ETA: Unlike “William J. Murray” of The Skeptical Zone, William J. Murray is not on record advocating torture.
There’s much more to the ecosystem of far-right “news” outlets than Breitbart and Infowars. Most of you are aware of that by now. But it seems that few of you are aware of how William J. Murray, the putatively reverend chairman of Religious Freedom Coalition, contributes to the affair. Here he is, in his natural element, showing his true colors (apart from his coif). I didn’t go digging for this video. It comes from the “About” page of Murray’s nonprofit. Here’s a sample:
Europe has been importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims because the women of Europe don’t want to have children. They want to play. They want to have fun. They want to go on long vacations. They want to have money. … They don’t believe that propagation of the species is the most important thing that they’re here for.
You cannot fully grasp the significance this performance without watching the commercial at 20:30.
That is amazing.
Amazeballs, if I’m permitted to use such language here.
For those of you who don’t, know, that’s not me. I’m a different William J. Murray.
Why facts don’t change our minds
Ha! That’s what you want us to think!
Of course, you are whatever you say you are in The Skeptical Zone. And what you say you are, William J. Murray, is very similar to what William J. Murray is.
Your situation is similar to that of another denizen of the Zone, who has the same name as a registered sex offender. However, I am sure he’s nothing like the sex offender. You’re uncannily like the William J. Murray of the Religious Freedom Coalition. If I were you, I’d use a different name online. Or did you screw up, and pick William J. Murray as an alias? Or did you pick as your alias the name of someone you admire?
Okay, so I’m missing the point of your post and link. I’m not that William J. Murray; that’s a fact. Is it Tom that is incapable of accepting that fact? I’m not sure he is mistaking me for that other WJM, I’m just making sure those who may not know don’t make that erroneous assumption.
OMG! You really DO think I’m that guy! ROFL!!
How could you possibly make sure of that?
That’s pretty funny, coming from someone who has said that he chooses his beliefs based on what works personally for him. I choose to believe that you and the other WJM are the same person!
No, I take everything you say at face value. Tell me you’re not a sex offender, and you’re not a sex offender.
Hey, I’ve seen the perfect solution to this at TSZ: William J. Murray*. We’ll call you ‘Risk, for short.
Tell me you’re not a fascist, and I’ll use fascist as an adjective instead of a noun.
I think it would be appropriate to add a prominent note to the OP indicating that “our” William J. Murray is not that William J. Murray.
It’s clear that Tom English did in fact confuse the two William J. Murrays. Follow the link below for details.
I’ve notified the moderators of the error, since Tom may not have the ability to correct his OPs now that they’ve been published.
To demonstrate the error to Tom, can you point to some hard evidence about who our William J. Murray really is?
It’s just an alternative WJM with alternative facts.
Glen Davidson
I see that you’ve corrected the McCain OP, but the juxtaposition of that thread with this one still implies that you’re talking about the same William J. Murray.
I would suggest adding a prominent note to this OP indicating that you initially confused the two, but that they are not the same person. That will lessen the chance of any readers repeating your mistake.
My overriding concern must be the person in the video.
I see you’ve added this to the OP:
That’s hardly likely now, with the comments you’ve added.
Not every reader will read the comments, Alan.
They’re plugged into the same matrix, to be sure.
Oh, you’re on a roll. Thanks for the chuckle! 😉
Your pretense of nonchalance isn’t working.
That reads like an accusation of dishonesty. How did you establish this “pretense of nonchalance”? Mindreading powers?
He’s got you there Alan. There’s no denying that!
But who needs to read comments when you can read minds!?
Alternative facts about William J. Murray?
By reading your comments, obviously, both here and in the Moderation Issues thread. You made a fool of yourself again and are trying to save face.
Also, do you not see how self-defeating it is to deploy your “are you a mindreader?” silliness when you yourself been making claims about my mental state based on my comments?
It’s over, Alan. You goofed up again, and that’s embarrassing. But you’ll live. Move on.
But “pretense”, Keiths? How do you justify the description “pretense”?
If suggesting your reaction to Tom’s error was somewhat overblown is alluding to your mental state, I plead guilty. I didn’t intend to suggest it was dishonest. That would be rule-breaking.
You hadn’t read far enough.
Fake news.
Carrots for Parrots?
No. they prefer cheesies.
Hello ABC. Let’s hope you are not a fake commenter.
Beat me to it. You do understand, I hope, that some entity has just turned the thread into a Google hit for “ABC fake news,” where ABC is the American Broadcasting Company. This is yet another object lesson in the inadequacy of the “you are whatever you say you are” policy of The Skeptical Zone. The “William J. Murray” construct has been giving us the same. Things are only going to get worse. We’re at a juncture where people who stand against the far right must study and resist its tactics. The alternative is to aid and abet. I believe that the fundamental flaw in Lizzie’s approach (which seemed reasonable before we gained experience) is that it conflates personae with people. If Lizzie does not care to adapt, perhaps she would sell the site to the TSZ Foundation (to which I would contribute).
As it happens, I started to work on a post titled “FAKE PERSONS” before seeing this. I’m not sure what I want to say. But perhaps I can, for a change, initiate a valuable discussion.
I’m a centrist. I am against everything and everyone.
Tom English:
You seem to believe that the William J. Murray of TSZ is a “construct” or “fake person”.
I’m a pragmatist. I am with no one who expects me to be with him/her all of the time. (I’ve advocated a balanced budget since 1980. And I knew that George Gilder was full of shit a couple decades before I knew of his connection to ID. Members of Congress are already saying that increases in deficit spending due to tax cuts will actually be “stimulus.” I suppose that makes George very happy. Do please ask him about it, next time you see him, and let me know what he says.)
I seem to believe that I’m writing a post to explain why.
And from the William J. Murray we all know and love:
Comment 168:
Yeah, I was half-expecting the neo-Nazis to blast their way into CPAC, and put Milo Yiannopoulos on the stage. But, let’s face it, they’d have been outgunned by the Trump supporters.
Now that Milo’s out of a book contract and out of sight at CPAC and out of a job at Breitbart, I’m sure that Barry Arrington will invite him to post at Uncommon Descent.
(Seen anything at UD on the violence against protestors at Trump rallies, incited and applauded by Trump himself?)
Milo engaging with kairosfocus. I would pay to see that.
For now, KF is still defending Yiannopoulos:
Has anyone told him yet that Milo is “teh gay”?
He knows. Here he is quoting Todd Starnes and adding his own editorial comments:
Poor conflicted KF.
So Milo’s preference for black partners makes him okay in KF’s book?
Why is the church dead in Europe? Is it because women want to have fun?
I don’t think this is the main reason… I think the church has to take some responsibility for it as well, as the social media…
I don’t think that has anything to do with it. Nonetheless, do you have some kind of objection to women enjoying life?