…How to have a conversation, (comments open).


I see out good friend whose real name shall not be used despite he himself perpetually linking to it on his website, KirosFocus, has written another copypasta filled FYI / FTR:

Look, KF, You’re clearly reading TSZ and would like to participate. You can have Admin privileges and start threads. The only thing you can’t do it edit, moderate them or delete them for reasons other than listed in the site. (It is better if moderators don’t moderate their own threads, IMHO).

It is my opinion that your FYI / FTR posts are a bad idea. Here’s why:

  • By not allowing criticism to be directly attached to them you are not proceeding in the most intellectually honest way.
  • You keep relinking to them so criticisms have to be redrafted after every ‘reboot’
  • You post on a blog that censors, edits and even DISSAPEARS whole commenters.
  • No rationale or many times even acknowledgement is given by the moderators.
  • The above are hallmarks of dogma, not honest inquiry.

If your ideas are good, they’ll hold up under scrutiny. Exposing them to pointed criticism may help you refine them. A quick check shows non constitutional crises in a certain island that shall not be named, so it’s a great time to take the plunge, with a hearty “BYDAND!”


[title truncated by Lizzie]

55 thoughts on “FYI / FTR:

  1. I see KF is now bragging that there have been no comments deleted from his threads which have comments disabled.

  2. Further to Alan’s comment above

    We take your word for the possibility that you have received threatening emails. And nobody here would condone such an action and would assist you in helping to stop this. But with regard to your claims of cyber-stalking, you have provided no examples. All I have seen are comments on public blogs that disagree with you. Admittedly some of these have been in less than civil tone, but most of the ones that I have seen pale by comparison to those posted at UD by supporters of ID, including by the moderator.

    TSZ does not tolerate outing someone and has recently banned someone for referring to some of your relatives. I don’t see how this can be interpreted as enabling this behaviour.

    I reiterate Elizabeth’s claim that you would be welcome to participate here as long as you are willing to abide by the rules, which are little more than agreeing to engage in civil discourse.

  3. I also offered to help KF to the extent I could here and at AtBC before I was banned at UD. He offered no details.

  4. 2 more closed comments threads (one an FYI/FTR) from KF. Just a suggestion – if your arguments were compelling or even competitive you wouldn’t need to do it. Closing comments is a self-inflicted knock out punch.

  5. It’s embarrassing to watch. I don’t know how self-aware Barry is, KF doesn’t seem to be to any appreciable extent, but I guess they must notice how marginalised that site has become.

    I guess we need new hobbies. I’ve been trying painting classes.

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