KF tackles the transfinite

Veteran TSZers may recall an entertaining thread in which a bunch of us tried to explain the cardinality of infinite sets to Joe G:

A lesson in cardinality for Joe G

At UD, commenters daveS and kairosfocus are now engaged in a long discussion of the transfinite, spanning three threads:

An infinite past can’t save Darwin?
An infinite past?
Durston and Craig on an infinite temporal past…

The sticking point, which keeps arising in different forms, is that KF cannot wrap his head around this simple fact: There are infinitely many integers, but each of them is finite.

For example, KF writes:

DS, I note to you that if you wish to define “all” integers as finite -which then raises serious concerns on then claiming the cardinality of the set of integers is transfinite if such be applied…

The same confusion arises in the context of Hilbert’s Hotel:


Try, the manager inspects each room in turn, and has been doing so forever at a rate of one per second. When does he arrive at the front desk, 0?


Re: your HH explanation: If the manager was in room number -100 one hundred seconds ago, he arrives at the desk now.


Yes a manager can span the finite in finite time. But the issue is to span the proposed transfinite with an inherently finite stepwise process. KF


In the scenario I described above, the manager was in room -n n seconds ago, for each natural number n. Given any room in the hotel, I can tell you when he was there.


DS, being in room n, n seconds past does not bridge to reaching the front desk at 0 when we deal with the transfinitely remote rooms; when also the inspection process is a finite step by step process.

What KF doesn’t get is that there are no ‘transfinitely remote rooms’. Each room is only finitely remote. It’s just that there are infinitely many of them.

Any bets on when — or whether — KF will finally get it?

387 thoughts on “KF tackles the transfinite

  1. keiths: The natural numbers truly can be exhausted by a stepwise process. It just takes an infinite number of steps.

    That’s what I’ve always understood too.

  2. KF is unhappy:

    F/N: I only very rarely look at TSZ, but just did so on a Feb 1 KS post that of course sneers at the benighted fundies that cannot get their heads around how a set with all members finite and separated by finite stages can be transfinite or endless.


    I haven’t mentioned “benighted fundies”. What I marvel at is your stubbornness in clinging to an intuition that is clearly wrong and can easily be shown to be so.

    Evidently, there is a failure to see that finitude inherently speaks to boundedness and the infinite to boundlessness or endlessness.

    Everyone in this conversation, including JoeG, recognizes that the finite is bounded and the infinite is boundless.

    Ordinary mathematical induction is inherently dependent on finite step, stepwise cumulative chaining and does not in itself bridge the endless, as say we see in 217 above.

    Sure it does. The entire endless set of natural numbers is bridged by this simple induction:

    0 is a natural number.

    If n is a natural number, then n+1 is a natural number.


    And inferring from the inherent finitude of cumulative steps that the endlessness as a whole only contains the finite as members becomes paradoxical.

    The inference doesn’t depend on the “inherent finitude of cumulative steps”.

  3. Let me repeat this comment from yesterday:


    If you accept that the naturals are constructed upward from 0 (or 1), like this…

    0 is a natural number.

    If n is a natural number, then n+1 is a natural number.

    …and if you accept the following premise…

    If n is finite, then n+1 is finite.

    …then it follows that every natural number is finite.

    It’s that simple.

    If you disagree, then where does the argument go wrong? Do you disagree with one of the premises? With the reasoning?

  4. kairosfocus:

    F/N: Decided to glance back at TSZ, just to see. I was not disappointed:

    1: Note to KS:

    The context is there, on much backstory by you and ilk. With Dawkins’ atrocious sneering remark about ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked ever lurking.

    It’s true that I’m not your admirer, but in this thread I’m focusing on the shortcomings of your mathematical reasoning, not of your theological or evolutionary reasoning.


    Ending the endless is incoherent, but spanning or traversing the endless is not. The natural numbers truly can be exhausted by a stepwise process. It just takes an infinite number of steps.


    An infinite or endless process is of course exactly what cannot be completed in finite stage cumulative steps. Fallacy of ending the endless.

    After every k, k+1 steps we can throw away what has gone before promote the subscripts to full counts, and act as though this is the beginning, and be no closer to ending the endless…

    That’s right, because “ending the endless” is incoherent. What I’m suggesting is the exact opposite: don’t end the endless process, but instead take the results of that endless process as a whole.

    What we can do is do something enough to show a potential infinity then point onward with an ellipsis and act on that ideal, that vision, that mental abstraction, that proposition.

    You’re not grasping the problems that arise when you regard the naturals as a mere “potential infinity”.

    For example, if the naturals were merely potentially infinite, it would mean that they are currently finite. That would mean that there is a largest natural number right now (and at any given time, depending on how far the induction has progressed).

    Don’t you see the absurdity of viewing the induction as taking place across a span of time? Do you really want to follow JoeG into the “largest known number” pit?

  5. OK great, keiths cannot support his claim. Not only that keiths seems totally unaware that infinite sets contain finite subsets.

  6. Despite my warning, KF follows JoeG over the “largest known number” cliff:

    This is the sort of context in which I am concerned with claims of an infinite, actually endless succession of counting numbers, n.

    What I suggest is, we set up endless loop processes that point to the potentially transfinite, though in themselves they are finite. Always.

    The finite is not the transfinite.


    If the construction of the natural numbers is incomplete, and only a finite number of them have been generated by the induction so far, then please answer some questions for us:

    1) What is the largest natural number as of today, 8:30 AM Pacific Time?

    2) How fast is it increasing? What determines this? Is the rate constant, or does it vary? Is the speed the same everywhere in the universe?

    3) Suppose we “cheat” and add a trillion to the current largest natural number. Would it be wrong to say that the new number is a natural number, since the induction hasn’t “reached it” yet?

    4) Do you have any doubt whatsoever that the new number will be a natural number once the induction reaches it? If so, why not make the leap and call it a natural number now? Why should our minds be limited by the speed of this plodding hypothetical induction process?

  7. KF comes very close to getting it:

    For any finite k, the span of tape is 0.1 inch x k, an inherently finite value. So if all the values of n are finite, then the tape is finitely long at any k. For ALL values of k.

    Exactly! All natural numbers are finite, but there are infinitely many of them.

    But then he spoils it:

    Which is problematic if one is claiming actual endlessness.

    No, because all “actual endlessness” means is that there is no end. For every k, there is a k+1.

    Every k is finite, and for every k, there is a k+1. In other words, the natural numbers form an endless sequence of finite integers.

  8. KF is still floundering in the “largest natural number” trap.

    Interestingly, he stopped “glancing back at TSZ” — or pretended to stop — just after I raised the issue.

  9. One month after the discussion began, KF is still hopelessly confused:

    In terms of the paper tape, if there is a 0.1 inch pitch, then for any finite value k, the distance from the near end will be k * 0.1 in inches. A finite value exceeded by the k + 1th row. If all possible k are finite, the tape will be finitely long not endless as length to k is k* 0.1. Maybe something so concrete as this may help clarify the concerns to you. KF

    No, KF.

    For every k, there is a k+1. That means the tape is endless, not finite.

    And there is no magic point on the tape where a finite k, when incremented, becomes an infinite k+1. Therefore k and k+1 are finite for every k in the set.

    Your statement…

    If all possible k are finite, the tape will be finitely long not endless…

    …is wrong, and the reason should be obvious: what makes the tape endless is not the values associated with the cells, but rather how many of those values there are. An endless tape filled with 3s is still endless even though 3 is finite, and an endless tape filled with incrementing values is still endless even though each value is finite.

  10. keiths: For every k, there is a k+1. That means the tape is endless, not finite.

    Given that for every k there is a k+1 it does not follow that the tape is endless.

  11. daveS, Aleta and ellazimm have been doing a fine job of explaining things, but KF is still irrationally clinging to his faulty intuition:

    Folks, I again simply point to the tapes thought exercise. If every value for the number of a row in the succession in the endless tapes is finite, the value will necessarily be some k (i.e. kth row), exceeded by k+1 and achieved in k increments of 0.1 inches. This finite value cannot be endless, being completed in k steps and then bounded and exceeded by k+1. How then is the span of the tape with rows every 0.1 inches along its length in succession from row 0, endless, apart from that for any finite k, there will be k+1, etc onward without limit, and by limitlessness violating the claim that every value corresponding to a natural number in the sequence 0, 1, 2 . . . without end is finite? And no I am not pretending to be cleverer than all Mathematicians etc, I am asking how is an apparent paradox to be resolved without falling into contradiction? KF

  12. KF,

    Folks, I again simply point to the tapes thought exercise. If every value for the number of a row in the succession in the endless tapes is finite, the value will necessarily be some k (i.e. kth row), exceeded by k+1 and achieved in k increments of 0.1 inches. This finite value cannot be endless, being completed in k steps and then bounded and exceeded by k+1.

    Right. The value isn’t endless. It’s the tape that is endless.

    How then is the span of the tape with rows every 0.1 inches along its length in succession from row 0, endless, apart from that for any finite k, there will be k+1, etc onward without limit…

    That’s what it means for the tape to be endless. For every k, there is a k+1. There is no k at which the tape ends.

    …and by limitlessness violating the claim that every value corresponding to a natural number in the sequence 0, 1, 2 . . . without end is finite?

    There’s your mistake. The fact that the tape doesn’t end — that for every k, there is a k+1 — does not mean that any of the k’s are infinite.

    And no I am not pretending to be cleverer than all Mathematicians etc, I am asking how is an apparent paradox to be resolved without falling into contradiction? KF

    Where’s the contradiction? The only thing being contradicted is your faulty intuition.

    Your position is absurd because it implies that for some finite k, k+1 is infinite.

    The mainstream mathematical view — the one we’ve being trying to explain to you — suffers from no such absurdities. It simply disagrees with your faulty intuitions.

    For one who likes to lecture people about the “principles of right reason”, you are oddly impervious to them.

  13. Mung: keiths defines the tape to be endless. Where’s his evidence that it is endless?

    What’s the largest known number, mung?

  14. KF is still wallowing in the LKN pit with JoeG:

    However, I remain at a point where the concept of an actualised infinity of successive finite only values from 0 on in steps of +1 cannot seem reasonable.

    The largest finite values attained — being successively collections of prior sets in the succession (as was noted already in discussing axiom of infinity) — obviously would be inherently finite and will copy the sequence of counting sets so far.

    I know KF isn’t the brightest, but can he really not see the problem(s) here?


    Repeating some earlier questions:

    If the construction of the natural numbers is incomplete, and only a finite number of them have been generated so far, then please answer some questions for us:

    1) What is the largest natural number as of today, 8:30 AM Pacific Time?

    2) How fast is it increasing? What determines this? Is the rate constant, or does it vary? Is the speed the same everywhere in the universe?

    3) Suppose we “cheat” and add a trillion to the current largest natural number. Would it be wrong to say that the new number is a natural number, since the induction hasn’t “reached it” yet?

    4) Do you have any doubt whatsoever that the new number will be a natural number once the induction reaches it? If so, why not make the leap and call it a natural number now? Why should our minds be limited by the speed of this plodding hypothetical induction process?

  15. KF has gobbledygook thinking on this matter.

    If one is writing about math, try to write like its from pages of a textbook. That’s the standard of communication, imho.

  16. More LKN inanity from KF. He quotes Wikipedia on the axiom of infinity, with his own comments in square brackets:

    This axiom asserts that there is a set I that contains 0 and is closed under the operation of taking the successor [–> which is endless in principle but operationally is ever limited to finite and bounded individual values]; that is, for each element of I, the successor of that element is also in I.

    Thus the essence of the axiom is:

    There is a set, I, that includes all the natural numbers.

    [–> which becomes endless in principle though operationally we may only succeed to finite specific values…]


    1. What is the largest “finite specific value” that has been “operationally” realized?

    2. What is the smallest “finite specific value” that has not yet been “operationally” realized?

    3. Have your answers to #1 and #2 changed in the last few seconds?

  17. Those who remember KF’s hilarious “quasi-latching” implosion will be amused to see that he is now referring to ω as a “quasi-member” of the set of natural numbers:

    So, I would modify the conclusion that there is an endless implicitly actualisable — infinite — succession of finite successor counting sets to {} –>0, into the more conservative point that actualisable successive members will be finite.

    However, as closure endless-LY is present that is now a part of the set, a quasi-member in effect.

    daveS is having none of it:

    No. I’m going to insist on no “quasi” this or that. Something either is or is not a member of a set. P or not P, right?

    So KF appeals to faith:

    DS and A, in short take a leap of faith. The point is we see there in axiomatic frames and the way that we represent {0,1,2 . . . } and more exactly the +1 successive build out from 0 that is in Ehrlang’s tree etc. On the idea of an infinite set of finite sequence members from 0, raises the issue of the successive case being copy of the set so far. Where ordinary mathematical induction pivots on succession from case 0. So it seems to me that the reachable values are finite and the EoE is pivotal. I add, if we chain copy so far to endlessness — which is what infinity means — then w, w+1 etc should belong, or more specifically, endless individual copies of the list so far. I don’t want to be a finitist, but I think I see reason to hold that inductive chaining on case 0 and case k => case k+1 will have that stepwise spanning issue that becomes relevant when one says what is tantamount to there are infinitely many — endless — +1 stage successors to 0 and they are all finite. Paradox at minimum. KF

    Cantor is rolling over in his grave.

  18. JoeG is back with his set subtraction argument:

    A = {0,1,2,3,4,5,…}
    B = {1,3,5,7,9,11,…}
    C = {0.,2,4,6,8,10,…}

    If these sets all had the same cardinality, ie the same number of elements, then sets subtraction should prove that claim. And yet A-B=C. That means that Set A has more elements than both sets B and C. And more elements means it has a higher cardinality.

    Only mental gymnastics can get around that fact.

    He can’t even get KF to agree with him. That’s gotta sting.

  19. When I asked Joe/Virgil, “Does E [the evens] have exactly 1/2 as many elements as N [the naturals]?”, he replied

    “As infinity is a journey it would all depend on when you looked. However the relative cardinality can be determined by the bijective function.”


    I though about asking him if Tuesday would be different than Wednesday, but I didn’t want to be snarky. Of course, if there is a bijective function than E would have the same number of elements as N. But how in the world could the number of elements in E vary according to “when you looked”, even if he meant something different than Tuesday?

  20. Aleta,

    But how in the world could the number of elements in E vary according to “when you looked”, even if he meant something different than Tuesday?

    And even though they disagree on the cardinality issue, KF makes the same “it depends on when you look” error as Joe, whether he realizes it or not. He argues that the set of natural numbers N is only “potentially” infinite, since at any given time the “finite stepwise process” hasn’t “actualised” the infinite. That means in turn that N is finite, and if it’s finite, then at any given time there is a largest natural number n, and n+1 is not yet part of N.

    It’s ludicrous, but quite entertaining.

  21. Oh, he’s that guy. I didn’t know of him: it took a few posts for me to catch on that he was just trolling me for who knows what reason. I’ve got it now.

  22. keiths,

    That Dionisio business was pretty odd, too, but then, so is he:

    Haha, he’s being doing that for years – ‘here’s something science can’t explain’, followed by a link to some enzyme or other, with excerpt. Rather than complain at spamming, I recall someone thanking him for the valuable resource he was building up! I wonder if he reads them.

  23. Mung: Given that for every k there is a k+1 it does not follow that the tape is endless.

    Yes it does, it literally follows deductively. Given the law of non-contradiction, it is absolutely certain (to the extend that any deductive proof can be certain) and beyond all rational doubt that it does not have an end.

    In so far as you declare an end k, you can k+1 to violate it. There cannot be an end.

  24. KF writes:

    That therefore to suggest an infinite collection of successive finite cunting sets is problematic?

    [Emphasis added]


    You should give the priggish KF a warning on language. 🙂

  25. KF:

    my intent is the exact opposite, to OBJECT that were the set actually transfinitely completed as successive +1 increment members from 0 it WOULD then have at least one endless member, on the copy the list so far principle of succession. Which would undermine the all members are finite claim.

    No, KF. If you take the +1 succession as a complete whole, then it is complete. There are no missing members. Each member k is finite, and its successor k+1 is also finite. There is no k at which the set ends.

    You are saying, in effect, “Let’s take the set as a complete whole, then treat it as incomplete. We can then add a member to it, and that member will be infinite, on the “copy the list so far principle of succession”.

    It’s a blatant contradiction. The set can’t be complete and incomplete at the same time. And if the set is complete, there is no need to add a successor to it.

    Also, by acknowledging that the successor is infinite, you are conceding that the +1 succession itself is itself infinite — an infinite succession of finite elements.

    Stop fighting the logic, KF. The succession is endless. For every k, there is a k+1. Yet each of those k’s, and k+1’s, is finite.

  26. I think this is one reason kf can’t give up – he’s tied his wagon to the argument that the impossibility of an infinite past is an argument for God, re Spitzer. We haven’t been discussing that at all, but kf occasionally reminds us that the infinite past issue is really the issue of the thread.

  27. I wrote the following summary of Virgil’s mathematical position

    “As far as I can tell, Virgil’s view is that every infinite proper subset of the natural numbers has a different cardinality. Much as Cantor named aleph null (A0) as the cardinality of the naturals and A1 as the cardinality of the reals, and then built a sequence of further levels of infinity from there, Virgil seems to have the idea that we can start with the cardinality of the naturals and build down from there.

    The evens have fewer members than the naturals, the set of all squares would have even fewer members, the set of all factorials even fewer yet.

    Interesting enough, the integers would have more members than the naturals, by the same argument Virgil uses for the odds and evens.

    Let I = the integers = {0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3, …}, N = the naturals = {1,2,3,…), and N- = the non-positive integers {0,-1,-2,-3, …}

    Then I – N = N-, so N and N- have fewer members than I.

    One more example: let N = the naturals and let N1 = {2,3,4,..}, so that N – N1 = {1}. By Virgils reasoning, the cardinality of N1 is one less than the cardinality of N, although still infinite.

    Therefore, Virgil’s belief, based on his set subtraction method, is that there are an infinite number of levels of infinity, both less than and greater than the level of infinity associated with the natural numbers.

    This seems to be what he believes.”

    Virgil seems to agree I have his position correct when he writes,

    “Aleta, I would start with some accepted standard, yes. But I would allow for a cardinality greater than, equal to or less than that standard. It is all relative, hence the name.

    That way you don’t need any special pleading to get around the ramifications of set subtraction.

    And that follows from Cantor’s reasoning behind small and big infinity- and again I am not sure if the naturals is what I would use as a standard. I haven’t given it much thought but that is what I would most likely start with and then see if another standard is better.”

    So there you are: every infinite proper subset of the integers has a different “relative cardinality” that, although he hasn’t thought much about it, if he did, he would start with the cardinality of the naturals and work up and down from there, as I suggested.

    One of the things I find interesting about conversations like this is that I, and people like me, seem to think harder about the unconventional ideas that some people have than the people holding those ideas do.

  28. aleta,

    I think this is one reason kf can’t give up – he’s tied his wagon to the argument that the impossibility of an infinite past is an argument for God, re Spitzer. We haven’t been discussing that at all, but kf occasionally reminds us that the infinite past issue is really the issue of the thread.

    This will be a huge climbdown for him, if he ever manages to acknowledge his error.

    He does seem to be perilously close to a realization:

    DS, by definition of endlessness T will go beyond any arbitrarily large finite value and in that sense is endless or infinite. Every specific defined term of T will be finite but endlessness cannot be exhausted.


    Thanks. It appears we agree that T is an infinite set, and every element of T is finite?

    KF just needs to realize, and accept, that T contains nothing but “specific defined terms.” There are no “non-specific undefined terms” in the set.

  29. aleta,

    One of the things I find interesting about conversations like this is that I, and people like me, seem to think harder about the unconventional ideas that some people have than the people holding those ideas do.

    Yes. As a glaring example, ‘Virgil’ never seems to have considered the implications of his “set subtraction method” for comparing the cardinalities of finite sets such as these:

    A = {hen, fox, sheep, wolf}
    B = {1,2,3,4}

    “Cantor math” is able to determine that A and B have the same cardinality. “JoeMath” fails at even this trivial task, because his set subtraction method only works when one set is a subset (proper or otherwise) of the other.

    Mathematicians think. Joe doesn’t.

  30. aleta:
    I wrote the following summary of Virgil’s mathematical position

    “As far as I can tell, Virgil’s view is that every infinite proper subset of the natural numbers has a different cardinality. Much as Cantor named aleph null (A0) as the cardinality of the naturals and A1 as the cardinality of the reals, and then built a sequence of further levels of infinity from there, Virgil seems to have the idea that we can start with the cardinality of the naturals and build down from there.

    The evens have fewer members than the naturals, the set of all squares would have even fewer members, the set of all factorials even fewer yet.

    Interesting enough, the integers would have more members than the naturals, by the same argument Virgil uses for the odds and evens.

    Let I = the integers = {0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3, …}, N = the naturals = {1,2,3,…), and N- = the non-positive integers {0,-1,-2,-3, …}

    Then I – N = N-, so N and N- have fewer members than I.

    One more example: let N = the naturals and let N1 = {2,3,4,..}, so that N – N1 = {1}. By Virgils reasoning, the cardinality of N1 is one less than the cardinality of N, although still infinite.

    Therefore, Virgil’s belief, based on his set subtraction method, is that there are an infinite number of levels of infinity, both less than and greater than the level of infinity associated with the natural numbers.

    This seems to be what he believes.”

    Virgil seems to agree I have his position correct when he writes,

    “Aleta, I would start with some accepted standard, yes. But I would allow for a cardinality greater than, equal to or less than that standard. It is all relative, hence the name.

    That way you don’t need any special pleading to get around the ramifications of set subtraction.

    And that follows from Cantor’s reasoning behind small and big infinity- and again I am not sure if the naturals is what I would use as a standard. I haven’t given it much thought but that is what I would most likely start with and then see if another standard is better.”

    So there you are: every infinite proper subset of the integers has a different “relative cardinality” that, although he hasn’t thought much about it, if he did, he would start with the cardinality of the naturals and work up and down from there, as I suggested.

    One of the things I find interesting about conversations like this is that I, and people like me, seem to think harder about the unconventional ideas that some people have than the people holding those ideas do.

    LoL! How do you know what he thought of? I am sure that whatever you can think of he has already considered.

  31. aleta:
    When I asked Joe/Virgil, “Does E [the evens] have exactly 1/2 as many elements as N [the naturals]?”, he replied

    “As infinity is a journey it would all depend on when you looked. However the relative cardinality can be determined by the bijective function.”


    I though about asking him if Tuesday would be different than Wednesday, but I didn’t want to be snarky. Of course, if there is a bijective function than E would have the same number of elements as N. But how in the world could the number of elements in E vary according to “when you looked”, even if he meant something different than Tuesday?

    OK so Aleta doesn’t understand that infinity is a journey nor the implications of that.

  32. keiths,

    LoL! @ keiths- No, you don’t use set subtraction when it doesn’t apply. And no, you don’t use a methodology for infinite sets on finite sets.

    Mathematicians think. Obviously keiths cannot think beyond his strawmen

  33. Joe,

    I think you need to redo your homework assignment from 2013:

    Some exercises for math genius Joe G:

    1. Take any set A of integers. A has a cardinality. Leave A alone for five minutes without adding or removing any elements. Has A’s cardinality changed?

    2. Take any set B of integers. B has a cardinality. Add 1 to each of the elements of B without adding or removing any elements. Has B’s cardinality changed?

    3. Take any set C of integers. C has a cardinality. Multiply each element of C by 17 without adding or removing any elements. Has C’s cardinality changed?

    4. Take the set {0,1,2,3,…}. It has a cardinality. Add 1 to each of its elements without adding or removing any elements. You’ll obtain {1,2,3,4,…}. Has the cardinality changed?

    5. Take the set {0,1,2,3,…}. It has a cardinality. Multiply each element by 17 without adding or removing any elements. You’ll obtain {0,17,34,51,…}. Has the cardinality changed?

    6. Flounder about uselessly, trying to explain why your method says that the cardinality changes in scenarios 4 and 5.

  34. keiths:
    Don’t forget to do your homework, Frankie/Joe.See above.

    Set subtraction proves there is a different number of elements between two countably infinite sets. Nothing you can say will ever change that fact

  35. keiths,

    4. Take the set {0,1,2,3,…}. It has a cardinality. Add 1 to each of its elements without adding or removing any elements. You’ll obtain {1,2,3,4,…}. Has the cardinality changed?

    0 has been removed. You obviously didn’t think that through

  36. keiths,

    5. Take the set {0,1,2,3,…}. It has a cardinality. Multiply each element by 17 without adding or removing any elements. You’ll obtain {0,17,34,51,…}. Has the cardinality changed?

    Set subtraction says the cardinality changed. That is if you define cardinality as the number of elements.

  37. keiths:

    4. Take the set {0,1,2,3,…}. It has a cardinality. Add 1 to each of its elements without adding or removing any elements. You’ll obtain {1,2,3,4,…}. Has the cardinality changed?


    0 has been removed. You obviously didn’t think that through

    ‘0’ wasn’t removed. It was changed to ‘1’. *

    No elements were removed from the set and no elements were added to it. Yet according to JoeMath, the set’s cardinality has changed. It’s smaller than before.

    That’s why no one besides Joe (and his eerily similar friends Frankie and Virgil) is interested in JoeMath: it fails in situations that are easily handled by Cantor Math.

    Why don’t mathematicians adopt JoeMath? The short answer: they’re not idiots.

    * And if you’re tempted to invent a new “rule” of JoeMath that forbids elements from changing, don’t bother. JoeMath would still fail. See if you can figure out why.

  38. Frankie: 0 has been removed.

    Is addition something you also don’t understand?

    Here is a list of numbers. Add 1 to each number.

    Complex stuff!

  39. keiths,

    ‘0’ wasn’t removed. It was changed to ‘1’. *

    That means it was removed.

    No elements were removed

    0 was removed as it is no longer there.

    easily handled by Cantor Math.

    LoL! Throwing your hands in the air and declaring them equal is not math.

    Look, no one uses Cantor’s concept of equal cardinalities for all countably infinite sets for anything. It is a useless concept. That you refused to answer my question about it proves my point.

  40. Frankie: 0 has been removed.

    keiths: ‘0’ wasn’t removed. It was changed to ‘1’.

    Getting technical, I’ll have to agree with Frankie on this point. 1 is a different number from 0. So changing 0 to 1 entails removing 0 and inserting 1.

    Keiths has made a subtle change by putting quotes around the “0” and “1” in what I quoted above. That seems to be treating 0 and 1 not as mathematical objects, but as properties of some otherwise unspecified objects. But he did not use such quotes previously, so this seems to be an inappropriate move.

  41. Neil,

    Getting technical, I’ll have to agree with Frankie on this point. 1 is a different number from 0. So changing 0 to 1 entails removing 0 and inserting 1.

    I addressed that already:

    And if you’re tempted to invent a new “rule” of JoeMath that forbids elements from changing, don’t bother. JoeMath would still fail. See if you can figure out why.

    To spell it out: If instead of changing n to n+1, you insist on removing n and inserting n+1, JoeMath will still fail. Why? Because for every element in the set, you remove that element and replace it with a new element. It’s a one-for-one substitution, so the cardinality does not change.

    What could be more obvious? If you have the set {0,1,2,3} and replace every element n with n+1, then 0 gets replaced with 1, 1 gets replaced with 2, and so on. Every element gets removed and replaced with exactly one element, so of course the cardinality doesn’t change. The orginal set {0,1,2,3} and the new set {1,2,3,4} have the same cardinality — 4.

    It works just as well for {0,1,2,3…} as it does for {0,1,2,3}. If you remove each element, replacing it with exactly one element, then the cardinality doesn’t change.

    Yet JoeMath says the cardinality does change. That’s why mathematically literate people laugh at JoeMath and continue using Cantor’s superior ideas regarding cardinality.

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