Request for Criticisms: A Tutorial on Specified Complexity

I am working on a series of tutorials to cover the basics of Intelligent Design, especially the mathematics of it. This is my tutorial on Specified Complexity, and I would appreciate any thoughtful criticism of it.

Note that I am specifically requesting criticisms on the content of the video itself, not on applications of the concept that are outside the bounds of the video. This is both to help me (I’m trying to improve my presentation of ID) and to help clarify the conversation (is the criticism of *this* information or of some *other* information).

388 thoughts on “Request for Criticisms: A Tutorial on Specified Complexity

  1. Allan Miller,

    Whaaat? It would not need to have anything more than the genes required for its immediate survival and reproduction.

    And your experimental support for this claim is?

  2. colewd,

    And your experimental support for this claim is?

    What is your counter-claim, and what experimental support do you have for it?

    I see no sound reason to suppose that LUCA had within it the genome of every modern organism, each modern lineage arising from a gradual whittling away of the things that were not it. It’s a bizarre notion. But, if you want to pursue it …

  3. Allan Miller,

    I see no sound reason to suppose that LUCA had within it the genome of every modern organism, each modern lineage arising from a gradual whittling away of the things that were not it. It’s a bizarre notion. But, if you want to pursue it …

    The argument is that the sequential space of the genome is too large and functional space is too small. I point to Axe’s penicillin experiment to support my claim.

    The other claim you have not supported is that alpha helixes will gain selective advantage.

  4. colewd,

    The argument is that the sequential space of the genome is too large and functional space is too small. I point to Axe’s penicillin experiment to support my claim.

    We’ve been through this many times, but I don’t in any case see what that has to do with suppositions about the size of LUCA’s genome. You are surely not suggesting that it needed an actual universe of proteins in order to find one or two functional ones? Surely the others would somewhat get in the way? To say nothing of it being the size of a small galaxy.

    I also feel the need to point out to you yet again that LUCA is not regarded as the first cell at the very origin of life. I repeat my claim: LUCA need not be furnished with any more genetic material than was necessary to support its immediate survival and reproduction. Your response does not go near that, and Axe’s fiddling with penicillin could not be much less relevant. One can produce dysfunctional enzymes? The hell you say.

    The other claim you have not supported is that alpha helixes will gain selective advantage.

    Why not? Are we to suppose that the only possible advantageous arrangement of a protein is the one in which we find it today? On what grounds?

  5. Patrick: We know the capabilities and constraints of humans. What are the constraints of your god designer?

    What are the constraints and capabilities of homo erectus or australopithecus afarensis?

    It seems to me that we mostly discover the capabilities and constraints of individuals by studying what they have designed. Do you disagree?


  6. Patrick: If an entity can do literally anything then there is no way to determine if a particular artifact is the work of that entity.

    I would agree. However I don’t know of an entity that can do literally anything so I’m not sure what you bring this up.

    God can’t make a square circle or a rock so heavy he can’t lift for example.


  7. Pedant: Why don’t you explain why you think ID is a Turing test?

    I think I will put together a couple of OPs on just that topic as a follow up for the recent discussions here. We will see how it goes.

    Pedant: Do you even know what a Turing test is?

    Yes, Do you?


  8. Alpha helixes have an amphipathic moment – an asymmetry in the distribution of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues. This arises quite at random. If weak membrane binding occurs as a consequence and is favourable, there is clearly a selection pressure in favour of retaining further hydrophilic substitutions on one side, and hydrophobic on the other, which will enhance the binding.

    Such explanations are ad hoc. But if one doesn’t have actual calculations for the probability of such selection pressure existing, it’s just unproven speculation, it’s not at the level of highly verified science compared to other scientific disciplines like biochemistry. But what is a random alpha helix going to do when parked on membrane. It will take up space, and enough of those will block the membrane. Not good.

    Anyway, some data on transmembrane proteins:

    Membrane protein structural biology is still a largely unconquered area, given that approximately 25% of all proteins are membrane proteins and yet less than 150 unique structures are available. Membrane proteins have proven to be difficult to study owing to their partially hydrophobic surfaces, flexibility and lack of stability.

    Thanks anyway for the comment.

  9. colewd: The argument is that the sequential space of the genome is too large and functional space is too small. I point to Axe’s penicillin experiment to support my claim.

    Which I complete debunked in a large post on this very site.

  10. Allan Miller,

    We’ve been through this many times, but I don’t in any case see what that has to do with suppositions about the size of LUCA’s genome. You are surely not suggesting that it needed an actual universe of proteins in order to find one or two functional ones? Surely the others would somewhat get in the way? To say nothing of it being the size of a small galaxy.

    What do you claim is the minimum cell configuration for life? Currently Ventner is down to 500 genes. Do you claim life before DNA, Ribosomes and ATP synthase. If so on what grounds can you translate chemical/solar energy to work continuously and maintain survival?

  11. colewd: Allan Miller,

    We’ve been through this many times, but I don’t in any case see what that has to do with suppositions about the size of LUCA’s genome. You are surely not suggesting that it needed an actual universe of proteins in order to find one or two functional ones? Surely the others would somewhat get in the way? To say nothing of it being the size of a small galaxy.

    What do you claim is the minimum cell configuration for life?

    1. That depends on the definition of life you use.
    2. Why is anyone required to know the minimum number of genes for a free living cell, in this context?

    Do you claim life before DNA, Ribosomes and ATP synthase.

    Given that this is entirely dependent on definition, the question is vacuous. For example, if I just define life as templated copying of polymers, then by definition there is life simpler than cells with DNA, ribosomes and ATP synthase. A thermal convective cycle can replicate DNA or RNA. Is that life? If you don’t think so, why not?

  12. stcordova,

    Such explanations are ad hoc. But if one doesn’t have actual calculations for the probability of such selection pressure existing, it’s just unproven speculation, it’s not at the level of highly verified science compared to other scientific disciplines like biochemistry.

    …? It is biochemistry! One can readily compute the amphipathic moment for a random helix. Fully radially-symmetrical helixes are likely to be rarer than those with an affinity on one side or the other. Membrane affinity will depend on the orientation of the helix wrt the rest of the protein. Point is, it is a perfectly realistic mechanism by which membrane location can be tuned.

    Meantime you have just basically shot yourself in the foot. You reckon it should be possible to calculate the probability of a particular distribution of hydrophobic residues arising in one go. How do you propose that actually happens? What biological mechanism are you representing? Why are you ignoring the ones that actually happen?

    But what is a random alpha helix going to do when parked on membrane. It will take up space, and enough of those will block the membrane. Not good.

    Uh … yeah. I wonder what mechanism could possibly prevent that from happening? It’s like the wind always blows from the east with you guys. Why isn’t everything a giraffe?

  13. colewd,

    What do you claim is the minimum cell configuration for life? Currently Ventner is down to 500 genes. Do you claim life before DNA, Ribosomes and ATP synthase. If so on what grounds can you translate chemical/solar energy to work continuously and maintain survival?

    Pretty irrelevant to LUCA. It had about half a billion years’ worth of ancestors. I already said: LUCA was not the first cell.

  14. Rumraket,

    A thermal convective cycle can replicate DNA or RNA. Is that life? If you don’t think so, why not?

    I have not seen any experimental evidence that you can sustain life in a simplified form. There is no logic to me where self replicating DNA turns into anything more on its own. The simple to complex by natural means is a story to try to explain what we have observed historically. In my mind its truth has no experimental back up or logic supporting it now that we are beginning to understand cell complexity.

    One thing I agree with Allan’s approach is that if you cannot make sense of origin of life evolution does not make sense either.

  15. fifthmonarchyman: I think I will put together a couple of OPs on just that topic as a follow up for the recent discussions here.We will see how it goes.

    Yes, Do you?


    Can I play this game?

    ID is s phylosophy that has a disproportionate number of proponents who think that homosexuality is a sin that should be punished with the force of law. And the Turing test was developed by an individual who saved hundreds of thousands of people during the war, who was persecuted to the point of suicide for the sin of being homosexual.

    What do I win?

  16. Acartia: ID is s phylosophy that has a disproportionate number of proponents who think that homosexuality is a sin that should be punished with the force of law.

    I live in the buckle of the bible belt and I have never met a single person who thought that homosexuality should be punished with the force of law.

    I’m not even sure how that would possibly work. You can’t effectively criminalize thought as far as I know.

    I do know a few folks who think that sodomy should be illegal all most always these are the same folks who think that adultery,gambling and alcohol should be illegal. Those guys are generally equal opportunity litigators.

    What happened to Turing was a terrible evil but he was not convicted of homosexuality or sodomy but of “gross indecency” a crime that IMO has more to do with prudish Victorian sensibilities in Britain than some sort of religious theonomy.


  17. Looks like johnnyb can’t think of any way for specified complexity to be applied to anything more that trivial combinational probability examples.

    What a surprise.

  18. colewd: I have not seen any experimental evidence that you can sustain life in a simplified form.

    Neither have you seen evidence that an immortal Intelligent Designer has been fiddling with life for billions of years, yet you actually believe that.

  19. colewd: I have not seen any experimental evidence that you can sustain life in a simplified form.

    How is this a response to my question? What definition of life are you using?

    There is no logic to me where self replicating DNA turns into anything more on its own.

    I dare say, there is no logic “to you” whatsoever.

    The simple to complex by natural means is a story to try to explain what we have observed historically. In my mind its truth has no experimental back up or logic supporting it now that we are beginning to understand cell complexity.

    Then whatever is “in your mind” is mistaken. I suspect it’s because you never understood the logic of phylogenetic inference. You still don’t.

    One thing I agree with Allan’s approach is that if you cannot make sense of origin of life evolution does not make sense either.

    That isn’t Allan’s “approach”. Do you want to know why? Because it wouldn’t make sense. Whether the origin of life was a physical/chemical process, or whether it was due to some sort of intelligent design, has no bearing on whether that first life subsequently evolved into all the life we see today (which it did).

    How can it be possible for you to write so much wrong in so few words? There’s scarcely a single implied inference you concoct that isn’t a complete non-sequitur. It is astonishing.

  20. IDiot logic:

    “the size of genome that would be required to have a universal common ancestor so simple that it can’t sustain life, may be way too big”

  21. …? It is biochemistry! One can readily compute the amphipathic moment for a random helix. Fully radially-symmetrical helixes are likely to be rarer than those with an affinity on one side or the other. Membrane affinity will depend on the orientation of the helix wrt the rest of the protein. Point is, it is a perfectly realistic mechanism by which membrane location can be tuned.

    So having selection scenarios that create extreme conditions far from the expected value of the binomial coin flip distribution is a little harder than just talking about having ampiphatic asymmetry that creates binding of a random helix. It’s way more complex than that.

    Thank you for the comment but you misstate the problem.

    If random alpha helices will bind to the membrane that is bad. One of the activities of the membrane is to allow only certain substances in or out and in the right amounts. Also if the otherwise functioning helix doesn’t bind because it lack insufficient hydrophobic/hydrophilic asymmetry (again the the extremes of binomial distribution) the cell could die.

    Consider for example the GLU4 transmembrane protein or any functional equivalent that allows glucose in the cell as depicted below. Suppose the cell did not have a GLUT4 or equivalent, then glucose doesn’t enter the cell, the cell dies. If GLUT4 (or the equivalent) doesn’t exist, no life, not selection, no evolution. Dead things don’t evolve!

    No point in talking about marginally binding GLUT4 if the marginally binding doesn’t bind enough and at the right time to keep the cell alive. Oh yeah, look at the other constrain on GLUT4 that interacts with insulin cascade — you need beta cells to make insulin (and that means lots of developmental complexity), you need the insulin gene, you need insulin regulation, you need receptor tyrosine kinases, etc. etc. and last but not least the transmembrane integral GLUT4 that interacts properly with the membrane when called upon. You improperly assume selection will act, when it won’t even get off the ground because the creature is dead!

    Conversely suppose any random dang thing binds to the membrane and lets any random dang thing go in or out of the membrane. Too many potassium ions flowing through a transmembrane protein that implements an ion channel in the wrong direction. Oops. Too many sodium ions passing through a transmembrane protein that implements a transporter. Oops.

    Your selection scenario generously assumes it the trait of hydrophobic/hydrophilic asymmetry (aka amphiphatic characteristics) is easily selectable in the first place based solely on hydrophobic/hydrophilic asymmetry alone, but selection must be more targeted than that and it must exist in the first place. If the organism is dead, it’s rather pointless to talk about selection isn’t it?

    I’ve shown two reasons why the organism could be dead. If the transmembrane protein is necessary for life, and it doesn’t exist, the organism is dead. If any random polypeptide starts providing random channels through the membrane, then stuff that should stay in the cell leaks out and membrane potential and concentration gradients are gone — or just as bad things leak in that should stay out. The thing dies.

    Or just as badly, the membrane is clogged with an abundance of non-functioning poly peptides with alpha helicies. Does the cell look like it’s full of non-functioning alpha helicies to you from which selection can experiment and create new functioning transmembrane proteins? And if a transmembrane protein isn’t necessary, why will it be selected for? It’s silly to assume poking random holes in the cell membrane to with randomly formed proteins will do anything good.

    Your selection scenario runs into challenges when confronted with more realistic scenarios and actual data.

    And speaking of poking random hole in a cell:

    If I take a sterile test tube, and I put in it a little bit of fluid with just the right salts, just the right balance of acidity and alkalinity, just the right temperature, the perfect solution for a living cell, and I put in one living cell, this cell is alive – it has everything it needs for life. Now I take a sterile needle, and I poke that cell, and all its stuff leaks out into this test tube. We have in this nice little test tube all the molecules you need for a living cell – not just the pieces of the molecules, but the molecules themselves. And you cannot make a living cell out of them. You can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. So what makes you think that a few amino acids dissolved in the ocean are going to give you a living cell? It’s totally unrealistic

    Jonathan Wells

  22. stcordova: And speaking of poking random hole in a cell:

    [meaningless ramblings by Jonathan Wells]

    Every time a creationist argues that cells must have self-assembled on their own, the Flying Spaghetti Monster kills a kitten

  23. OMagain: Neither have you seen evidence that an immortal Intelligent Designer has been fiddling with life for billions of years, yet you actually believe that.

    Pretty sure colewd thinks the Intelligent Designer has been fiddling for 6000 years.

  24. fifthmonarchyman:

    We know the capabilities and constraints of humans. What are the constraints of your god designer?

    What are the constraints and capabilities of homo erectus or australopithecus afarensis?

    Similar to those of early humans, which is why we can distinguish between artifacts they may have produced and those they could not have.

    It seems to me that we mostly discover the capabilities and constraints of individuals by studying what they have designed. Do you disagree?

    You’re confusing the issue. You claimed that sciences like archaeology and forensics demonstrate that we can detect design scientifically. My point is that such detection is only possible because we know the capabilities and constraints under which humans operate.

    You can’t make design claims about an omnipotent entity because it could do literally anything. And we all know that IDCists mean their particular god when they say “Designer”.

  25. fifthmonarchyman: I live in the buckle of the bible belt and I have never met a single person who thought that homosexuality should be punished with the force of law.

    So, you don’t know of anyone who is opposed to same sex marriage? Or anyone opposed to same sex couples adopting?

    I do know a few folks who think that sodomy should be illegal all most always these are the same folks who think that adultery, gambling and alcohol should be illegal. Those guys are generally equal opportunity litigators.

    In many of the bible-belt states it required the Supreme Court to remove sodomy from the books. The same is true for same sex-sex marriage.

    What happened to Turing was a terrible evil but he was not convicted of homosexuality or sodomy but of “gross indecency” a crime that IMO has more to do with prudish Victorian sensibilities in Britain than some sort of religious theonomy.

    Homosexuality was considered gross indecency. They didn’t charge him with sodomy because they didn’t catch him in the act.

  26. Patrick: If an entity can do literally anything then there is no way to determine if a particular artifact is the work of that entity.

    Logic Fail.

    If only God can create a universe from nothing then that pretty much narrows things down.

  27. Mung: Logic Fail.

    If only God can create a universe from nothing then that pretty much narrows things down.

    Spot the difference:

    Entity “E” can only do “X”
    Only entity “E” can do “X”

  28. colewd,

    One thing I agree with Allan’s approach is that if you cannot make sense of origin of life evolution does not make sense either.

    I don’t recognise the position being attributed to me.

    Evolution occurs whatever the origin of the replicating entities. I have in fact strived to put substantial distance between LUCA and the origin – an effort that is clearly in vain.

    My original statement was that LUCA – merely our most recent common ancestor – would need only those genes necessary for its immediate survival and reproduction, in contrast to jonnyb’s strange suggestion that its genome would be too big if it was a common ancestor. You challenged that (on spurious ‘experimental evidence’ grounds) but have spent the rest of the time talking of something else entirely.

  29. stcordova,

    So having selection scenarios that create extreme conditions far from the expected value of the binomial coin flip distribution is a little harder than just talking about having ampiphatic asymmetry that creates binding of a random helix. It’s way more complex than that.

    I still have no idea what biological process you are representing with coin flips.

    Thank you for the comment but you misstate the problem.

    If random alpha helices will bind to the membrane that is bad.

    You are misstating the problem. Random helices really do have differential asymmetry with respect to hydrophobic moment. It’s unavoidable, but is hardly the all-or-nothing cartoon that you spin. If such a helix arises and that is detrimental, the organism dies. That leaves the field open to all the organisms that are not dead. Perturbations from symmetry are not favoured if they cause damage. The fact that you can cook up some particular scenario does not mean ALL perturbations from symmetry will ALWAYS be damaging, or that the slightest hint of a change in moment will cause all proteins to gum up the works. It’s the classic ‘some-therefore-all, few-therefore-none’ dodge of Creationism.

    Real amendments to hydrophobic moment happen by small degrees, and they can lead in either direction. They do not automatically mean that membranes are always clogged with asymmetric helix! An absurd reduction.

    Are you proposing that it is flat-out impossible for such a helix to improve function in any protein by increasing or decreasing its affinity with membrane or cytosol? Instead you argue for the ridiculous and non-biological mechanism of drawing a few hundred acids from a bag with the hydrophobic residues already exactly where they need to be, with no possibility of any less specific precursor state.

    Of course, the probabilities are easier, because they are independent, and you get what you really want: BigNumbers. But the result is meaningless. 10 to the hundred million. 300 to the squillion. It’s enormous, and totally irrelevant.

  30. I actually agree with Salvador on this one. What good is half a membrane?

    I can hear some evolutionist now. Well, maybe first it just sort of helped keep off the rain. And then it evolved a bit from that. Until eventually, a modern membrane!

  31. Mung:
    I actually agree with Salvador on this one. What good is half a membrane?

    I can hear some evolutionist now. Well, maybe first it just sort of helped keep off the rain. And then it evolved a bit from that. Until eventually, a modern membrane!

    What good is half retard? Go full on!

  32. stcordova: If GLUT4 (or the equivalent) doesn’t exist, no life, not selection, no evolution. Dead things don’t evolve!

    Unless, of course, the membrane prior to the evolution of GLUT4 was semipermeable, because it was made of simpler fatty acids, instead of phospholipids.

    Things are a certain way now =/= they must have always been like that.

  33. stcordova: No point in talking about marginally binding GLUT4 if the marginally binding doesn’t bind enough and at the right time to keep the cell alive. Oh yeah, look at the other constrain on GLUT4 that interacts with insulin cascade — you need beta cells to make insulin (and that means lots of developmental complexity), you need the insulin gene, you need insulin regulation, you need receptor tyrosine kinases, etc. etc. and last but not least the transmembrane integral GLUT4 that interacts properly with the membrane when called upon. You improperly assume selection will act, when it won’t even get off the ground because the creature is dead!

    E coli seems to be doing quite fine without insulin. Have you spent even a single minute looking at the comparative genetics of insulin and related regulatory pathways? I haven’t, but I predict it’s not universally conserved. Test me!

  34. stcordova: So what makes you think that a few amino acids dissolved in the ocean are going to give you a living cell? It’s totally unrealistic

    I agree. Which is why nobody believes or suggests such a preposterous scenario.

  35. Mung: Logic Fail.

    If only God can create a universe from nothing then that pretty much narrows things down.

    Sure, if the universe came from nothing, and the only possible way that could happen is if God made it so, then God would have to have made the universe. Yes, it follows.

    Now, time to substantiate the premises:
    1. The universe came from nothing.
    2. The only possible way this could happen is if God made it so.

    Impress me.

  36. Mung:
    I actually agree with Salvador on this one. What good is half a membrane?

    Turns out it’s better than no membrane at all.

    Physical effects underlying the transition from primitive to modern cell membranes.
    Budin I, Szostak JW.

    To understand the emergence of Darwinian evolution, it is necessary to identify physical mechanisms that enabled primitive cells to compete with one another. Whereas all modern cell membranes are composed primarily of diacyl or dialkyl glycerol phospholipids, the first cell membranes are thought to have self-assembled from simple, single-chain lipids synthesized in the environment. We asked what selective advantage could have driven the transition from primitive to modern membranes, especially during early stages characterized by low levels of membrane phospholipid. Here we demonstrate that surprisingly low levels of phospholipids can drive protocell membrane growth during competition for single-chain lipids. Growth results from the decreasing fatty acid efflux from membranes with increasing phospholipid content. The ability to synthesize phospholipids from single-chain substrates would have therefore been highly advantageous for early cells competing for a limited supply of lipids. We show that the resulting increase in membrane phospholipid content would have led to a cascade of new selective pressures for the evolution of metabolic and transport machinery to overcome the reduced membrane permeability of diacyl lipid membranes. The evolution of phospholipid membranes could thus have been a deterministic outcome of intrinsic physical processes and a key driving force for early cellular evolution.
    The first cell membranes are likely to have formed from simple, single-chain lipids such as short-chain fatty acids and their derivatives that were present in the prebiotic environment (1, 2). Membranes composed of such amphiphiles are permeable to polar nutrients such as nucleotides (3) and feature the dynamic properties necessary for spontaneous growth and division (2, 4). The high permeability of fatty-acid-based membranes is consistent with a heterotrophic model for early cells, in which chemical building blocks are synthesized in the environment and passively diffuse across the cell membrane to participate in replication. All modern cells synthesize phospholipids (or sulfolipids in rare exceptions; refs. 5 and 6) with two hydrophobic chains as their primary membrane lipids. Phospholipid membranes prevent the rapid permeation of ions and polar molecules, allowing modern cells to retain internally synthesized metabolites and to control all import and export. The evolution of phospholipid membranes must have therefore mirrored the emergence of metabolic and transport machinery during early cellular evolution.

    This transition from single-chain lipids to phospholipids had to be gradual, both to allow for the coevolution of metabolic and transport machinery and because of the initial inefficiency of nascent catalysts (e.g., ribozymes). Hence, the selective advantage associated with phospholipid synthesis had to apply to small differences in phospholipid content in order to drive this transition. What selective advantage could be conferred by the low levels of phospholipid that must have been present at the beginning of this process? Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that populations of fatty acid vesicles, representing primitive cellular compartments (protocells), are able to compete directly with each other via the exchange of fatty acid monomers (7). These exchange processes allow some vesicles to grow at the expense of others, e.g., RNA-induced osmotic swelling causes vesicles to grow by incorporating fatty acids from empty vesicles. Here we asked whether low levels of phospholipids, potentially synthesized by genomically encoded catalysts (e.g., ribozymes), could also drive competitive growth and therefore provide a clear selective pressure for the evolution of modern cell membranes. We were motivated by previous experiments suggesting that phospholipid-containing micelles can alter the fatty acid equilibrium between vesicles and micelles (8) and that pure phosphatidylcholine vesicles disrupt neighboring oleate vesicles (9).

    Pay special attention to reference 3: Template-directed synthesis of a genetic polymer in a model protocell.

    Contemporary phospholipid-based cell membranes are formidable barriers to the uptake of polar and charged molecules ranging from metal ions to complex nutrients. Modern cells therefore require sophisticated protein channels and pumps to mediate the exchange of molecules with their environment. The strong barrier function of membranes has made it difficult to understand the origin of cellular life and has been thought to preclude a heterotrophic lifestyle for primitive cells. Although nucleotides can cross dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes through defects formed at the gel-to-liquid transition temperature, phospholipid membranes lack the dynamic properties required for membrane growth. Fatty acids and their corresponding alcohols and glycerol monoesters are attractive candidates for the components of protocell membranes because they are simple amphiphiles that form bilayer membrane vesicles that retain encapsulated oligonucleotides and are capable of growth and division. Here we show that such membranes allow the passage of charged molecules such as nucleotides, so that activated nucleotides added to the outside of a model protocell spontaneously cross the membrane and take part in efficient template copying in the protocell interior. The permeability properties of prebiotically plausible membranes suggest that primitive protocells could have acquired complex nutrients from their environment in the absence of any macromolecular transport machinery; that is, they could have been obligate heterotrophs.

  37. Rumraket,

    Hah, yes, I’d missed the fact that Sal was talking about multicellular creatures! The only kind worth talking about. I think we can all agree that membrane-protein associations did not originate in multicellular organisms.

  38. Mung,

    I actually agree with Salvador on this one. What good is half a membrane?

    I can hear some evolutionist now. Well, maybe first it just sort of helped keep off the rain. And then it evolved a bit from that. Until eventually, a modern membrane!

    OK, let’s allow that membranes were magicked up by pixies or something, does that mean that you agree with Sal on the consequences of amphipathic asymmetry, and his deduction on the resultant impossibility of all pathways by which protein/membrane associations can be tuned?

  39. Allan Miller: I think we can all agree that membrane-protein associations did not originate in multicellular organisms.

    I’d agree with that. But Salvador’s essential point still remains.

  40. Mung,

    I’d agree with that. But Salvador’s essential point still remains.

    What, that it is impossible for selection to tune protein-membrane affinity, in either a positive or negative direction?

    I know he went a bit Gish-gallop, so it’s hard to pin down what specific point you might mean. But he was, at least initially, responding to my point about tuning.

  41. Adapa:
    Looks like johnnyb can’t think of any way for specified complexity to be applied to anything more that trivial combinational probability examples.

    What a surprise.

    I provided an example of algorithmic specified complexity a while back: hermit crabs forming a conga line to exchange shells. The simplest approach (contrived, as is the norm in ID examples) to calculating the ASC is similar to what he did in the presentation. That is, it takes a lot more bits to describe an arbitrary permutation of n shells than to describe a size-descending sequence of n shells. The log-ratio of those quantities qualifies as ASC. I’m sure Jonathan is capable of setting up the model, and doing the calculation. I’m not so sure he’s prepared to deal with the result. Make a large number distinguishable copies of a system operating according to very simple rules, and the collective can generate large amounts of ASC, even though none of the individuals can.

  42. Tom English: I provided an example of algorithmic specified complexity a while back: hermit crabs forming a conga line to exchange shells. The simplest approach (contrived, as is the norm in ID examples) to calculating the ASC is similar to what he did in the presentation. That is, it takes a lot more bits to describe an arbitrary permutation of shells than to describe a size-descending sequence of shells. The log-ratio of those quantities [oops… the corresponding probabilities] qualifies as ASC. I’m sure Jonathan is capable of setting up the model, and doing the calculation. I’m not so sure he’s prepared to deal with the result. Make a large number distinguishable copies of a system operating according to very simple rules, and the collective can generate large amounts of ASC, even though none of the individuals can.

  43. stcordova: Below is conceptual depiction of 5 different kinds of transmembrane proteins that are shown as integral parts of the cell membrane.

    Notice the over abundance of “blue” amino acids (charged residues) on the outer parts of the cell membrane and scarcity of “blue” amino acids within the cell membrane.

  44. Mung,

    Yes, we got the memo, and saw the picture. There is no question that the amount and location of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues affects the general locale in which a protein is found (though not as rigidly as people with any kind of ‘plastic-sheet-and-velcro’ model in their minds may think). If that was Sal’s ‘essential point’, I won’t argue with it. The point I was responding to, though, was the relevance of independent-probability computations for the pattern observed in any given protein – Hoyle’s Fallacy, yet agin. Substitution, selection, domain donation, excision and migration, tandem duplication – do they not happen?

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