to enter the exhibition space.”

    The incidents range from name calling, through to spitting, through to someone having been pushed in the road in the path of oncoming vehicles.”

    Brown said, “It doesn’t help when we describe the virus as a foreign virus and a Chinese virus. It’s a virus, it anyone is susceptible to this virus. If you’re Asian or black or male or female.” He said blaming a group of people for the virus is racist and encourages xenophobia

    “What, what’s problem? Racism has been around a long time, so what. ”
    Alan Fox, 2020

  19. phoodoo,
    I am afraid that you have been trolled by Sal.
    The trick, if you can manage it, is to NOT react emotionally.
    I need a new meter.

  20. We agree racism is abhorrent. We agree racism is entrenched in many cultures and societies. We agree racism has a long history and probably has roots in pre-history. Presumably?

    If just using “Wuhan virus” to refer to the coronavirus causing the current epidemic is genuinely exacerbating racist attacks on Chinese people anywhere then it is a simple thing for us to stop using it. I still think your righteous indignation is a bit overdone.

  21. GOP lawmakers continue to use ‘Wuhan virus’ or ‘Chinese coronavirus’ despite remarks by Democrats and the director of the CDC that such phrases are inaccurate and even racist.

    Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., used the term “Wuhan virus” on Thursday in announcing that his Washington office was closing because of the illness. His comments came two days after the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, agreed when questioned at a House hearing that it was “absolutely wrong and inappropriate” to use such labels.

    Alan says its fine, what?

    March 7: Sec. of State Mike Pompeo’s appearance on CNBC and Fox and Friends resulted in an 800% increase in the phrase “Chinese Coronavirus,” per the report.
    March 8: Increases in the use of the term “Wuhan Virus,” — named for the region of the country where the virus first broke out — began to spike after U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), referred to coronavirus as “Wuhan virus” in a tweet.
    March 9: House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy used the term “Chinese Coronavirus” in a tweet. President Trump subsequently retweeted Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, referring to the coronavirus as “China Virus,” a term he now uses more often. Trump has also referred to coronavirus as the “foreign virus.”
    The big picture: Their language mimics the language used by the Trump administration to try to subtly frame other national security issues as problems created by foreigners.

    Academics have warned the practice leads to stigma and racism, and the World Health Organization sent a memo to governments and media organizations at the end of February, urging people not to use the terms “Wuhan Virus”, “Chinese Virus” or “Asian Virus”.

    “Governments, citizens, media, key influencers and communities have an important role to play in preventing and stopping stigma surrounding people from China and Asia in general,” the WHO said.

    “The WHO is just a bunch of atheist scientists anyway, so fuck them.”
    Alan Fox 2020

  22. @ phoodoo

    Now, I don’t live in the US and don’t habitually follow US politics. If your governing political party are playing the racist card, that’s stooping to the lowest common denominator. I condemn it. As I said, if refraining from using “Wuhan” as a descriptive is going to help, I’m sure we can all manage that.

  23. Alan Fox,

    Alan there are at least fifty news organizations reporting that it is a racist term. There are billions of people affected by it. But instead of doing something about it, you move MY posts and threaten to ban ME!!

    Go fuck yourself you piece of shit!

    Remind us again why you are needed here? Because no one knows.

  24. phoodoo: Alan there are at least fifty news organizations reporting that it is a racist term.

    I don’t see that, personally. I think it is being inflamed as part of a cynical political process due to the approaching presidential election and the destabilizing effect of the pandemic. Everyone is looking for scapegoats.

  25. Alan Fox: If just using “Wuhan virus” to refer to the coronavirus causing the current epidemic is genuinely exacerbating racist attacks on Chinese people anywhere then it is a simple thing for us to stop using it.

    Right its simple.

    And you didn’t.

  26. phoodoo: Its real racism, that people are actually being hurt by, physically. People I personally know.

    Racism is abhorrent. I condemn it. Reading the Guardian article you quoted from, I’m persuaded that the distinction between Wuhan and Chinese was a bit naïve. So, I’ll stop making that distinction and I won’t permit further use of either or similar descriptions.

  27. Neil Rickert:

    I changed something.I hope that was what you wanted.

    Thanks, Neil. The link in question, when I viewed it, scrolled off the screen. it was still a viable/active link but the page formatting was far off.

  28. I’d recommend phoodoo for an admin as well as keiths…

    Maybe some things would improve…agripa will go into moderation for a month…or so…
    But, why would anybody want the job? 🤔
    It’s like offering someone to work in the ICU…

  29. phoodoo: Apparently this site has no moderators.

    None who care to indulge your incessant childish whining anyway. You really are the most delicate snowflake wif yur fweeling all hurted.

    Who is forcing you post here at such a terrible place?

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