Here are some quantitative reflections on “Uncommon Descent” (UD) and “The Skeptical Zone” (TSZ) in 2017. I cannot stress enough the quantity bit, nothing is said about the quality of posts and comments.
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On the first view, UD provides many more threads than TSZ: 1,600 vs. 200. But there are only ~200 threads at UD which were not created by “News”…
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TSZ: fewer, but more productive (or just chatty) editors…
Some discussions seem to drag along – but these are threads which are used by Dionisio as data repositories (He does not like it when I label them monologues…)
Jan/Feb and Sep were very active month, Apr was surprisingly quite.
There is something special about these “data-repositories…”:
Ahh that five-thousand post thread. Perhaps the single greatest failure of creationism found on the internet.
Quite surprising.
Well, we are up against Denyse and KF.
And still some posts here must rival theirs.
Can we ever get a commenter like Dionisio? Or KF?
Glen Davidson
Moderation Issues (3) – 2300 comments! And that doesn’t even include Moderation Issues (4).
Yet more evidence that we should give “no-guano” a try.
You might want to correct the thread title. “The Zkeptical Sone” is hard to pronounce. 🙂
Done, thanks!
Thanks for doing this again, DiEb!
Gordon (KF) Mullings would never stoop low enough to grace the pages of this site, one of the “penumbra of animus sites”.
It is amusing to note that none of the most popular threads over the last thirty days at UD had anything to do with ID or science. Strange, considering that their tag line is Serving the Intelligent Design Community. And 88% of the traffic was in threads about objective vs subjective morality. UD (i.e., Barry and KF) are nothing if not predictable. And, I might say, easily manipulated into going balistic. It is entertaining, but hard on the socks.
He’s watching your every move!
He has already accused a couple other people of being my socks. All because I said over at atbc that I had a few socks in reserve over at UD, which Frankie promptly copied and pasted at UD. Part of me feels guilty about taking a childish pleasure out of getting Mullings all worked up, but then I read a few of his pompous, arrogant, sermonizing comments, and my guilt disappears.
Just like Alan accusing ALurker of being Patrick’s sock. What is wrong with these paranoid twits?
Hey but we had fun didn’t we? That counts for something. 🙂
You made the accusation. It was no one’s fault but your own.
Rum the ventologist always wins even if others’ scores don’t match with his…
Looks like he’s got good days and bad day… but mainly the latter… 😉
Any progress in the OOL science of ventolgy, Rum? By now, you should have at least one piece of evidence for ocean vents life creative powers… Don’t hide them from us… It wouldn’t be nice… 😉
The best discussion was also among the shortest:
But thanks for your statistical analysis. You came to mind, btw when I was retraining myself on freshman calculus in the new SkepticalForum:
It’s Leibnitz, not Liebnitz – the spelling is similar, but for a German speaker, the sound is very different – eye vs. eee – so, any German is annoyed by it immediately… 😉
Thanks, DiEb.
There are all sorts of answerable questions to be asked about particular authors and commenters, but I don’t believe that you or anyone else should spend time answering them. Life is too short.
Apologies. I fixed it just for you. 🙂
And FWIW, I think German is a beautiful sounding language. For someone raised in the USA, I had peculiar tastes in music relative to my peers. For whatever reason, I like Wagnerian operas, especially this piece which my piano teacher played a lot based on the Opera, hence I guess I subconsciously spelled Leibnitz “Lieb” not “Leib”!
German is hard… I’ve tried… I known more than a few languages but I personally found German not that easy… but then again, I know Spanish pretty well and found French not that easy unlike Italiani …same language family…
How many visitors does each site get per month?
This number could be more valuable than comments/OP stats…
I’m off the charts, again.
How would I know?
I’m not.
It’s heartwarming to be remembered as “other.”
Of course, many of the names with the higher quantities seem to be there more for verbosity than anything else.
Glen Davidson
Most web hosting companies have preinstalled software where you can access many different stats, including visits, key words etc…
There don’t seem to be many heathens left who have permission to post over at UD. Seversky, maybe a few others. The result is that UD has become little more than an echo chamber.
I did something to upset Barry, and was duly banned. Sort of a badge of honour really. To be accepted into the ID/UD crowd should worry any right thinking person.
You don’t get that this is all done from outside that realm? It’s easy to write tools to determine the sort of information gathered in this OP without access to the back end server or anything like that. How? It’s a website you can access! Christ….
If you want to know traffic figures at UD then go ask Barry.
I’m guessing those books and papers you are pretending to write are not on technical matters…
There is lots of evidence already.
While there are no definitive answers, multiple hypotheses are being tested. I.E. people are doing things whereas on your side there are literally no testable hypotheses to be had.
I think I still have permission. But their posts have become so absurd, that I don’t have the inclination.
Neil Rickert,
Likewise. I just don’t see the need to make fun of them any more – they are quite capable of doing that without any outside help.
Mullers_ratchet or JSmith?
Ud does have a management problem and more importantly free speech problem.
I suspect also they listen to SPECIAL posters about management.
Anyways I never understand why more of the public is bnot interested in origin contentions WHEN any group of ten people sitting together, origin issue comes up, bANG half of them will have pasionate answers and a few more answers and only a few no interest at all. yet on the internet origin issues ends up being fought/debated by only the intellectual officer corp on the subject(s).
Only those with intellectual STRIPEs can hold their own and persevere in very important matters to mankind.
This also means those who organize blogs/forums are not the most reasonable people. I don’t mean TSZ.
Both sides censor/punish posters like crazy and don’t make a climate/culture of manly free thought.
The good guys should be the most desiring of public involvement. Then both sides if they both think they are the good guys.
is it true origin conclusions will be established by the few?