10 New Year’s Resolutions for Christianity

Hi everyone. Happy New Year! I thought I’d kick off the year with a video by a skeptic named Brandon (who goes by the moniker of Mindshift), titled, “10 New Year’s Resolutions for Christianity.” You might not agree with everything he says, but he does make a lot of valid points. Enjoy!

Feel free to share your thoughts and ask questions.


Brandon has issued a follow-up video, titled, “I Challenged Christianity – Now I’m Being Challenged!” in response to a Christian who raised three objections. Readers can view it here:

5 thoughts on “10 New Year’s Resolutions for Christianity

  1. Hi Vincent
    Happy New Year
    He lost me 3 minutes in due to lack of Theological understanding causing misrepresentations.

  2. Why would Christianity need new resolutions? Just because they and other 6 billion people have agreed on a “new year”?

  3. vjtorley,

    Hi Vincent
    He conflates the bible with mans actions such as the historic crusades and the witch trials after he says the bible needs updating. Nothing connects here as the bibles word and the crusades have no connection. He is taking scripture out of context as the bibles scripture works together ie Skeptics cherry picking. He is full of false bald assertions such as claiming certain scripture is flawed.

    The bible tells a cohesive story from Genesis to Revelation. When someone is cherry picking biblical versus to make a point without reference to other sections of the bible it is demonstrating Theological illiteracy. Using the words that God is bragging is mildly offensive to say the least.

    Hope this helps.

  4. the main problem I see with Christianity it became mainstream many years ago. How would you define Christianity VJ? And according to what standards? Yours?

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