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Please use this thread for alerting admins to moderation issues and for discussion or complaints arising from particular decisions.
Tom, Gregory is more combustible, but can also write coherent English. Also liked to out members here and was resentful of the academics. But he’s published some of his stuff; and you can tell he’s read a few papers.
Maybe there’s some similarity to their views, but that’s about it, IMO.
Allan, to J-Mac:
I finally figured out what’s behind J-Mac’s ‘dot dot dot’ tic. He initially writes his comments out in full, but before clicking on ‘Post Comment’ he scans through them, replacing all the intelligent parts with ellipses.
Hmmm…So… why not all of your comments are ellipses only?
Plus Gregory lacks the will-power to go more than a day or two without insulting me, my ethnicity, and my profession.
I’m saying that J-Mac is a farcical character constructed by someone not at all like the character. Someone is making a statement with J-Mac. Gregory, who regards himself as superior to all parties, and who heaps on the ridicule, is my best guess as to who would make the statement I see the operator of J-Mac making. It’s good to think of J-Mac as Gregory’s commentary, irrespective of whether Gregory is actually the operator.
Well, there’s an argument. But I’ll stick with Gregory until someone comes up with a better guess of who is operating J-Mac.
I think J-Mac is operating J-Mac, and doing a rather poor job of it.
Why don’t you do one of your non-search for a solution to the problem and see what you come up with…
You definitely have less possibilities to non-search problem solution than a new protein fold then in evolutionary theory…
You only have 8 billion people to do the non-search problem solve on.. It should be a piece of cake for a clever guy like you and the rest of the “holy trinity”…
Learned from master keiths… 😉
It’s hard to see why J-Mac would be faking theological arguments at UD, along with BS quantum “arguments” about consciousness continuing after death. He also has a number of “proof texts” on various subjects, which again just seems excessive efforts at fakery.
I’m not saying he couldn’t be a sock puppet, but very few would have the dedication to come up with so much arrant nonsense.
Glen Davidson
You’re not taking the loss function into account. There’s more to lose in accepting a sneering cartoon cur as an earnest discussant than in rejecting it as a sock puppet.
Patrick aka MathGrrl aka J-Mac, providing further evidence that “The Skeptical Zone Is Broken.”
You never know, do you?
Tom’s odd “fake person” obsession, which has been festering since at least February, has flared up again.
It’s a safe bet that you’re not fake, because you serve no apparent purpose. I’m resigned to being second class.
It’s just as well.
To tell the truth, I’m a registered sex offender. Second class is actually my aspiration. I use it as my handle sometimes.
Is this another of your brilliant ideas? Instead of trying to figure out who I am, why don’t you do a “quality OP” on quantum mechanics as you promised in your Evo-Info Not Search nonsense?
BTW: Is it fine if other people attached pictures and animations much worst in nature than my favorite character?
I’m learning as I go along and expose lies….It’s very educational…You should try it …though you may piss off some people along the way…;-)
And of the apostates, who made him feel insecure about his faith.
The rantings of J-mac are very reminiscent of a person that used to comment a lot on Larry Moran’s blog Sandwalk. IIRC he went by the name Andre Gross, and before that he had another name. He had the same complete non-understanding of evolution, overuse of ellipses and the whole shebang. He still occasionally posts over there, but has went through multiple synonyms. I think he’s calling himself Steve now. All the same patterns: Incoherent rants, thinks he sounds clever and insightful, overuse of ellipses, thoroughly incompetent.
See these particular posts as examples of the overuses of ellipses:
Posts by Andre Gross: Andre Gross Monday, April 01, 2013 8:31:00 AM.
Posts by “Steve”: Steve Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:15:00 PM.
Posts by “Jass”Jass Saturday, September 16, 2017 11:53:00 AM.
Compare them to J-mac posts. Could be the same person. Also blathers about how he totally knows quantum physics. I don’t believe it’s patrick, and I’m pretty sure it’s not really a sock. He’s a creationist and he really is that incoherent. He’s been at this crap since 2012 at least and probably before.
Why is this so important who I am?
If I really wanted to make a name for myself, just like you miserably failed to do, don’t you think I would reveal my real identity by now? Don’t you have any brains?
Haha. Make a name for yourself. You have, mate. I think it’s “Goofus.”
I’m responding to Tom’s delusion/obsession with someone hiding behind J-mac …I couldn’t careless one way or another…
That would depend on why you were assuming the persona of J-mac
If You can’t connect? Why am I not surprised… boy…
There’s only one way to make sense of what’s going on here. Tom English is the operator of J-Mac.
I promised myself that if anyone ever caught on, I would come clean. I operate a large number of creationist sock puppets, including J-Mac. I am personally responsible for about half of the comments at Uncommon Descent. My network of bots, exploiting about 30 thousand personal computers, accounts for most of the traffic at Uncommon Descent. (I use it mainly for Bitcoin mining.)
Sock puppetry is an awful compulsion that I acquired in 2009. It gets hard to come up with new characters. Rumraket correctly noted the similarity of several of the sock puppets that I’ve operated.
To answer a couple of foreseeable questions…
(1) I do so wish that I could take credit for bornagain77. It’s brilliant work, but it’s not mine.
(2) Gordon E. Mullings is for real. If not for him, I’d have swamped Uncommon Descent with comments of my own. Even though my compulsion is extreme, I cannot begin to match his volume of text. Then again, I never resorted to copy-and-paste generation of comments.
I apologize to Gregory and to Patrick for suggesting that they were the operators of J-Mac. It seemed funny at the time. But, thinking for a moment about the nature of my creation, I realize that it’s horrible to suggest that such would ever pollute their minds.
The real question is: Who is operating Tom English?
And didn’t this person realize that “Tom’s” obsession with “fake persons” would be a giveaway? Protesting too much and all that.
Someone please help me. I can’t stop doing this and this and … Do you even begin to understand the YouTube hell in which I live?
The huge irony is that I never watch videos provided by other commenters. I don’t have the time.
I am THE Tom English!
Be careful, what you wish for.
To Tell the Truth: Tom English
Haha. I loved the Geritol sign.
Neither do I… 😉
Christ, Alan.
The dust hasn’t even settled from your last moderation fuck up — which you never corrected — and now you’re at it again.
Why was this comment guanoed?
It seemed obvious to me.
Correct, you used “if”in your question.”If I really wanted to make a name for myself, just like you miserably failed to do, don’t you think I would reveal my real identity by now? ”
Questions intelligence of fellow member.
I guessed the guy in the middle just based on the introductions. He had the right look and demeanor. I was right. 🙂 Unfortunately, I my intuition about whose a bad guy is wrong. I thought Bill Cosby was a good guy.
No, it doesn’t. It questions his knowledge, which is perfectly fine, as you yourself have noted.
You screwed up yet again. You should move the comment back, but you won’t, because you’re Alan. You don’t acknowledge your mistakes, and you don’t fix them.* You demonstrate that again and again.
Also, I notice that here, you carefully omitted the customary link to the guanoed comment. It’s no mystery why.
Your behavior is the reason you don’t get the approval you crave.
You consistently abuse your moderator privileges for your own benefit and to the detriment of TSZ. And of course Neil is right there alongside you, circling the moderator wagons.
*I remember that after your W(h)ine Cellar fuckup, you made Lizzie clean up after you instead of doing it yourself. It’s all about Alan.
Even when you have good moderators, it’s a mistake to give them unnecessary powers. With moderators like Alan and Neil, it’s a disaster.
This blog looks so much better when I have one or two of the loonies on ignore….If everyone did that, there would be no need to move comments to guano…
The loonies would have to change or go away… : -)
keiths would never do that. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t questioning my intelligence but rather my lack of intelligence.
Just think of how much better it would look if you could put yourself on ignore, too.