Moderation Issues (3)

Please use this thread for alerting admins to moderation issues and for discussion or complaints arising from particular decisions.

4,124 thoughts on “Moderation Issues (3)

  1. phoodoo: You are like an American cop who is just dying to use his gun on a black man. Its so hard to for you to wait until it appears appropriate

    Alan: You are such a sweetheart.

    Another example of the man keeping the brother down, right phoo?

  2. Alan Fox,

    No, that debate isn’t open. It isn’t even a debate. You’re being tutored and just refusing to listen. Your role in this is not one of an equal expert who has an informed opinion and arguments worth listening to. You are like a child learning basic arithemetic for the first time. It’s not time to start debating what numbers “really are” or what it “really means to multiply”. You should be quiet and try to understand, rather than interrupt the teacher.

    Is this ok in your opinion? Should I respond or just put this person on ignore?

  3. Should I respond or just put this person on ignore?

    My guideline is that if that person has nothing informative to say, no really good challenges and questions to what we say, if most of what they say are just insults, if they have a tendency just to reflexively disagree and misrepresent what I say, I put them on my ignore list.

    You can always try the ignore button and then undo it later. 🙂

  4. GlenDavidson,

    By no means learn from it.

    Learn that the adaption view is declared the only view of biology- case closed?
    That origin and creation of new genetic information is completely understood-case closed.

    Do you believe this Glen?

  5. colewd,

    Bill, it would be helpful if you’d include a link to the comment as it is helpful to see the context. Also, I’ve only just seen your comments above. If you want to be sure I don’t miss something, PM me.

    Regarding “you’re obviously incapable of learning” – I’d say that broke the rules. As it is a few days old, it seems pointless to move it now. Regarding your other comment query, I don’t think it breaks a rule.

    The ignore feature is available for anyone to use or not use as they wish.

  6. Alan Fox,

    Regarding “you’re obviously incapable of learning” – I’d say that broke the rules. As it is a few days old, it seems pointless to move it now. Regarding your other comment query, I don’t think it breaks a rule.

    The ignore feature is available for anyone to use or not use as they wish.

    The post was made by Rumraket less than an hour ago on biological information.

  7. Yes Bill, better put people on ignore who are in a position to tell you the facts but who might disagree with you. After all, you have luminaries like phoodoo, Frankie and Sal to tell you what you already want to hear and agree with. And what could be better than be fed nothing but agreeable material by an echo-chamber?

    You want to be spoken to in another tone of voice Bill? Then stop engaging subjects you’re not equipped to handle and start paying attention when people who could spend their free time doing much more interesting things, but are willing to devote a significant portion of it here in the vain hope you just might want to learn something, rather than declare with staunch conviction what you’ve gobbled up from your tiny corner of cherrypicked sources.

  8. Rumraket,

    Yes Bill, better put people on ignore who are in a position to tell you the facts but who might disagree with you. After all, you have luminaries like phoodoo, Frankie and Sal to tell you what you already want to hear and agree with. And what could be better than be fed nothing but agreeable material by an echo-chamber?

    Adaption is evolution. Is this the type of fact you are referring to? Random mutation and natural selection along with neutral mutation and drift explain the diversity of life?

    Universal common descent is a fact? Another part of the dogma you are trying to cram down my throat without real argument.

    Mikkel, your command of biology is certainly superior to mine however I know when you are full of bullshit. When you continue to make bold statements without supporting your claims I have no reason to respond to you.

    If you continue to break the rules by making personal attacks I will put you on ignore if Alan does not enforce the rules of the blog as he failed to do so today.

  9. colewd:
    When you continue to make bold statements without supporting your claims I have no reason to respond to you.

    Literally dozens of posters have explained your ignorant mistakes concerning evolutionary biology to you with a lot more patience that you deserve. You arrogantly have rejected every last one and just keep on making the same false claims. Now you whine like a little baby because people are fed up with your dishonesty.

    If you don’t like getting your ass handed to you on a regular basis then quite making such stupid claims after you’ve been corrected so many times. Or just leave. Take your lies and your bullshit to some nice safe YEC site where all the pro-science posters are censored. You’d love it there preaching to the choir.

  10. colewd: …if Alan does not enforce the rules of the blog as he failed to do so today.

    I didn’t decide the rules here (though I agree(d)* with the aims) and I’m not the sole arbiter. I can elaborate regarding why I don’t think Rumraket’s comment broke a rule if you want or perhaps Neil or Patrick (or Jon even) would like to respond.

    *I’m tempted to elaborate on that, too, but I don’t have time for “grumpy old man” mode, today.

  11. Alan Fox: I didn’t decide the rules here (though I agree(d)* with the aims) and I’m not the sole arbiter. I can elaborate regarding why I don’t think Rumraket’s comment broke a rule if you want or perhaps Neil or Patrick (or Jon even) would like to respond.

    That Rumraket comment did raise an eyebrow here. However, I chose to let it pass (just as I let many phoodoo eyebrow raising comments pass).

  12. Alan Fox,

    GlenDavidson January 11, 2017 at 5:02 pm
    stcordova: Thank you.Excellent criticism!

    Well, that shows what a load of BS you write constantly, you egregious twit. I’m afraid that I brought up nucleosynthesis by merging neutron stars, and you’re saying that it’s excellent, only without admitting that your dishonesty about my writing nothing useful was just another of your mindless false accusations.

    Just for the record–and I don’t even care if you actually are ignoring what I write–as unlikely as this is, thanks to your incredible narcissism.

    If Glen accused Sal of child molestation would that qualify for guano 🙂

  13. colewd: If Glen accused Sal of child molestation would that qualify for guano

    Probably not. Patrick’s accused him of child abuse.

  14. GlenDavidson: Have you ever considered what a lying asshole Sal is?

    Whine away, dumbfuck, your dishonesty is only slightly less than Sal’s.

    Christ, you’re a puling little shit.

    Glen Davidson

    More comments than UD!

  15. Neil Rickert: (just as I let many phoodoo eyebrow raising comments pass).

    Yea Right Neil. I am the rules breaker.

    Trump is looking for a spin-doctor. He could use your prodigious experience. Maybe Fox can let you out of your contract.

  16. Mung: You mean Alan Fox, right?

    Well, technically I meant Fox-Liddle Propaganda Media Corporation. Part of the Guerrilla Skeptics Network.

  17. phoodoo: Well, technically I meant Fox-Liddle Propaganda Media Corporation.Part of the Guerrilla Skeptics Network.


  18. Patrick:
    No, I pointed out that the behavior he admitted to constitutes child abuse.

    ERV was far too kind in her assessment of Sal.

    colewd you should also know when Sal ran his own now defunct blogs (Young Cosmos, Creation Evolution University) he had the nasty habit of changing the wording of people’s posts without attribution. He’d delete salient points they made, even went as far as adding sentences making it look like his opponents agreed with him. To this day that was the most despicable and slimy thing I’ve ever seen anyone do online. Sal didn’t earn the sobriquet “the human shit stain” for nothing.

  19. Adapa,

    Creation Evolution University isn’t defunct. It’s still under construction… after almost three years.

    Great progress, Sal.

  20. keiths:
    More hilarity from CEU:

    You think Sal is angling for the job? Hey, if Dr Dr Dr can be the Fig Newton of Information Theory why can’t Sal be King Turd of Creationist Shit Island? 🙂

  21. Dear admins.

    Is there a plugin available that shows the last date a comment was posted to a thread? It would be nice to be able to just scroll through the main page and see the last time a thread received a comment, or otherwise have some way to view the list of OP’s and when they were last commented upon, perhaps sorted by most recent comment date.

    Thank you for your service to our great cause.

    The Donald thanks you too.

  22. Mung: Is there a plugin available that shows the last date a comment was posted to a thread?

    The best that I can think of, is to read the comments page (accessible via the dashboard). This lists comments in reverse posting order — nearest at the top and 20 per page.

    An alternative is to use an RSS reader, which you should be able to set to only show the new comments since your last check. That’s what I am using.

  23. Mung: I don’t see it. Must have been a post by someone on my Ignore list, lol.

    Yes, it was by someone who is very likely to be on your ignore list.

    You should have posted that comment in moderation. And because you didn’t, I should have moved it to guano.

    (Note: I think you can read guano in a private browsing window, and you should be able to see all that way, since your login to the site won’t be recognized).

  24. IMO, if a mod moves a post to Guano they’re under no obligation to notify anyone of that fact.

  25. I sent a thread through the system. I forget if i have to notify anyone.
    Or where and so here.

  26. Mung: IMO, if a mod moves a post to Guano they’re under no obligation to notify anyone of that fact.

    I agree. And I occasionally do that.

    However, posting a notice also serves as a reminder to other that they should watch what they post.

  27. Neil Rickert: However, posting a notice also serves as a reminder to other that they should watch what they post.

    “Moved a post to guano” fails to identify who or why. Better to move the post and say nothing about it.

  28. Mung:
    IMO, if a mod moves a post to Guano they’re under no obligation to notify anyone of that fact.

    I disagree. Interference with the free flow of discussion, even if mandated by the rules, should be transparent.

  29. Mung: “Moved a post to guano” fails to identify who or why.

    It identifies which admin moved a post and when. As guano’d comments are not too frequent, simply glancing through the comments in guano just prior to the date and time of the admin’s comment should find it for those who wish to look.

    Better to move the post and say nothing about it.

    I think it’s a simple courtesy to point out a move.

  30. colewd: If Glen accused Sal of child molestation would that qualify for guano

    A smiley at the end of a sentence fixes everything.

  31. Been laid low with a virus and Trumpression so not been reading or commenting.

    Seems to me that the idea of a move to guano is to quarantine rule-breaking comments but allow them to be seen by anyone who wishes. I quite like the Amazon system, where comments deemed “not meeting standards” or some such are hidden but rendered visible by clicking a toggle.

    Hiding a comment (leaving it in it’s original place and still visible via a click of the mouse) would have the same effect as moving to guano, I think. Ideally, this would work by reader input and voting up or down but I don’t see anything with that sophistication available for free.

  32. Why would anyone want the moderators to operate under even more darkness? So a comment just disappears into guano, no one is told, and no one thinks to look there. So they are free to censor opinions they don’t like even more readily than now.

    A bad system gets worse.

  33. phoodoo: So a comment just disappears into guano, no one is told, and no one thinks to look there.

    I always look in Guano. First thing. It’s usually worth a laugh or two.

  34. Alan Guanoed my remarks attacking the stupidity of Glen Davidson’s comments, not Glen Davidson himself.

    I request restoration of my comments. Or at least tell me how to re-phrase my comment so I can point out the tard quality of Glen’s comment. I will restate it.

    Guano (2)

  35. stcordova:
    Alan Guanoed my remarks attacking the stupidity of Glen Davidson’s comments, not Glen Davidson himself.

    I request restoration of my comments.Or at least tell me how to re-phrase my comment so I can point out the tard quality of Glen’s comment.I will restate it.

    Way to ignore me, fuckwit.

    Anyway, my remarks were guanoed, you mindfuck.

    Christ, is anything you write ever honest? You’re about on the level of Frankenjoe for rank mendacity and blind hatred.

    Glen Davidson

  36. This is an attack on Glen’s arguments, not on Glen himself:

    Glen said regarding mechanism of C14 contamination:

    “There’s a lot of silica and other inorganic matter in most coals”

    That statement is moronic and worthy of tard award of the day since Silica (SiO2) has no carbon in it, much less Carbon-14.

    There, I didn’t attack Glen personally, just the idiocy of his statements.

    I leave it to the reader to decide it the reasons Glen make such ignorant remarks, but I feel under no obligation to be polite to stupid remarks like Glen’s.

  37. GlenDavidson: Way to ignore me, fuckwit.

    Anyway, my remarks were guanoed, you mindfuck.

    Christ, is anything you write ever honest?You’re about on the level of Frankenjoe for rank mendacity and blind hatred.

    Glen Davidson

    LoL! Glenn you are on the lowest level there is

  38. stcordova:
    This is an attack on Glen’s arguments, not on Glen himself:

    That statement is moronic and worthy of tard award of the day since Silica (SiO2) has no carbon in it, much less Carbon-14.

    It was a complete lie about what I had written, you spawn of Satan.

    There, I didn’t attack Glen personally, just the idiocy of his statements.

    The idiocy of your lies, you mean.

    I leave it to the reader to decide it the reasons Glen make such remarks, but feel under no obligation to be polite to stupid remarks like Glen’s.

    Let alone any obligation to be honest.

    By the way, there still is inadequate remedy for someone who lies wholesale like Sal does. Threads that allow one to call him on his blatant dishonesty help, but they certainly do nothing to prevent that sack of stupid from shitting over the forum with numerous repetitions of his lies.

    Glen Davidson

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