Guano (1)

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1,658 thoughts on “Guano (1)

  1. thorton, why are you so unwilling to actually read the book and form your own opinions and arguments?

    For the same reason I don’t waste time or money on books advocating Holocaust denial or Geocentrism. I’ve picked up plenty of knowledge along the way from professional sources. I don’t need to read the blithering of a incompetent layman like Meyer on the subject to know it’s bunk.

    Yep, you’re afraid to discuss any criticisms of Meyer’s stupidity done by professional paleontologists. Can’t say as I blame you since they basically tore him a new one over his many errors and deliberate misstatements. Maybe you’re not as dumb as you seem.

  2. Is morality objective? Is it objectively wrong to rape?

    Watch out for the obscure, compatibalist redefinitions of “objective” that are sure to come, as Liz and KN draw their blinders on to hide from their sight the logical ramifications of their positions.

  3. I have never seriously considered the possibility that you are not an asshole.

    You have lots of company.

    Still the threat of legal consequences is mostly fiction. Most crimes are not reported and not punished. Most people do not steal or kill or rape because they don’t want to. Or because the urge to behave badly is outweighed by inner revulsion at the thought of hurting others.

    I’m sorry your personal life is so fucked up.

  4. petrushka:
    I have never seriously considered the possibility that you are not an asshole.

    You have lots of company.

    Still the threat of legal consequences is mostly fiction. Most crimes are not reported and not punished. Most people do not steal or kill or rape because they don’t want to. Or because the urge to behave badly is outweighedby inner revulsion at the thought of hurting others.

    I’m sorry your personal life is so fucked up.


  5. Brent: 1) How do you know you wouldn’t like to be raped unless you try it?

    You are a sick sack of shit, Brent.

    I know this comment is going to be moved to guano, but I’m morally obliged to tell you that decent human beings do not ask women if they want to be raped. Ever.

    But then, of course, you’re a christian, which means that you’re not a decent human being whatsoever.

    And now you’ve proved it.

    I hope every woman in your life knows what a dangerous immoral sack you are.

  6. How nice of Mr You’d-like-rape-if-you-gave-it-try Brent to defend the right of the decent humans to speak truth about his expressed immorality.

    Sadly for Mr You’d-like-rape-if-you-gave-it-try Brent, he doesn’t give the orders around here, and he has no free speech rights here, anymore than anyone else does.

  7. How nice of Mr You’d-like-rape-if-you-gave-it-a-a-try Brent to defend the right of the decent humans to speak truth about his expressed immorality.

    Sadly for Mr You’d-like-rape-if-you-gave-it-a-try Brent, he doesn’t give the orders around here, and he has no free speech rights here, anymore than anyone else does.

  8. Aardvark: I haven’t caught up on this thread yet but I had to say; after I left yesterday I thought this – only men could think they were entitled to use rape as the rhetorical football of their how-many-angels-can-dance-on-the-head-of-a-pin arguing.

    It’s almost certain that You’d-like-rape-if-you-gave-it-a-try Brent is closely related to a rape victim. The odds of a person being raped in their lifetime are so huge that it almost certainly has happened to at least one person Brent is related to. And yet, Brent is so deficient in human empathy that he cannot resist using their real pain as a cheap shot in this game he’s playing.

    Winning is important! God wants Brent to win! God will forgive no matter who else Brent harms in the process, as long as xe’s fighting for God’s side.

    And yeah, it’s almost certain that You’d-like-rape-if-you-gave-it-a-try Brent identifies as male. I’ve never seen anyone identify as a woman and jack off to the kind of “questions” Brent has.

    I hope you are not one of the many people Brent is harming with his game here. Safe internet hugs for you if you like.

  9. If morality could have been different, then some people’s reaction to my question to Lizzie about rape was too over-the-top.

    Heh. Nice that Brent has at least some shame about doing harm to rape survivors while immorally using rape to score points in his game here. Too bad he can’t just admit he screwed up and instead has to try to deflect his shame by pretending that my reaction was “over the top”.

    No deal. Be better next time.

  10. Brent: I disagree still with petrushka and kantian about the use of rape as an example of a morally reprehensible act as a means to getting at a better understanding of our thinking, and rationality for that thinking, of what morality is, but nonetheless appreciate greatly their more moderated approach to condemning my question

    So you admit you were not even one, much less “the only one”, who condemned your game-playing rhetorical question. Thanks for finally telling the truth.

    I’m sorry on behalf of Aardvark, Lizzie, myself, and others, that you still refuse to modify your immoral games-playing on your question about how women can’t say rape is bad unless they’ve already tried it. In spite of you being informed by more than one person that your behavior is harmful to real live humans, you insist you’re right to persist.

    And yet, you have the chutzpah to call me a troll. Jesus wept.

  11. LOL! Mung the Magnificent, still trying to word-lawyer away Meyer’s mistake while ignoring all the other huge problems with Meyer’s stupidity.

    Mung, when will you be explaining how Meyer’s IDiot claims fit in with the 3+ billions years of life before the Cambrian, and the 500+ million years of extinctions and re-diversification after the Cambrian?

    Go ahead Mung, use your stock excuse about how we can only discuss the stupidity Meyer put in the book and can’t discuss the tons of evidence he left out. Give us your excuse for his multiple cases of quote-mining dishonesty.

  12. poor thorton. still hasn’t read the book and still doesn’t intend to read the book. the alleged quote-mining is still an unproven allegation which thorton has no intention of ever substantiating. not that this matters here at “The Skeptical Zone.”

  13. mung,,

    i know it’s hard to ignore the weaseling Thorton…I had to slap him silly with his weasel ‘millions of papers supporting evolution’ fantasy….

    but at the end of the day, he’s just a weasel troll….he does this at Cornelius’ hunter’s blog all the time….never seen a good ‘ole boy design denier before but Thorton fits the bill…heehawin’ and spitting and mumbling epithets in between monkeyin’ evolution talkin’ points…

    ….but he’s polite on Lizzie’s blog…maybe that’s why Lizzie hasn’t seen fit to send his non-posts to guano….yet

    “well, thorton, that post ranks right up there with the best ever you’ve produced here at “The Dis-Skeptical Zone.””

  14. Hey weasel,

    this post is about Myer’s mistake….take your derail somewhere else…or get Lizzie to give you authoring privileges and start your own thread…..

  15. BTW Mung, you and the rest of the mouth breathing IDiots will be happy to know Darwin’s Doubt has sunk to 2,816th in Amazon’s sales rankings. That’s after the DI blew all that money on PR too. If Meyer was going to retire on the royalties from this steaming pile of anti-science drivel it will have to be in a cardboard box under the bridge.

  16. Steve:
    this post is about Myer’s mistake….take your derail somewhere else…or get Lizzie to give you authoringprivileges and start your own thread…..

    Meyer’s real mistake was in thinking he could pass off this horseshit as science and not get called on it by virtually everyone in the scientific community.

    How about you Spewin’ Steve? You willing to explain how Meyer’s IDiot claims fit in with the 3+ billions years of life before the Cambrian, and the 500+ million years of extinctions and re-diversification after the Cambrian? Mung sure can’t. I haven’t found any IDiot even willing to try.

  17. Again weasel, take your derail somewhere else.

    Lizzie, please note this attempted derail by Thorton….would be good of you to send it all to guano….

    …alternately, you could give him authoring privileges so he can ask his “what about the 3 billion years before the CE?” question there…..whaddayasay???

  18. Steve:
    Again weasel,take your derail somewhere else.

    Lizzie, please note this attempted derail by Thorton….would be good of you to send it all to guano….

    …alternately, you could give him authoring privileges so he can ask his “what about the 3 billion years before the CE?” question there…..whaddayasay???

    Or you could just answer the question. But that means you’d have to have an explanation first, something all you IDiots are sorely lacking.

    Not surprising at all that you’re also the first to call for censorship as a way of silencing Meyer’s critics. It’s the only way the IDiots know.

    Here’s an idea – if you want to post in an incestuous highly censored echo-chamber just keep posting your IDiocy at UD.

  19. ha, the weasel reads the phrase ‘stay on topic’ and turns around and makes accusations of censorship.

    not only do you weasel a whole lot, you have dyslexia…

    the remedy for dyslexia is to stop weaseling…..evolution lives on the back of countless biological developments it has no answer to….that’s why you need to weasel so much… no way to explain evolution without invoking evolution

    …to be sure, evolution only works after all the heavy lifting is has been done….its a maintenance junkie, not a building contractor….

    …meyers is showing how evolution hadn’t and coudn’t do squat to kickstart all the key biological developments…

    …so maybe if you could just explain evolution without invoking evolution…you could cure your dyslexia and perhaps kick the weaseling habit….

    …but not much hope for that…..

    …weaseling is just too much fun for the weasel….

    weasel: “Not surprising at all that you’re also the first to call for censorship as a way of silencing Meyer’s critics. It’s the only way the IDiots know.”

  20. note to Lizzie,

    I’m perfectly fine with my replies to the weasel getting dumped to guano….but I would hope that the weasel’s off topic posts would go as well…

    … he does on Cornelius Hunter’s site, he just wants to make inane attacks on proponents of ID and has nothing intelligent or original to say…..

    …Hunter seems to be letting him post his drivel there as a showcase of stupidity…but i am curious if you would want to showcase that same serious character flaw here on your blog…

    …after all, the rabble rouser doesn’t appear to be an asset to ‘any’ side….


  21. LOL! Poor Steve. Can’t answer even the simplest the questions about Meyer’s IDiot claims. Has nothing useful at all to add to any discussion so repeats his demand for censorship. Tries to poison the well by making baseless accusations supposedly from other web sites. Tsk tsk tsk.

    Tell us Steve, when will you be calling out Mung for all the lambasting and derogatory comments he posts at UD? Or should we add hypocrite to your stellar resume?

    Stay classy Steve! You’re a shining example to Creationists everywhere!

  22. thorton: What would be really helpful is if you could explain how Meyer’s Cambrian claims fit in with the rest of the fossil record.The 3 BY of fossils we have before the Cambrian, including almost 100MY of multicellular fossils.The 500MY of fossils after the Cambrian including the Great Ordovician Diversification and the subsequent 5 major mass extinctions and re-radiations.

    No one else from the ID camp will touch the question.Mung sure won’t.How about you Blas?

    OK, we’ll add Blas to the big list of IDiots who demand excruciating detail from evolutionary theory but can’t answer the simplest questions about the IDiot claims they’re pushing.

  23. Mung:

    But really, who is taking advantage of her hospitality here?

    That would be you truth-lover Mung. Troll by every once in a while, fling a few more shitballs, then scurry back to the safety of UD where you go to hide from all the questions here you can’t answer.

    Gonna get mighty lonely for you over at UD since Arrington banned and/or drove away the last remaining scientifically knowledgeable folks. You and Gordon and Philip and Barry can have a good old incestuous love fest. But that’s what you IDiots wanted all along, right truth-lover?

  24. Mung: No one else from the ID camp will touch the question. Mung sure won’t.


    Yes really. But we understand Mung. You love the truth so much you won’t go within ten miles of it.

  25. thorton:

    You love the truth so much you won’t go within ten miles of it.

    But you, otoh, love the truth so much that you won’t come within 20 bucks of it.

  26. Mung:
    I have actual arguments and evidence.

    It’s just that you keep forgetting to present them here. But we know you’re a lover of truth Mung, you told us so yourself. That why you keep demanding that only the lies Meyer regurgitated in this particular book are acceptable, and the identical lies and omission he’s made on the same topic in a half dozen other places just don’t count.

    Any truth as long as it’s your truth, right Mung?

  27. Mung: But you, otoh, love the truth so much that you won’t come within 20 bucks of it.

    Ah; is that it? UD is paying Mung to throw feces and haul in his machine gun and shoot up the place?

    That would explain a few things.

  28. Mung:

    But you, otoh, love the truth so much that you won’t come within 20 bucks of it.

    20 bucks given to a charlatan for his already refuted yet repackaged stupidity isn’t the direction of truth Mung. I watched Darwin’s Dilemma and read other opinions by Meyer. That was plenty enough to recognize and understand his anti-science bullshit.

    Why are you so afraid to discuss Meyer’s ideas? Why do you run from every question about them?

  29. Mung:

    That’s where his ideas are published.

    The identical ones were also in Darwin’s Dilemma, in his non-peer reviewed paper “The origin of biological information and the higher taxonomic categories” and a dozen other places on the web.

    Let us know when you love the truth so much you’re willing to discuss Meyer’s ideas instead of cowering from every question.

  30. Mung:
    Petition Elizabeth to have me banned for having actually read the book.

    Banning for expressing contrary opinions is what intellectual cowards do, like your buddies at UD.

    I’m quite happy to have you here being a spokesman for Meyer and ID. Every time you run from a question and refuse to discuss Meyer’s well publicized ID ideas is another small victory for science.

  31. Mung: Or have you finally completed Life’s Ratchet and want to share with all of us it’s refutation of intelligent design? I’m still waiting to see that OP from you.

    I was asked to do a book review – which I did – long before you started pretending you read the book. That is just one of the many reasons I know you are incapable of reading it.

    Since it is none of your damned business – because you are incapable of being an honest participant in any discussion of substance – you don’t need to know anything about it. I don’t play with people whose only skill is throwing feces and shooting up the place.

  32. Mung,

    Right on schedule, Mung is back to do a little more turd-tossing and to ignore the several *dozen* questions that have accumulated about Meyer’s claims. But the truth lover Mung has his stock excuse all ready: “you can’t understand or discuss anything Meyer claims anywhere unless you buy his book!!

    Since DD sunk like a stone at Amazon, does Meyer give you a commission for every copy of his crappy book you help sell Mung? Is that it?

  33. Mike Elzinga:

    It is very similar to the way we can know that Mung will always hurl feces but never address anything of substance.


  34. Mung:

    So I guess Kenneth Miller is now squarely in the IDiot camp, according to thorton.

    Oh dear, the Lover of Truth is all confused and making false statements again. He does that a lot I notice.

  35. Mung:
    I have bullshit

    There. A succinct summary of everything Meyer and his fellow IDiots have to offer the scientific community.

    That should greatly help a Lover of Truth like you in your relentless search.

  36. Groan!

    Ask and ID/creationist to lay out an experimental program and set of research protocols to demonstrate “non-materialist experimenter effects” and this is what we get; a whole garbage truck load of copy/paste – done without any comprehension whatsoever – of debunked crap from paranormal “institutes.”

    This is all any ID/creationist is ever capable of; copy/paste without comprehension. It hasn’t changed in fifty years. William continues his narcissistic quest for total attention directed to himself.

    Well, as has been pointed out numerous times on just this thread alone; he hasn’t a clue, and he continues to play games.

  37. thorton:

    Still no attempts anywhere to discuss or defend Meyer’s own words.


    I started a thread here at TSZ to discuss Meyer’s book Darwin’s Doubt.

    I also defended Meyer against Elizabeth’s lies over at UD.

  38. Mung:


    I started a thread here at TSZ to discuss Meyer’s book Darwin’s Doubt.

    I also defended Meyer against Elizabeth’s lies over at UD.

    Guano material as Mung avoids all attempts at discussion of Meyer’s claims yet again.

  39. well thorton, the problem is that Aardvark was lying. And you’ve been lying too. But lizzie doesn’t care. I guess that’s what it means to be a “skeptic.”

    So you and Aardvark can both ignore me all you like. No modifications to wordpress are required. But for some odd reason both of you think you can’t just ignore me.

    I guess Lizzie must be right. Mind just can’t control matter.

  40. Elizabeth Liddle:

    Please everyone (including me): remember that the rules of this site require everyone to make the working assumption that others are posting in good faith.

    Good faith. That’s rich.

    Asking “skeptics” to accept the existence of “good faith.”

  41. This is a feeble crew of disrespectful, anti-wisdom ‘thinkers’ you’ve gathered/attracted here, Elisabeth. Does it do you credit to ‘skepticism’?

  42. stcordova is just being silly, masquerading as ‘scientifique’. People are arguing against IDT as a ‘strictly natural scientific’ proof or inference of uppercase ‘Intelligent Design’…’in nature’ (shrinking God into Nature).

    The guy doesn’t even know what he’s arguing for and wouldn’t change his grammar if a train ran over him. This has been demonstrated at UD by his all but convincing (in the unsure moments) personal rejection of YECism, while still insisting to self-label himself a ‘creationist’ (weak chest-thump), cuz his local USAmerican RWCE church congregants would otherwise ostracise him.

    A very muddled and incompetent financial services employee is stcordova when it comes to IDT. But hey, he’s participated in ‘designing/making/building’ weapons for the U.S. Military, so, wink, IDT must therefore be *REAL* as a worldview too.

    Before ‘bad design/Design’ & ‘good design/Design,’ comes the question: ‘which design/Design’ and ‘whose design/Design’? stcordova will continue to ignore this b/c, well, he’s an IDist.

    “the goals of the designers.” – stcordova

    So, that has obviously *NOTHING* to do with IDT.

  43. Go ahead and tell us why Punk Eek fails Mung, in your own words. Quit hiding behind the lame “buy Meyer’s book, it’s THE TRUTH!!”.

  44. petrushka: Brilliant understanding of the analogy.

    LOL! Another drive-by Munging.

    Meanwhile, Lover of Truth Mung has beat a hasty retreat to UD where he felt the need to tattle on those silly TSZers.

    Mung at UD: “Over at TSZ Elizabeth claims that punk eek done it and that computer models prove it and someone named thorton claims that what Darwin thought is irrelevant.”

    It always helps discussion to toss rocks in a place where those you misrepresent can’t answer. Brave too.

  45. Oh my, the palace guard comes out in strength. All 123 lbs of them, soaking wet.

    Rest assured, Lizzie’s honor is intact. I never touched her. Or even peeked.

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