Hi all!
Not all of you know me, and some may be agnostic with regard to my existence, alizziest even, but I do exist and I’m so sorry I’ve been an absentee landlord for so long! Life got impossibly difficult, and I’ve been barely keeping my head above water for quite a while!
However, light is definitely visible at the end of the tunnel, and I have good (belated) news which his that Vincent Torley and DNA_jock have kindly agreed to join the admin team at TSZ. Thanks so much, Vincent and DNA_jock!
And I do hope to join them as a no-longer-sleeping partner before the year is out at least! Semi-retirement from my full-time job should commence on 1st November, at which point I hope to get my life back!
A little bread and cheese with your wine?
Dear Elizabeth, please return soon. Your people need you.
Until the Long-Awaited Return, I am bound by skepticism.
If you continue this crazy behaviour, you should be praying for Lizzy not to return.
You are capable of so much more…What’s changed?
Why feature a thread if we’re not going to make it a feature!
I saw the image of Elizabeth in a girl scout cookie!
Please hurry Elizabeth. Even KN thinks the place is an asylum and is being run by kooks.
Concerning the place being run by kooks, I don’t think VJT is a kook, nor do I think DNA_Jock is a kook.
I do.
Hey! I thought you’d retired… ? Or… are you still working on that deep evolutionary thought about The Evolution of Sex? If I were you, I’d include in your thoughtful speculations the evolution of gender… Apparently, they are not the same thing as the evolution of sex ‘predicts” …whatever that means…
Can you believe it???
Hah. What about Neil?
Allan Miller,
I know for a fact that Allan Miller is a kook.
Hang on a sec, was that a Bowie reference?
Move Along, Nothing to See Here.
Nope, the opposite. If I was still retired I’d have time to bandy words here. But, like an ageing hitman, I was tempted out for ‘one last job’,
Well, soon as I have time I will of course be right back at it. I can think of few things more fun than putting thought and effort into something and receiving gnomic comments in return.
Well, it’s good to hear from you…
I hope you mean it about your promises…
Hi Allan!
Greetings, walto!
When will the movie be out?
I prefer my penguin well-baked please.
lol…I’m that movie…
Lizzy, please come soon.. we or some look for a savior… as they should…look at the mess in the world today…
Just look at all the interest in Elizabeth’s soon return. And if it’s at a fever pitch now, just think what it will be like in the coming months!
Is there a reason this OP is still featured? It’s been more than two months.
It’s still featured because it was put up by Elizabeth. And we’re one day closer to her return. Hallelujah!
It’s soft censorship. Can’t have a J-MAC post headlining the main page.
Elizabeth would be proud.
Good one, Mung!
The materialistic establishment has to continue to feel intellectually fulfilled even though people like us make them look foolish…
That’s delusional, J-Mac.
keiths doesn’t need our help.
Are you really singing Hallelujah for Miss Fuzzy Penguin, still vacationing in brains, architecture or music somewhere?
What if it were somehow possible to make this blog become irrelevant before the Illustrious Founder were to return on November 1? What if a band of over-skeptics took on the task of humanising the philosophistically-routed ‘skeptics’ and taught them a developmental thinking lesson?
…says Gregory, who will soon run away again.
Well, you’ve run away yourself from something and are still running, aren’t you keiths?
This place is admittedly too over-weighted with skeptics & atheists for a non-atheist and not fanatically ‘skeptical’ person who is rather instead healthy skeptical. Lizzie made a place where atheists would most feel at home, even if she kept repeating that she didn’t want it to be that way. That’s why apostate keiths likes it, of course.
IDism & YECism are dead ends within the Abrahamic religions without the help of anyone here.
Any news about Torley? Has he formally accepted? If so, please link to the acceptance.
Ah ‘healthy skepticism’! That’s the good kind, right? The kind that’s consistent with whatever one happens to believe, no matter how silly or otherwise indefensible? That’s the kind that Charlie has and Byers, and Fmm, and you, isn’t it?
I shall certainly strive more diligently to achieve this healthy skepticism!!!
Will one of the mods please grow a pair?
I didn’t run away from my Christianity. I rejected it.
I’m comfortable with my decision, and I am able and willing to defend it. You are unable to defend your faith, which is why you run away whenever you are challenged to do so.
I guess you’ve decided that it’s better to flee than to attempt to defend the indefensible.
“I didn’t run away from my Christianity. I rejected it.”
Luckily, Christianity was never yours! LOL.
When I came to TSZ, it certainly wasn’t for any apologetics purposes, as you seem to think. TSZ started as a ‘band of rejects’ from Uncommon Descent. Largely, that is why Lizzie set this place up. I too was banned from UD.
Nothing strange that I would gravitate here, as a sociologist who studies the IDM as a movement. This site became the de facto opposition to UD. That was & to some degree is still largely it’s main purpose.
There is little ‘light of skepticism’ emanating from this place. Philosophistry is common currency. Disenchantment is the norm.
A few unconventional ‘monotheists’ (does that leave anyone out?) continually try to ‘apologise to the atheists’, Vincent J. Torley first & foremost among them. Has anything else changed here since Lizzie left, who at least tried to grapple with things she found mysterious and beyond scientific explanation or purview? Mung is poking logs here as usual, etc.
“It’s still featured because it was put up by Elizabeth.” – Mung
So it won’t be ‘un-featured’ until Lizzie returns? Is that the word from Moderators?
April 29 to November 1 – an ominous return. A post so very much worth featuring at the top of the page, that announces: 2 Moderators who haven’t yet Moderated will be Moderating at some unknown time in the unknown future … oh & also, wink, penguin slide: “I’ll be Back”. She must be so smaaarrt!!
A 6-month longing period for the Penguin saviour of Atheists. Keep it up!
I haven’t made any claims about why you came to TSZ.
What I’ve noted is your inability to defend your faith and your obsession with the apostates here who have done what you are not brave enough to do: reject an irrational faith.
You won’t attempt to defend your faith, because you know that it would end badly for you if you did. So you’ll run away instead and make excuses for doing so.
Looks like Gregory ran away, as expected. No surprise, but still a shame.
Neil also lived down to (low) expectations.
It’s the Cult of the Penguin!
Can someone “un-Feature” this thread please?
You rejected all 34 000 Christian denominations?
Good for you..
You don’t like the penguin in sheepskin???
Seconded. It’s been almost three months.
Enough is enough.
Praying for Elizabeth’s soon return.
If this issue seems to be a visual problem for some, I could email Lizzy and ask her how she feels about it…
Would I be interfering with the command structure at TSZ?
I get the feeling that Elisabeth’s return is viewed by some as the return of Christ …
I have read Elisabeth’s comments here and at UD….she is not a saviour and she can’t save the lie…. it’s impossible….
When, or if, she returns, I would like to have a chat with her…I hope it is fine…
That would be Mung. He seems to think it’s never gonna happen